Sentences with phrase «very end of something»

Yet at the very end of it all, he turned his mind to the challenges ahead of his country, and did so in ways worth pondering today.
GARETH MASSEY: We have so many friends that've had troubles and then they had finally decided to adopt or go with another rout and then, at the very end of it, just by chance happen, they get pregnant when they're not expecting it.
Breanna: Pain medications, all that stuff I avoided, aspirin, everything except for the prescription prenatals my entire pregnancy, and it seemed like a waste to get to the very end of it and then pack my body with pain medication.
This might mean spending a bit of time walking at the onset of a workout, and at the very end of it, to stimulate those muscles that move the body easily — otherwise, the full spectrum of aerobic fibers may not be trained.
Spray this piece of hair then put an elastic band in the very end of it.
With this being said it is not unusual for a beardie to be missing a few toes or the very end of it's tail (many times bearded dragons will fight over females and minor injuries like this occur).
In addition, the endoscope will have small tools on the very end of it.
With the brightness on Auto we talked on the phone, surfed, updated social networks, watched video, and played music all day on 4G LTE and only drained the battery to 5 percent at the very end of it.
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