Sentences with phrase «very familiar person»

I am socially very familiar person, I am an Mechanical Engineer and and higher position in my company and my office in Gurgoan working with MNC company in India.

Not exact matches

«She really understands social media marketing, and her story resonates with people,» says Zapis, who formerly operated radio stations that included black hair - care companies among their advertisers, so he is very familiar with the market.
A lot of people noticed that her dress, combined with her hairstyle, makes her look like a very familiar movie character.
Steven wanted people who were not very familiar with intellectual property to be able to navigate the system better.
A common mistake made when people talk about a product they are very familiar with is to speak in a monotone - causing the other person to quickly lose interest in your presentation.
Sep 12, 2016 Although the World Trade Organization (WTO) affects all of us, many people aren't very familiar with it.
Using easily accessible data and contacting people that are already familiar with your website in some kind of way is not only efficient, but can be very effective as well.
Hyperactive people who found a lucrative niche in catering to the needs of a few, done very publicly, making a show of everything they do... sound familiar to you yet?
Again, God as the Father of his people was a very familiar metaphor, deeply embedded in the religious language of Judaism.
I know there were some very educated people who knew the earth was round then, but most people probably weren't familiar with the idea.
One hates to make old arguments, but if this education teaches (as other sections of the report make clear that is must) the familiar doctrines about how very wrong it is to impose any kind of normative standard on the many forms that peoples» desires can take, on what basis does it exclude pornography or the sexualization of young girls as legitimate forms of the varied human sexual appetite?
Finally, the horrors of the terrorist attacks of 9 - 11 are probably still very familiar to most people.
A very thought - provoking post and many of the feelings you have experienced are familiar to people of conscience, whether religious or other, but a pragmatic way of seeing the other side of the coin is that when you abandon the need to make money, (even just enough to live on), you by default, pass the responsibility for your survival to others.
There are very few ordinary Christian people who are familiar with the Second Letter of Peter and the Letter of Jude.
Greek food is very common to find around here, and it just so happens that the Tampa Bay area is home to a variety of the Greek salad that most people are not familiar with.
In fact, for Indian people the combination of rose water and cardamom is very familiar (which I found out after I had tried that flavor combination first myself...), but for me as a Finn these flavors are new and totally fascinating.
James grew up in Hong Kong and is very familiar with its people, its culture, and its bustling wine industry.
A lot of people are familiar with cream - based she - crab soup (very popular in all of the crabbing states).
My recipes are healthy and vegan but very easy to make; however, people often are intimidated or confused by plant - based baking since they may not be familiar with ingredients.
The concept of status updates is obviously very familiar to social media savvy people (I liked that you could «yeah» people's statuses) Yeah!
These things included prenatal yoga, chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, a doula also seeking a VBAC, meditation / visualization, reading, exercise, a well - managed diet (no more Hagen - Daaz), all of which were practiced and administered by a network of people who were very familiar with each other - a family if you will.
One thing I often heard from overly familiar people when I was co-sleeping was them suddenly very concerned with how much sex I wasn't getting.
If you're one of those people who regularly uses the #fitfam hashtag on Instagram, you're probably very familiar with this I.F.B.B. and two time Olympian figure and bikini pro.
But in calls with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Thursday morning, Trump raved about the positive news coverage it had received, according to people familiar with the calls, and he seemed very pleased with his decision.
A Clinton campaign source told POLITICO New York that de Blasio's team has been in talks with the former senator's camp about the possibility of an endorsement, and a person familiar with de Blasio's thinking said the mayor was expected to endorse her «very soon and before the forum» he's holding in Iowa City on Dec. 6.
People familiar with the company can be very influential with hiring managers and recruiters — ask them to make an introduction.
We have the genome, which most people are probably familiar with at this point, but it's a very dynamic system depending on what's getting activated and what is getting turned off.
«When people at the White House became familiar with Ceder's work they got very excited,» says James Warren, a materials scientist at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and executive secretary of the MGI.
«We attempted to develop conditions in which people could learn to become familiar with the subtle mood - altering effects of very low doses of nicotine, with the goal of uncovering the reinforcing effects of nicotine,» he says.
Chuck believes the disease is underdiagnosed because very few people are genetically tested for it and most physicians are not familiar with it.
First, I started to realize how many people I could reach and inspire through a social construct that I was very familiar with: athletics.
Some of you may be familiar with the concept of «rabbit starvation», which occurred when people tried to exist on a diet of only very lean rabbit meat, and became sick.
Very likely, that for every person who is familiar with various methods of weight loss, and who constantly struggles with excess weight, the list of the best diets to reduce belly fat can be different.
As a retired probation officer with extensive training and experience working with people addicted to alcohol and / or drugs the issues in this thread are sounding very familiar.
Hashimoto's, for those people who aren't familiar with it, it's a very strange thyroid condition that can cause one's thyroid function to really be all over the map.
Very often you will hear people say that they lost weight but not body fat or that they simply can't lose weight, the stubborn 10 kg, sounds familiar?
Anyone who has been in primary care practice for more than a few years is very familiar with people who have struggled for years or decades with intractable insomnia and / or anxiety and / or fatigue after all the standard lab tests fail to pin - point the root cause of their suffering.
«We attempted to develop conditions in which people could learn to become familiar with the subtle mood - altering effects of very low doses of nicotine, with the goal of uncovering the reinforcing effects of nicotine,» Griffiths explained.
«One man's food is another man's poison» is a familiar and centuries old saying which simply states that different people can have very different reactions to exactly the same food.
If you take your time to be familiar with people very well, you can take your time vitally sending emails with probable online matches as extensive as you require, and then you can shift to the phone, and then lastly you can meet in person face to face.
People are very familiar with the different glamorous hotels in your area.
Pronin has a background in analytics, M&A modeling, dynamic pricing and statistical modeling, so he is very familiar with the opportunities AI presents and wanted to improve the online dating experience by making people feel safer.
Patterson explains, «Having sex with strangers does not put people in the sex trade at any greater risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or infection than the general population» — although having a greater number of partners in general does increase the associated STI risk — and she notes that prostitutes are often very familiar with safer sex practices as their jobs depend on it.
While on my 100 - date experiment, I became very familiar with the ins and outs of online dating, and used some great dating sites to connect with people and fill up my social calendar.
While on my 100 - date experiment, I became very familiar with the ins and outs of online dating, and used some great dating sites to connect with people... Keep Reading
It's a very familiar premise, to the point that horror movie devotees will assume that the supposedly sophisticated people from the city will undoubtedly cross paths with savage country bumpkins, leading to blood flowing freely and bodies piling up.
The idea that this was very consciously set in the wider Marvel universe was of great use in writing the script, according to Christopher Markus, and it adds an extra layer for people who are familiar with the comics or even have just seen Iron Man and Thor.
Many people may already be very familiar with the CIA (and Canada's) clandestine plan to get American embassy hostages safely out of Iran, but if you're not, or just want a good inside look, it's worth it.
Still, it's very kind to people who aren't familiar with online RPGs, and the whole thing's designed to make it as fun and accessible as possible to work with other players and go off on adventures.»
«I organized a very small crew as we had no money or financing, and we just started shooting and interviewing a small group of people who were friends with Jean - Michel and familiar with what was happening in the New York City art scene at that time.»
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