Sentences with phrase «very generalized»

Unless your previous work experience is extremely relevant, omit it or keep it brief and very generalized.
If it helps, here are some very generalized facts regarding senior car insurance:
Building backlinks is important for search engine optimization as (and this is very generalized) the more links to your site there are from other websites, your site will appear more authoritative to search engines and it will appear more prominently in search engine results pages (SERPS, see below).
Pungent bugs, hairy bugs, bugs that bite or sting, and disease - carriers like flies, ticks and mosquitoes are also on the very generalized do - not - eat list, although there are exceptions.
This is a very generalized beginning to the disucssion and I welcome corrections from: statisticians, physicists and mathematicians who work in climate science as it specifically pertains to the work they do using Bayes statistics, or related methods that are of importance.
Certainly not worth the $ 3.99 charged for less than 6 pages of very generalized text.»
I have no idea how you came to such a conclusion, or who you interviewed, but please visit the Editorial Freelancers Association website at and look at their (very generalized) rate chart that they provide.
Here are some very generalized suggestions for normal uses of common sizes:
«Curry» is a very generalized name for spice combinations that typically contain turmeric alongside of numerous other spices.
As with the BMI Calculator, these readings are very generalized.
I'm making a very generalized statement.
For in that theory Whitehead was concerned with several other factors as well: how to analyze the way in which what is not (yet) a unity attains the unity of a being (as an occasion); and how to do justice to final causation, freedom, and intentionality as to be found within a very generalized theory of subjectivity.
Its very easy to make something fit very generalized statements after the fact.
It is, in part, that the culturally glorified image of how a woman should look and act makes women like themselves less, in part about men being afraid of a loss of control and power over women (very generalized — don't take it personally (unless the shoe fits), and the limitations that our culture puts on women — or more to the point that culture encourages women to put limits on themselves.
This very generalized guilt feeling keeps us from understanding this Word of God with simplicity, and leads us to approve condemnations for ourselves that go through us and above us, affecting those behind us.

Not exact matches

I mean, never before in the last thirty years have we seen so much of economic activity dependent on, not just the Fed, but I would generalize it to central banks around the world and the very accommodative policies.
Since Patrón has a very broad consumer base, Applbaum says it's difficult to generalize about their rate of adoption with innovative, early stage technology.
Note also that the principle supposedly at play here doesn't generalize very well.
But generalizing, patronizing, bragging and name calling is in itself uncivilized, ignorant, immature, and divisive... the very things you detest, right?
Fallacy of Hasty Generalization: is the fallacy of examining just one or very few examples or studying a single case, and generalizing that to be representative of the whole class of objects or phenomena.
Mitchell's tale is worth pausing over in order to head off from the very beginning one of the great hazards of talking about Tocqueville: so generalizing his ideas that they collapse into commonplaces no one could possibly disagree with.
I think Kerry is over generalizing in the first place to say people don't want to talk about God, so as I said it may be some to do with her and in my experience many are very open to praying and talking about God.
That's a nice story but you are very much generalizing.
As for (a), very few people want to be thought of as «an offensive person» — but then generalizing from offending one or some people to making the offender GENERALLY offensive is a cognitive mistake.
Generalizing from our own experience, they say that memory is not a very secure basis for establishing that worth.
Inductive reasoning seeks to generalize based on incomplete evidence (which is very useful, but incapable of proof.)
Coaching each person in these two communications skills — and others — is very important; so is teaching them to restate vague or generalized needs in terms of specific behaviors they want from each other.
Rather, it would seem that Spinoza's generalized metaphor is that of the mind and body, though, of course, he conceives the relation of thought and extension very differently from Descartes.
A very interesting paper by Bowman L. Clarke, «Whitehead's Cosmology and the Christian Drama,» Journal of Religion 39 (1959), 162 - 69, begins with an analysis of St. Peter's Sermon in Acts 2 and uses it to show a Christian dramatic pattern in four acts to illustrate what Whitehead may have been generalizing in four stages of creativity, to which he applies the term «the particular providence for particular occasions» (PR 532).
So, it's very hard to generalize when it comes to these things.
I help manage a very active cloth diapering forum and answering laundry questions are THE hardest questions to answer because it's so easy to generalize.
Although the IFPS II over sampled disadvantaged mothers (illiterate, non-English speaking, very low - income, very low education and without a stable home) compared to IFPS I, the results of our study may best describe practices of middle class American mothers rather than of disadvantaged American mothers [28]; thus, results can not be generalized to all women in the United States.
And so I think that the cyberpunk future, if you want to generalize it, is a future in which globalization really does work both ways, and everybody — unless they're very, very, very rich — winds up getting to be part of the Third World.
If the training is sufficiently long (again, the training is very computer - intensive) and the images are processed in deep enough networks — those with many layers of processing elements — the neural network generalizes and can accurately recognize a new photograph as containing a feline.
«Here we have a real opportunity to generalize from a very large number of cases.»
«We're talking about really big data here, especially for Egyptology, where we are quite often content to generalize from a very few cases,» he says.
And the treatment is generalized to a larger population with a very different risk - to - benefit profile.»
Giza cautioned that the study was very small, making it impossible to generalize the results to kids in general.
While these studies suggest beneficial effects, they both studied healthy young adults (in their early 20s1, 2), had very small sample sizes (one study had 10 participants2, the other had 201), and used volunteers as study participants.1, 2 All of these factors decreases the chances that the results can be generalized to all people who engage in exercise.
However, the results can not be generalized to low - carb diets, and the dropout rate was very high.
Thus, generalizing from tribal populations is very misleading and could give us the wrong idea completely.
Some of the forces at work include weight loss industry marketing, diet tribalism, individual needs that vary, one person's needs or preferences being generalized to everyone, and very simply, a pervasive belief that nutrition is supposed to be complicated.
One can have very real physical symptoms, but misattribute them to a genetic defect (as opposed to something like generalized anxiety).
Giving a generalized characteristic is not the best option, but anyway: Russian women are very good - looking, more family - oriented rather than ambitious and warm hearted.
This is very rarely the same thing as the more generalized kind of advice you get in your education classes, but specific to the needs and vision of the school.
The study has very little external validity, which is a polite way of saying its findings shouldn't be generalized to other contexts.
Please be very carfeful when making generalized statements.
Generalizing about the market by looking at the tailed - off ends of the Price / Sales curve is not very enlightening.
So I think the main thing to understand about autism is that it is a very large spectrum and that there are simply too many differences among each autistic person to really generalize the disorder in any way.
I think you'll find it very hard to generalize, as underwriting guidelines differ.
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