Sentences with phrase «very essential the truth»

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In the encyclical Evangelium Vitae, the Pope expressed this relationship within the framework of the common good: «It is urgently necessary, for the future of society and the development of a sound democracy, to rediscover those essential and innate human and moral values which flow from the very truth of the human being and express and safeguard the dignity of the person: values which no individual, no majority, and no State can ever create, modify, or destroy, but must only acknowledge, respect, and promote.»
It is EXACTLY the situation that we face in our church right now, and as such has been very helpful in getting some of the leadership team who currently feel quite beaten down to laugh at the essential truth of the same situation, thus making it easier to work to change.
calling a story a myth is not the same as saying that story isn't true; to the contrary, it is testifying that an essential Truth rests at its very core.
A very minimal amount of research exposed an essential truth: Never, ever drink spirulina plain, in water.
Though the snow that was central to her original vision may have been stripped away, the mother - daughter aspect that was essential to her story remains the most emotionally charged part of this very amusing film and will have many mothers struggling to hold back the tears due to some of the home truths it deals with.
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