Sentences with phrase «very different amounts»

With ART insurance plans, you will have seen many increases in the same time period so will be paying very different amounts at the end of your policy that that of the beginning.
Of course, the same disease can vary in severity and length of treatment, meaning the same broken leg can cost very different amounts to treat.
While lenders didn't show much variation in third - party costs or prepaid expenses, their quoted interest rates relied on very different amounts of points.
However, these pupils have actually made very different amounts of progress:
Remember when 2a to 4c and 2c to 4a were both counted as 2 levels of progress - even though the pupils had actually made very different amounts of progress?
However, as the government agrees, there can be good practical reasons why two neighbouring schools might spend very different amounts of money, even if their pupil intake, staffing levels, and class sizes are similar.
She said the formula would «replace the outdated funding system» which has seen children have «very different amounts invested in their education purely because of where they were growing up».
Even so, Rossell and Baker conclude that «additional, methodologically sound research needs to be conducted in order for the courts and policymakers to make intelligent decisions» (p. 39) and that «we are struck by how small the differences are... between programs with very different amounts of English instruction» (p. 43).
Understandably, students are resentful in situations when they are given one grade for a project in which four students contributed very different amounts.
It will replace the outdated funding system which saw our children have very different amounts invested in their education purely because of where they were growing up.
Obviously, Janet and Jake will need to eat very different amounts of food.
A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh exactly the same thing, but they take up very different amounts of space in your body.
In spite of the fact that the dwarfs contain very different amounts of stars — ranging from a few thousand to more than 10 million — the total masses in the central regions were all equivalent to about 10 million suns, the team reports tomorrow in Nature.
As for PZN - PT and PMN - PT, their polarizations expand by very different amounts: one by 0.1 % and the other by almost 2 %.
«By requiring counties and New York City to pay a local share of Medicaid, taxpayers with equivalent incomes living in different counties end up paying very different amounts toward Medicaid through local taxes.

Not exact matches

He responded: «Well, I just had one come in, a younger person, had gone to Harvard, super bright, has started a financial company in one area and he's very successful, and people were offering him massive amounts of money to go into different types of businesses because he was successful at one.»
And a study from Columbia business school showed that creative directors of fashion companies produced more creative innovations after having spent a significant amount of time working in cultures very different from their own.The time diversifying their experiences expanded their point of view and forced them to problem - solve in different ways.
The amount that you need to save could be very different from your neighbors or coworkers.
In addition, dollar amounts in crypto are very different from what you see in venture, where Softbank can invest billions in Uber and that's called «venture capital.»
Well, I say if the wishful thinking amounts to wishing that life made some sense, it seems to me that's very different from wishful thinking.
Different parts of the chicken will contribute different amounts of gelatin to the stock: Breast meat produces a deliciously flavorful stock that is very thin, while wings produce a slightly less clean flavor, with lots ofDifferent parts of the chicken will contribute different amounts of gelatin to the stock: Breast meat produces a deliciously flavorful stock that is very thin, while wings produce a slightly less clean flavor, with lots ofdifferent amounts of gelatin to the stock: Breast meat produces a deliciously flavorful stock that is very thin, while wings produce a slightly less clean flavor, with lots of gelatin.
«They just think we make Adirondack soda and they are very surprised by the amount of complexity, the amount of SKUs and the different types of packages we work with.»
While each person is different, there are a number of foods that can positively affect the moods of everyone within a very short amount of time of eating them.
A better option would be sunflower or pumpkin seeds (lightly toasted)-- but for that, you'd have to weigh them to ensure that you get the same amount (as the same volume of those would be a very different weight from hemp seeds).
I'm still in phase 1 of my LEAP eating plan, so I have very limited amount of foods to choose from every day, but I was excited to come up with this salad dressing that's a little bit «different,» but still quite tasty.
I live in New York and this recipe works for me, but if you live in a higher elevation or very different climate, you may need to adjust your flour amounts, rising, or baking times and temps.
And Dates that contain healthy vitamins, minerals and fibre do have a very different impact on the body than eating the same amount of refined sugar.
Of course, if you make it regularly you are likely to do some tweaks; the pepper mix is infinitely variable, and other ingredients (all in small quantities) might be added; some common ones are citrus - orange or lime, most likely - sweet spices such as cinnamon, clove or allspice (in very small amounts), chocolate or coffee, different herbs (Mexican oregano, thyme, cilantro are possibilities), celery.
The sugar in this cake would react very differently in the body compared to the same amount of sugar in the different situation described first.
It is very difficult to grab the maximum amount of points on these nights and now they have done so 2 weeks running and in different sports.
It's not all that surprising, as we know Alonso's ridiculous amount of talent, but oval driving is a very different beast.
However, while the amount of central defenders might be the same, Cherchesov has very different options offensively.
While babies all take in different amounts of milk, I think it's very important to bring up paced bottle feeding for breastfed babies.
«We think we have a very different set of circumstances here with the age of the building, the fight that went on for a long time, the amount of jobs that we'll be putting back into the marketplace downtown and our commitment that those jobs are local and to the city,» Riley said.
The use of the «Post Code Lottery «is only to draw attention to the fact that people are placed in n invidious position to one or another extent, for many its amounts to a # 10,000 one time tax based on the roll of a dice and that a mile away others avoid the axe only heightens the sense of injustice OK Personally I am unconvinced by the minor sub theme of localism which has after all been tested to destruction by the likes of Enver Hodge and Hit Man Hatton but this is a very different context but is it not possible to have localism for some things, planning for example, and not others... why yes I think that might actually be possible even for dim witted bureaucrats.
Quantum mechanics lays out a set of mind - bending rules on how very small things move and behave, such as their ability to absorb energy only in discrete amounts (or quanta) and be in two different states at the same time.
The desert Southwest; it is a lot of area and it sounds like a huge amount of area, but actually there is a map in the article that shows five or six — if you divide it up just for argument sake — into five or six massive installations, they would fit very nicely in few different parts of the desert Southwest, where of course the solar radiation is highest all year long.
As you probably saw from this activity, different juice boxes that hold the same amount of juice can have very different dimensions.
The two forms have very different chemical, electrical, magnetic, and physical properties, and Lu and Yildiz found that the material can be flipped between the two forms with the application of a very tiny amount of voltage — just 30 millivolts (0.03 volts).
In the visible, where our eyes can see, rocks tend to be very bland — black, white, grey, brown — but in the infrared there is a tremendous amount of information allowing us to distinguish between different types of rocks and minerals.»
For instance, models with different parameterization strategies give very different estimates of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere necessary to raise Earth's surface temperature by 2 °C — with critical implications for policy decisions.
In some of these studies, an additional very interesting finding has been the great similarity in calorie intake amount these different groups.
«You could hit someone in the thumb with the exact same amount of force, but two different people may experience that pain very differently,» he says.
But if you consume significant amounts of fat while very stressed, then that's a different story.
I mean, it's not like anyone is going to know what exact recipe you used, and you could very easily modify it to just have the same ratio of oils but different amounts of drops just to be safe.
Different fruits like strawberries, walnuts and pomegranates deliver very little amounts of Ellagitannins.
While each person is different, there are a number of foods that can positively affect the moods of everyone within a very short amount of time of eating them.
For example, over 45 different flavonoids are known to be present in significantly differing amounts across the many different varieties of kale that can be found within the very broad kale family.
Everyone has very different nutritional needs and different amounts are needed to reach optimal levels.
If we ask 1 athlete to perform the maximum amount of repetitions he or she can perform with 90 % of their 1 RM in a lower body exercise and an upper body exercise, very likely we will get different results.
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