Sentences with phrase «very high call»

Provided empathy, technical support, customer education within a timely manner in a very high call environment.
Be patient... they're experiencing a very high call volume right now;).
To me, it is a very high calling.
Relief Society President is a very high calling that only women can hold.
Becoming a lawyer is a very high calling, and leading and supporting lawyers so they can lead and support their clients is also a very high calling that we take seriously.
I believe that what we do as individuals is a very high calling.

Not exact matches

As you've no doubt guessed, it's a digital revolution that calls into question the very principles of education, prompting Peter J. Wells, chief of higher education at UNESCO, to remark that: «Industry employers contend that half of what students learn in the first two years of a four - year technology degree will be out of date by the time they graduate.»
The daunting alternative is to call at very high levels.
The mountainous «spine» of central California, as Ms. Eggman likes to call it, is very different from the coast: there are more low - income households, higher electricity bills, and more expensive estimates for solar panel installation.
Shareholders may also raise questions over the very high interest rates the bank charges to financially strapped customers who resort to so - called payday loans, which are in the sights of state attorneys general.
He's also smeared other high - profile women for their alleged sex lives, from Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski (calling her Joe Scarborough's «very insecure longtime girlfriend») to Angelina Jolie (whom he said has «been with so many guys she makes me look like a baby.»)
In January, SpaceX tested what Musk called a «very high retrothrust landing» in the Atlantic Ocean.
On Tuesday, the Financial Conduct Authority published a warning about the risks of token offerings, which it called «very high - risk, speculative investments.»
For example, if the stock is callable at $ 100 and the shares are trading very close to that (say, at $ 99), the likelihood that the stock will be called soon is much higher than if the stock were trading at $ 89 (further away from the strike price).
And while 54 % of low - income people and 49 % of middle - income people called the rich - poor gap a «very big» problem, only 36 % of high - income people did so.
Called Amazon Go, it looks like a very high - tech version of a 7 - 11 convenience store.
ESMA issued a call to submit evidence on potential interventions in crypto CFD, arguing that the very high price volatility of crypto currencies as the underlying assets have raised concerns about the protection of investors.
For example: If you would place a call trade in this very second you only need the price to be one point higher 60 seconds from now.
It's all very Spy vs. Spy, except the high jinks are about whether everyone can get obscenely rich from a business that is about calling for a ride from an app.
There is another reason to hiss when the stock market sets its so - called new highs: only the very rich are getting richer, acquiring more wealth to separate you from representative government.
Two years ago, I visited a school in Brooklyn called P - TECH, the Pathways in Technology early college high school, which seemed very much like the future of education to me.
Regulators all around the world, including the US, UK, and Hong Kong, have called out the use of them as «very high - risk, speculative investment (s)».
Michael Wolff's dishy Fire and Fury sold nearly two million copies in three weeks, thanks in part to Donald Trump's rants, while former FBI Director James Comey's memoir A Higher Loyalty — whose very title is a subtweet aimed squarely at the president — will almost certainly top next week's bestseller lists, with Trump taking to Twitter to call Comey a «slimeball» and «the WORST FBI Director in history.»
So you call Muslims the Anti Christ even though he has a very high position and honor in Islam, but you don't call the other religions Anti Christ even though they don't even give him an honor to begin with.
I'm perfectly willing to go to a Protestant church, and I find that some of them, which are called Presbyterian, have very high - church ways of being Presbyterian.
But in the very next chapter, he praises celibacy as a higher calling — a better way of serving Christ — than marriage.
On a far higher level, intellectually and spiritually, is that very noble philosophical poem called the Wisdom of Solomon, and that still nobler monument of ancient Hebrew thought, the Book of Job, a dramatic dialogue in splendid and sonorous verse upon the theme of suffering and its place in a providential order.
Ignoring the warnings of American bishops that American teenagers would not likely be very interested in listening to what the Church had to say, John Paul called down an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the 800,000 youth who gathered with him in theMile High City, taking as his theme the words of Our Lord in John 10:10, «I came that they might have life.»
