Sentences with phrase «very elderly dogs»

Wait time to adopt a retired guide dog is four to five years (this may be less for people willing to adopt very elderly dogs or those with more serious medical conditions).
Eye diseases are commonly found in the spitz, especially in very elderly dogs.

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I have finished three coffees, answered emails, created unnecessary ones, paid bills, walked the dog, rang elderly aunts and cleaned out the linen cupboard and now, I will certainly discipline myself to open my word processor and «attack» a-new, novel - in - progress (commercial women's fiction set in the»90s with a very dark edge... a romantic thriller would be the nearest genre I can claim for it) and get down to work on chapter seven.
Because there are soooooo many unwanted / homeless dogs and cats in our area we have to make the difficult decision to say «no» when an animal is too elderly, severely injured and / or very sick.
Then there are Service Dog performances which may be very involved such as Search and Rescue, or relying on Temperament such as Therapy Dogs who visit hospitals and the elderly.
This is a very important reflection if you are feeding a raw diet to your dog and have people in risk groups (elderly, children, immunocompromised) living in your home.
Puppies who refuse food and water, like the elderly dogs and very sick dogs can find medical issues quickly escalating to very serious levels — but a otherwise healthy, normal dog who has eaten well prior — give it a day and a half.
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory ability, ginger is a very suitable supplement for elderly dogs and those suffering with arthritic pain.
Very good with children as well as the elderly, these dogs have even been used to help those with disabilities and as animal therapy dogs as well.
I know that we here at the rescue are very grateful, that we are blessed with the ability to help these dogs with your support, that we are able to devote a lot of love, time and energy in helping those that are broken, those that are physically challenged, the elderly and those crazy healthy little dogs that have come here seeking our assistance.
These dogs are usually very young, elderly, or immune - compromised.
It is possible to over-exercise a dog (particularly if it is very young or is elderly or if the weather is very hot) but this is rare; most dogs (like most dog owners) could use more exercise rather than less.
Some older dogs come from homes where their owners became too elderly or sick to care for the dog anymore, and in most cases, these dogs come to you already house trained and require very little to brush up on this skill (generally just a few lessons in where the front / back door is).
While your healthy large breed is unlikely to suffer from theobromine toxicity from a couple bites of white chocolate, elderly dogs or small breeds very well may develop life - threatening illness.
And while these dogs make good companions for elderly people, they should be closely monitored around very young children.
And they are wise to do so — a puppy or young dog can be anywhere from an 8 - to 20 - year responsibility, which is not appropriate for the very elderly or those with certain long - term future plans.
They are not generally considered life threatening unless the dog is immunocompromised or elderly, or very young.
Therapy dogs need to be very passive and have no issues with children or the elderly.
Many dogs smell stronger as they get older, and elderly dogs can get very smelly if not bathed occasionally
We have 3 dogs, my elderly rescue I adopted has very dry skin and a few skin allergies.
All dogs and cats are at risk but there are some types and breeds that are more sensitive to heat extremes: elderly, overweight or very young animals as well as brachycephalic (short - nosed) breeds such as pugs, boxers and bulldogs and, for cats, Persians and Himalayans — due to short airways.
Very young and elderly dogs have the highest rate of death from distemper.
Lying down and getting up again can be very strenuous for large breed dogs such as Mastiffs or Great Danes, and can even be challenging for older dogs, so do not overdo the down cue with certain large breeds or elderly dogs.
Due to their low exercise needs, these beautiful dogs make fine pets for the elderly and are very adaptable to all kinds of indoor living conditions.
Generally, small lap dogs tend to make the best companions as most need less exercise, have lower activity levels, and are very adaptable to apartment or condominium living spaces, making them ideal companions for the elderly.
Dr. Chiu has a very busy home life with three small children, her dog, named Ryder, and a lazy, elderly cat named Julie Meow.
This exceptional service was created to assist the elderly with large breed older dogs, owners with very scared cats.
If your dog is elderly or suffering from some sort of painful joint condition like osteoarthritis, this supplement may prove itself to be very helpful.
Because dogs live very closely with their human companions and some of their parasites are transmissible to us, particularly to our children, elderly or immunosuppressed, prevention of parasitic diseases is an important part of pet ownership.
While these parasites are harmful for your dog, they also pose a human health risk for very young children, elderly, or immune compromised people that come in contact with the dog.
By offering this exceptional service, we have created a way to assist our elderly neighbors who have large dog breeds or older dogs, owners with very scared cats, and clients with multiple pets who all require vaccinations and dewormers at the same time.
Senior and elderly dogs present their own set of challenges; health issues that, absent effective solutions, could result in them being put down or living very restricted lives.
If your dog is very elderly and has multiple health issues, anesthesia should be reconsidered if the risks outweigh the benefits your dog will get from the surgery.
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