Sentences with phrase «very end of one's life»

At the very end of their life they all cry out «Help me God».
But God doesn't work this way and its not until the very end of our life that most really realize the mistakes they have done in life.
To the very end of his life, his writings convey a sense of his constant engagement with the world amid a continual reshaping of what his faith and belief meant.
Even at the very end of his life, Paul continued trying to make a seamless connection between Judaism and «this sect» (Acts 28: 22).
From glimpses provided in his daughter's introduction, it seems that Lasch himself found «blissful self - forgetfulness» in his work up to the very end of his life.
Even if Sidney Hook seemed to express some sense of transcendence at the very end of his life, the fact is that throughout his long and active career he epitomized the atheistic philosopher.
It is very interesting to see that till the very end of his life, Niyogi remained steadfast in using non-violent struggle, exploiting every legal avenue for redressal of workers» and people's demands.
Mulgrew recounted how Martin stood with the UFT at rallies against school closings near the very end of her life.
His last review, about this movie, was viewed through the prism of this wonderful man, who at the very end of his life, had to see the movie through that lens.»
Because you can receive guaranteed life insurance right up to the very end of your life, the insurance companies protect themselves in two ways.
Elsa pursued her art until the very end of her life, and was working on a sculpture of Secretariat at the time of her death at age 86 on June 3, 1982.
Nintendo dropped a bomb on us at the very end of their live conference today revealing a plethora of 3rd party games coming to their new Wii U console.
Zao's Four Drawings after Rembrandt (1949); his Flora and fauna (1951); and his great untitled drawings (three particular from 1972, 1980, and 2007), however, show that his calligraphic skills were astonishing even through to the very end of his life.
An American social realist painter, Moses Soyer expressed loyalty to the shapes of nature and aversion to the abstractions of art to the very end of his life.
At the very end of his life, painting the side of a ship, he does come closer to a familiar painting by Davis in the Whitney, from 1931.
Phenomenology, for example, is there from the very beginning: those first geometric explorations of colour and form reveal the same engagement with the viewer's sensorial experiences of space and matter as the early «penetrables» — walk - in spaces constructed from monochrome painted boards — and the expanded participatory installations, which Oiticica continued making until the very end of his life.
Perhaps her strongest works are among the female nudes or the nude self - portraits she painted towards the very end of her life, in 1984.
Attention is paid to «late styles,» those unexpected bursts of fresh creativity that some artists summon toward the very ends of their lives, typically in their 70s or 80s.
The fact that it came at the very end of his life is deeply ironic, because he was clearly going places with this work.»
«We have works from before he left Europe to the very end of his life
He never lost that sense of discovery in his works on paper, even at the very end of his life.
He had continued to examine the painterly process in all of its aspects — color, gesture, and form — until the very end of his life.
A series of jail - set paintings inspired by Piñero's stories and further embellished by Wong's fertile erotic imagination, in which shirtless, soft - eyed men lounge in their cells, join three heartbreakingly stark black and white paintings of flora made at the very end of his life.
The exhibition will survey a selection of works from the 40s to the very end of his life in 80s.
He exhibited until the very end of his life with solo exhibitions at Dillon Gallery in New York and at Ascaso Gallery in Miami.
The «Autobiographical Series» (1994) captures her deepest thoughts and memories, while her set of»11 Drypoints» (1999) offers a more abstract perspective, using metaphorical motifs to conjure the dreams and images that haunted her to the very end of her life.
The installation also presents select works from the very beginning of Giorgio Morandi's career in the 1910s and from the very end of his life in the 1960s, to illustrate the thematic and pictorial continuities in the artist's research.
Walking away from the Tate, I couldn't help but feel that Matisse's extraordinary late - life reinvention had come at a high cost: it had opened up a new imaginative world to him, but only through the loss of what, to the very end of his life, he believed was the source of his art — its relation to experienced reality.
«Unfortunately, we often see cases like John's where victims were unaware that they were battling asbestos related lung cancer until the very end of their lives.
Marie McInerney writes: Australian chef and food guru Maggie Beer is determined that food can and must be a pleasure to the very end of life — from the meals served in aged care homes and ho... Read more
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