Sentences with phrase «very culture»

I am very cultured as I studied anthropology in school.
Again, I can't help but to look at Jesus — what he said, what he did, I know doesn't sound very culture current and mimic the popular conversations.
After all, this is the very culture that turned the chestnut «pick yourself up by your bootstraps» into a much - celebrated verb.
The very culture of start - ups and the myth of killer customer service breeds a «can do» attitude that treats the everyday business as a constant emergency and a fire drill.
Second, I moved the focus from tax impacts and financial arguments to one of philosophy and the very culture of entrepreneurship in Canada.
For me, the attraction of joining Harris Associates in 1992 was that the firm possessed that very culture.
He is the one who delights in beauty, so the very culture in our homes should be one of beauty, celebration and warmth as we live imaginative, curious lives in the faith together.
The recent revelation that Mars Hill Church in Seattle paid an outside company to boost sales of its pastor's books has raised questions not simply about personal integrity but also about the very culture of American Evangelicalism.As an English Presbyterian living in the States, I am never....
The recent revelation that Mars Hill Church in Seattle paid an outside company to boost sales of its pastor's books has raised questions not simply about personal integrity but also about the very culture of American Evangelicalism.
He is free to speak his mind and to criticize the very culture that makes him what he is.
I'm often asked what ought to be done about «celebrity culture» within American Christianity, and having benefitted a bit from that very culture myself, I honestly don't know if I'm the best person to respond.
meanwhile, he pressed against that very culture in incredibly progressive ways.
Our state's love affair with this unique food is woven through the fabric of our region's cuisine and its very culture.
I noted that «Kids fail to self - report because, too often, they are told by their parents, but far more often by their coaches, and, more subtly, by the very culture of sports itself, that they should remain silent:
Nobody — we treat children as if they only have one parent, assuming that one million children have no father in their life, doing nothing to challenge that, and thus fostering the very culture of fatherlessness we claim to abhor.
But here in the United States, and many other industrialized societies, birth practices and our very culture can mask and even undermine what come naturally.
I am not just taking about the materialistic or monetary corruption, but the extent to which your very culture, the moral standing of a society can be so.A few months ago I said in one of our universities that it appears you can not get ahead by doing the right thing anymore.
Water cannon could instead be yet another step down the road away from the very culture which the home secretary says she wants to foster.
«We are not just fulfilling that promise; we are changing the very culture of the Council, to make our legislative body a better, stronger, and more effective course for city government.»
I am very cultured and I love my field of interest (linguistics).
Im a very cultured Italian man who can cook and love doing it:) im a down to earth kinda guy with a witty yet dark humor.
Good cook, travel the world, very cultured, a great mentor and teacher.
I was raised to be very cultured.
Indian people are very cultured, good looking, bright and professional, plus they have very deep spiritual and family values which are so cherished in today's society.
I belong to a very cultured famil...
«She (Zhang) is a very cultured lady of impeccable bearing.
A lingering concern, however, is that the analysis may be contaminated by the fact that the very cultures that introduce merit pay are those that set high expectations for student achievement.
Through the eyes of change - resistant bureaucrats, they present a mortal threat to the very culture of the public education system.
Customs, behaviour etc., ordain the very culture.
The initiative called for an across - the - board revamping of the very culture of the state's classrooms.
Making education competitive requires more than just high hopes; the very culture and rules of public schooling must be overhauled.
PBIS ultimately impacts the very culture of the school to shift attention to positive behavior and successful learning systems for children, teachers and administrators.
It goes down to our very culture, borrowing from the future to take care of the present.
This continuity has allowed our lead vets to instill the high standards of their practice and business philosophy into the very culture of our hospital, which helps to keep everyone focused on our mission.
Regardless, slaughtering horses for food goes against our very culture, which is why they are not bred for that purpose and never will be.
But you spoke beautiful English, and I remember we talked about Bach because you were very cultured and I'd had a musical theory class in the spring and so I said a few things about fugues.
We try to immerse ourselves in the very culture of the places we are visiting and then share that with you.
Then when I became a teenager I wanted to be Jewish because they were very cultured.
His elaborate, exquisitely produced sculptures draw from a contemporary lexicon of consumerism — often featuring large - scale reproductions of toys, household items, or luxury goods — while simultaneously holding up a mirror to the very culture from which they are extracted.
These organizations are now working together to (slowly and incrementally) change the very culture of sprawl that has run rampant for so long.
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