Sentences with phrase «very complex a simple»

Also, keep in mind that the routine need not to be something very complex a simple routine like, Bath, bottle and some cuddles is perfect.

Not exact matches

These scripts can be very complex or extremely simple, but the choice is up to the creator.
Every income statement, no matter how complex, follows a very simple formula: Revenue - Expenses = Profit
However, many software programs — online or to install on your computer — are able to resolve very complex tax scenarios by asking a series of simple questions.
It is very simple (not to be confused with stupid, in case you're wondering, but not complex).
Just as a mountain climber can not jump to the top of the Matterhorn, a (relatively) simple organism like a bacterium can not even conceivably become a complex plant or animal except in very gradual stages.
While I definitely agree that his response is great in many circumstances and (without knowing the context of that conversation) may have been the perfect thing to say at that moment, I think calling this statement «a template that can be used to respond to questions concerning sexuality, gender and other important issues» reduces a very complex issue down to a very simple response that doesn't really answer any questions for anyone.
Recombinant DNA research has been done primarily on bacteria, one - celled organisms smaller than animal or plant cells and simpler in structure, yet capable of very complex chemical activity.
And on this very day are bound together through a complex system of acquired / learned expression through a more simpler medium of binary transports and constructs to counter one theory over another.
In nature, a few simple laws can generate very complex systems.
Even more damning to the theory, is that even if those elements would become «complex» within themselves, that they would find other «complex structures» that were chemically attractive and form even the most rudimentary organic building blocks of the far, far more complex amino acids needed to create a very, very simple RNA molecule.
Even the simplest life requires these building blocks to be arranged in very, very complex ways.
It's a depiction of the result of iterating a very simple math function for points on the complex plain.
The happiness that comes, when any does come — and often enough it fails to return in an acute form, though its form is sometimes very acute — is not the simple ignorance of ill, but something vastly more complex, including natural evil as one of its elements, but finding natural evil no such stumbling - block and terror because it now sees it swallowed up in supernatural good.
They give expression to a very contemporary and vibrant faith that is both simpler and much more complex than the complexifications cherished by those who know only that we live in a secular society.
The parable is simple, but very complex — just like the rest of Scripture — which makes it such a thrill to study.
The Parables, like the Bible, are very simple, but incredibly complex.
For Whitehead, in his attacks on any simple - minded panpsychism or subjective idealism, made clear again and again that thought is a rare thing in the universe and is possible only when actual occasions have very complex supplemental phases.
It is very certain that matter on Earth is involved in a process which causes it to arrange itself starting with relatively simple elements, in ever larger and more complex units.
No, the more basic reason for the challenge is that this very issue of theism or atheism is too complex to admit of the simple either / or kinds of answers apparently called for by the question emblazoned on the cover of Time for Easter 1966.
Although the basic command to love your neighbor as yourself seems simple, its application is very complex.
It is very complex, but my point is simple: They all depend on each other.
We should then expect either a condition of «no change» beyond simple elements, surviving very nicely as principles of intense energy, or else a riot of physical «mutations» having neither «survival value» nor any principle of control by «survival value», a Universe in which so stable and inelastic a thing as complex life could not survive.
His next step, however, is to expand the use of the word «mind» to cover the whole range of situations involving instructional traffic from the very simplest to the most complex.
In the light of this discussion, the evolution of mind appears as a transition from the instructional traffic involved in the very simplest living things, or even in the pre-biotic systems such as clays, to the much more complex traffic of instructions involved in our own occasions of experience.
What I have been suggesting in what I have said so far is that far from being a simple or simplistic «moral» or «ideological» play, globalization is a very complex and still rapidly evolving historical process and reality.
All these proved the fact that globalization is not a simple but a very complex set of process that operates at multiple levels — political, economic and cultural.
The true facts of the case are very much more complex, and refuse to be summarised in these simple terms.
These three points of cosmic revelations are so simple yet very complex in their intertwining of spatial realms whereby the realm of nothingness itself takes on a form of dependencies for all materialized matter to coalesce and be subjugated in many manners of physically complacent issues.
It is our responsibility to walk these promotions through as simple or complex as they are and make sure they are effective,» «It is a very important aspect of what we do.
I thought it would be fun today to do a little tutorial showing you how simple it is even with a very complex drawing.
The salad is very simple with no dressing at all other than a spoonful of lemon juice, but the flavors managed to be complex while still blending together well.
Her recipe was very complex, but this looks simple.
Now, let me tell you that while this recipe appears complex and lengthy, it's actually very simple.
Unfortunately, it's not so simple as just substituting in one thing for flour, and quickly becomes a very complex process.
I have worked with all types of potty training troubles from simple things like just not knowing how to being to the process, to very complex stubbornness, fears, and resistance.
Life can be very simple, or complex.
And while Sandra's news reports may be filled with complex financial analysis, her life message to her daughter is very simple.
Human beings like to make things — it's as simple as that, and also as complex as every other piece of human culture (we have an amazing ability to create very elaborate structures out of the flimsiest of elements).
«The divestment movement is too simple a way to try to attack a very complex problem,» said DiNapoli.
A simple solution to a complex problem... very Rumpian, «wouldn't you say Felipe?»
So I thought that rather than continue, as I had started working on the hippocampus of a very complex structure, involving complex memory, I might go to a simple reflex act that can be modified by learning and see how learning occurs and how memories are stored.
Instead we found that this process transforms some of the simple chemicals that are very common in space into larger molecules which behave in far more complex ways.
Minerals range in composition from pure elements and simple salts to very complex silicates with thousands of known forms.
Back in Yellowknife Bay I found very simple organic molecules, but now I've spotted more complex ones.
Chemistry is very complex and, in contrast to chess or Go, it can't be grasped purely logically using simple rules.
The main question that Burke's group seeks to answer: How do you take something very complex and make it as simple as possible?
«We wanted to take a very complex process, chemical synthesis, and make it simple,» said Burke, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Early Career Scientist.
The motion of the planets and of atoms can be very complex, but the basic patterns underneath are simple.
Without a way to manage infections, surgeries ranging from simple procedures to complex organ transplants would become risky, he explains: «You have a very real and alarming possibility that patients will either die or will develop complications.»
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