Sentences with phrase «very high admissions»

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Again, the very frank admissions of weakness or stupidity or lack of faith or downright blindness and disloyalty on the part of the disciples are sometimes explained as due to Peter's lifelong penitent self - accusation: he could not recall incidents from the life of his Master without breaking into tears once more, as once he did outside the high priest's house in Jerusalem.
There is a solution to consider that will let us compete with every top club in the world and I'm amazed nobody has thought of it as it is 2 very simple steps 1) Build a new stadium and charge the highest admission prices for tickets.
Moreover, most private high schools employ a counselor who is solely dedicated to matters of college admissions, something very few public high schools are able to offer.
Jon Reider, a Stanford University admissions officer said, «Homeschoolers bring certain skills, motivation, curiosity, the capacity to be responsible for their education, that high schools don't induce very well.»
The OECD folks offer some explanations, terming Shanghai a «leader in reform» and citing in particular its near - universal education system, its competitiveness (including admission both to universities and to the best secondary schools), a very high level of student engagement, a modernized assessment system, an ambitious new curriculum, and a program of intervention into weak schools.
The test - refusal rate was also very low in New York City, where state tests factor into middle and high school admissions and gifted - and - talented placement.
Admissions officers at top business schools like Harvard and Wharton have very high expectations from people who want to attend their school.
Admission is very competitive and even high grades and high test scores do not guarantee aAdmission is very competitive and even high grades and high test scores do not guarantee admissionadmission.
The game is currently available through the official website or Steam for $ 9.99, and while the price of admission may be to high for some at the very least it's definitely worth picking up on a Steam Sale.
To meet the very competitive standard for law school admission, a typical «pre-law» student must afford the real costs of high undergraduate tuition, enrichment activities, LSAT training, LSAT fees, law school application fees, and the opportunity costs of unpaid internships and volunteer activities that are increasingly vital to a law school application.
«The price of admission to space is very high,» Bezos said Saturday night in New York, accepting the Buzz Aldrin Space Exploration Award at the Explorers Club Annual Dinner.
The so - called higher education institutions have a very low bar of admission.
The position of an admission director is a high profile post and hence, the objective statement must very clearly portray the attitude of the person from a positive perspective.
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