Sentences with phrase «very dramatic example»

I have recently had a very dramatic example of how much training can help a dog in its mental development.
«Agathis is a very dramatic example of survival via huge range shifts, from the far south to the tropics, in response to climate change and land movement over millions of years,» said Wilf.

Not exact matches

And she explains the life of St. Francis very well - revealing, for example, that the process of change was a gradual thing and that it began with simple gifts to the poor and a real commitment to prayer, and the more dramatic events such as the encounter with the Crucifix at San Damiano came only after this preparation.
And your «dramatic» peanut butter cookies shot is a very good example: — RRB -.
Of course this film is a dramatic and over-the-top example of our current state of hysteria when it comes to our country's seemingly unending problems but however much exaggeration there is, Election Year still manages a surprising amount of honest commentary, both subtle and very much on the nose.
From a screenwriting prospective the game offers little dramatic structure that could be transferred to a film, compared to a game like Uncharted for example, which offers a very cinematic narrative within the actual game.
I use lamp black as a dramatic accent as well, placing the pure black in a part of the painting that is already devoted to very dark mixed blacks (alizarin crimson and phthalo green or ultramarine blue and burnt umber for example).
While that excess is not dramatic in this example for a small number of particles, it becomes very dramatic with large numbers and low temperatures.
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