This is what the higher religions of man have called «sin»; it may be given some other name by so - called «secular» thinkers, but the fact itself is plainly to be seen and the tragedy of it is very clear.
The highest binding can not by its very nature make use of any compulsion; it calls for a perfected community based on spontaneity.
Even when I was a pacifist, I lived in a very high - crime neighborhood, and called the cops on numerous occasions so that officers with guns could go after the criminals with guns and lock them up in our tremendously violent prison system where guards with guns would keep them there.
I think, then, that most evangelical institutions of higher learning would be happy to say that, in understanding the specific callings of their schools, they are very much in line with Jesuit thinking.
The percentage of racially prejudiced people among the so - called «Christians» is very high in my experience.I was raised among the Southern White religionists and they were not patriotic Americans in any since except economically, but were united 100 % against the people described by the «N» word.
I lean towards the third view... but I admit it is the most difficult of the three views... Christ's priorities appear to be «love in motion» flowing in almost unpredictable directions as dictated by the greatest need: — He heals a slave rather than rebukes slavery; — He heals a man at a pool, then leads the man to belief, then says «cease from sinning»; — He heals many others and says «go and sin no more» to but a few; — He shares money with the poor but establishes no long - term aid; — He touches lepers; He converses with seeking Pharisees; He debates with other Pharisees; He lives with Samaritan outcasts for two days; — He acknowledges the five «marriages» of the Samaritan woman as «marriages»... and then remarks about her current co-habitation... but then moves to higher priorities; — He seems so very focused on internal holiness and not on external holiness; — He violates the Sabbath; He says He is Lord of the Sabbath; He even says that the Sabbath was created to assist man, rather than man created to serve the Sabbath... thus turning the entire concept of the Law into one of assistance rather than being chained to obedience; — He insists on impartiality in the way we bless others, even if we call them «evil» or «good».
However, the NY Magazine article highlights something very important — the people of God, who are called to hold to the highest standard of morals and ethics, now rank as the highest group percentage-wise of those who say that these things don't necessarily matter.
If we call God's justice down upon the world, we need to be very confident that we can stand with our own head high before the Almighty.
Who let me just say, were very much on some good drugs, did you know back in those days opium was a way for them to get high, well they did nt call it this but you can do the research yourself.
When you give everything a subjective aim, and make this apply right down the scale, you are using language which is very difficult to make intelligible, except in the case of what Whitehead calls «high grade organisms.»
It is not clear, however, whether Brown's constant stress on high academic expectations simply assumes the canons of critical, orderly, disciplined inquiry that the research university model had made commonplace in the 1930s in American graduate education outside of theological schools, or whether he is rather calling for theological school teachers who are very learned but are not necessarily themselves engaged in original research.
The view of humankind is high — humans are the crown of a creation that God calls good every step along the way and, finally, very good.
That truth, as the Fathers of Vatican II taught in Gaudium et Spes, is revealed in «Christ the Lord... Christ the new Adam, [who] in the very revelation of the mystery of the Father and of his love, reveals man to himself and brings light to his most high calling
«We've tried horseradish from other growers, but we feel the horseradish we grow ourselves is a very high quality and what we call a sweeter product with an excellent flavor,» Walsh says.
Buckwheat contains a very high of a flavonoid called rutin.
These look very nice but I'm sorry to break the news to you that dates are extremely high in sugar called fructose.
Frozen spinach to the rescue: a recipe for creamed spinach I found on this very website called for frozen spinach, and further research revealed that, unless it's in season, high - quality frozen spinach is often better than the fresh stuff.
In late high school, college, and the early «adult» (muahahah) years, Fifi and I frequented a very fancy restaurant called Hot & Crusty.
According to, let's call him Tom, this diet requires a very high fat, adequate protein, and low carb intake, which trains your body to switch it's primary fuel source from carbohydrates to burning fat fuels.
My doctor says I'm anemic and I know apricots are high in iron, so I'm going to pick out one of these recipes and replace the fruit with cooked apricots to make Apricot Whip, something I found in a very old cookbook called Tofu Cookery by Louise Hagler.
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