Sentences with phrase «very fact»

This might be very fact of the motive of the seller.
Is not the whole in very fact the synthesis of the parts, of the details?
Where there is agreement by lawyers on all sides is that the leave motions will be very fact specific and of the importance of a thorough investigation early on in the litigation.
This temporal unfolding is enforced by very fact that his combines resist visual assimilation - the eye is constantly roaming the picture plane.
Each case is of course very fact specific but again even for well versed practitioners getting good advice from a specialist early is crucial in the management of client expectations, particularly insofar as the achievability of the objective given to any professional by the client is concerned.
It is, quite obviously, impossible in short posts such as those in our blogs to provide a detailed proposal and analysis of the benefits of any significant idea, particularly those such as this one which are so very fact - specific.
Law in the Old Testament is regarded in very fact as the articulation of divine will for the community under covenant.
«If now I [Moses] have [in very fact] found favor in thy sight,» then
Whether he can lawfully «order» the closure of an investigation is unclear and probably very fact - specific, when you take into account laws against the obstruction of justice.
Researchers concluded that all traits now seen Yakutian horses are the product of very fact adaptive processes.
In summer, your car is likely to become a greenhouse of sorts very fact and leaving your car attended in a closed car can cause your dog become overheated, extremely lethargic, and sick.
There has been enormous diversity as to how this phrase has been interpreted in various United States courts (it is always very fact - sensitive), but there is some precedent in Japan via lower courts that have made decisions regarding the phrase when deciding which applicable laws to apply in certain cases.
One can not well escape the conviction that the fundamental difference between the Covenant and Deuteronomic Codes is in very fact the more developed and consistent prophetic note in the later code.
While the idea is simple (and makes it sound like crypto for crypto should qualify), the exact rules / details of this exception are very fact specific.
Others were even less kind — for them the very fact that Farage could bring up gun control was not just stupid, but offensive.
The very fact you fear losing your job is an indication your underlying financial situation couldn't handle the loss of income for even a short time.
But the very fact that the warning was leaked suggests it may have been more for public consumption than anything else.
It would take almost 10 minutes into a presentation I was giving to get through the uncomfortable giggles and the locker room jokes and I think that just fueled my determination to have a very fact - based conversation.
The very fact that there are many hundreds of thousands of men and women who've started from nothing and become millionaires in business and entrepreneurship means that you can achieve these goals for yourself, if you just learn how.
One reason for the multi-cloud approach is that the very fact that Amazon has become so powerful in so many fields — from retail to video and book publishing to cloud computing — puts off some would - be Metamarkets customers.
The very fact that humans — and I'm thinking in particular of co-workers here — have the reactions they do to the thought of other humans pleasuring themselves means that such behaviour, especially when publicized is bound to be disruptive, even if it happens out of sight.
The very fact that investors are in front of you means they're interested in hearing your pitch.
Then again, perhaps it's the very fact that podcasting isn't as dominant a media type that makes it so popular with its biggest advocates.
Students might not be swimming in cash or connections, but the very fact that they aren't established yet in full lives with mortgages, kids and car payments is actually a huge advantage, according to Feld, who reflected on the sandbox analogy in his post:
However, the very fact that I was prodded to make such a decision at a young age instantly shrunk my worldview.
Even the very fact that people are talking about Pokemon more than usual again has prompted reminiscences among some older fans,» writes Baraniuk.
The very fact that this case went to trial should serve as a wake - up call, a warning to any executive tempted to stray into grey zones.
«The very fact that we see all these names surface that are the direct quote - unquote enemies of the United States, Russia, China, Pakistan, Argentina and we don't see one U.S. name.
As Kitchen observes, the very fact that Ford is threatening to cut back at city hall may cause staff to look for efficiencies — and «rethink the way in which they do business.»
The very fact that you can fire them but they can't fire you, that you dictate when they can take a vacation but you take yours whenever you feel like it pisses them off.
Even if the Chinese never slap tariffs on Caterpillar's machinery, the very fact that they might be willing to do so is enough to hold back this stock, at least until we get some kind of resolution to the trade dispute,» Cramer said.
Indeed the very fact of the existence of discriminatory quotas and barriers and the like in industry and education and the professions is proof, not only of Gentile injustice, but also of the Jewish tendency to inundate a field where other Jews have made entrance.
«Employers have to be careful because the law recognizes an employer - employee relationship is a different one, and the very fact that an employer creates a livelihood for an individual can give the employer more sway than other sources of information.»
None of these high - tech systems takes advantage of the decades that the food and consumer products industries have spent in building massive databases and a ubiquitous classification and identification system even as we - the world's consumers - are being re-introduced to this very fact by virtue of the self - service checkout aisles, counters and machines that are being deployed in almost every major retail chain.
The very fact of the matter is, is the Conservatives are failing to enforce legislation that exists now.
The power of this activism is somewhat constrained by the very fact that it relies on media coverage to be effective, and employees or consumers who disagree can often take their labor or purchases elsewhere.
The very fact that reliable figures are hard to come by is itself part of the problem.
Cryptocurrenices are categorized as an alternative currency known as a digital currency for the very fact that they can work without having to undertake currency exchange rates.
The very fact that you're a leader means that you're at risk of distorted judgment, even as a well - informed, self - aware person.
Yet the very fact that the economy didn't roar back to life from the financial crisis extended the life of the recovery.
The very fact that Bitcoin is creating so much dissension illustrates the disruptive nature of this technology.
In fact, being arrogant will only hurt you as a trader; the very fact that some people are unwilling to accept help from a professional trader is probably the very reason why they will fail; an overflow of arrogance.
Silicon Valley heavyweight Marc Andreessen gloated about this very fact Wednesday on Twitter:
Such risk, moreover, is exacerbated by the very fact that the products tend to attract issuers that have substantial debt and have previously found it difficult to gain access to traditional lending channels such as bank loans.
Nevertheless, the very fact that chart pictures of this type make their appearance, as a rule, only at the end or at the final phases of a long Bull Market, lends credence to our characterization of them.
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