Sentences with phrase «very high iron»

Nattō is a fermented soy product that boasts a very high iron content - an astounding 15 mg per cup.

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Very high interception rates are claimed for Iron Dome.
The improvements and upgrading of the software system are today enabling Iron Dome to achieve very high interception rates even for the Fajr - 5 rockets and their copies threatening cities in the central region.
The seeds are high in copper and are a great source of iron and calcium, making them very important to my meat and dairy - free diet.
Heat a [url: 2] cast iron [/ url] pan to medium - high heat for a few minutes until very hot.
It's very, very lean and high in iron so it's perfect for anyone who's watching their waist or has some health concerns.
Rapini is very high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and is a good source of calcium, iron and fibre.
Coconut is high in good saturated fats that are essential for brain development in children and coconut flour is high in iron - two very important ingredients to add to a child's diet or if feeling low in energy.
because I was able to make up this recipe for Sweet Potato Nuggets as I drove home from work, daydreaming about what I wanted to eat The main ingredient in seitan is vital wheat gluten, a high gluten flour that is also very high in protein and iron.
The only way for me to get it the way I like is to cook things separately, in a cast iron pan, at a very high heat, and very quickly.
Heat a cast iron skillet, grill pan or oven - proof pan over medium - high heat until very hot.
It is very high in iron and copper, and contains a decent amount of vitamin E.
Heat a large cast iron or non-stick pan on medium high for 1 - 2 minutes until very hot.
Today I was craving something sweet, healthy and I guess, VERY high in iron.
Cannellini beans are very healthy for you as they are low - fat, high in fiber and provide a high quality of magnesium, fiber, iron and folate.
Heat a cast - iron or nonstick skillet over very high heat.
Buckwheat groats are very high in protein, 1 cup has 23 grams of protein, fiber, and a good source of B vitamins, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, selenium, and omega fatty acids.
I cook mine on the highest setting and a little longer from when the waffle iron goes off, so the waffles are a little crisper, otherwise these will be very soft waffles.
Heat a cast - iron griddle or large heavy skillet over medium - high until very hot, about 2 minutes, then lightly brush with vegetable oil.
They are very high in iron, potassium, and indigestible fiber (prebiotics, specifically inulin) and are a wonderful low - carb (and lower calorie) alternative to potatoes or other higher - carb root vegetables.
Toast the tortillas: heat a cast iron or other heavy pan over medium - high heat for about 5 minutes, until very hot.
My doctor says I'm anemic and I know apricots are high in iron, so I'm going to pick out one of these recipes and replace the fruit with cooked apricots to make Apricot Whip, something I found in a very old cookbook called Tofu Cookery by Louise Hagler.
Raspberry Leaf Tea is very high in an assortment of nutrients including calcium, iron, and B vitamins, all of which are very important during pregnancy.
This is mainly because vegetarians have a very high intake of iron and studies have shown that their haemoglobin levels are within the normal range.
It is only at the very centre of the Earth, where pressure and temperature rise even higher, that the liquid iron solidifies.
Leaf vegetables are typically low in calories, low in fat, high in protein per calorie, high in dietary fiber, high in iron and calcium, and very high in phytochemicals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, lutein and folic acid.
Cosmic rays, such as iron and titanium atoms, heavily damage the cells they traverse because of their very high rates of ionization.
Dr David Armstrong from the University of Warwick's Astronomy and Astrophysics Group, commented: «Mercury stands out from the other Solar System terrestrial planets, showing a very high fraction of iron and implying it formed in a different way.
But it involves very high - strength magnetic fields, which means if a patient has any implanted metal devices containing iron, it could potentially cause harm.»
Up until now, however, nobody could really explain how these convection currents emerge in the first place: iron is a very good heat conductor and at high pressure its thermal conductivity increases even more.
Previously dismissed as weak candidates for superconductivity, iron - based superconductors took the science community by surprise when it was discovered that the new iron arsenide family had very high transition temperatures.
I've been experimenting with T10 dextran coated iron oxide nanoparticles, obviously not the same as fullerenes, but still a very interesting tool, I've been testing if the coating is giving the particle antioxidant abilities because of it's the (basically) indigestable sugar chains (glucose) creating a high surface area which are largely made from hydroxyl groups, I hypothesised this act's as a «sink» for reactive oxygen species converting them to water.
Diet Nutrition Peanuts have a very high protein content and a significant amounts of iron, zinc and magnesium.
⁃ Clove is also an iron key - leader and is highest on the ORAC scale (OxygenRadical Absorbance Capacity) has very high antioxidant value.
I cook mine on the highest setting and a little longer from when the waffle iron goes off, so the waffles are a little crisper, otherwise these will be very soft waffles.
Additionally, it has a high content of minerals like zinc, iron, selenium, plus vitamin E. It's very easy to cook and if you want to prepare dinner quickly, you can add in some veggies, lean protein or nuts.
They also have no saturated fat or cholesterol, and are very high in vitamin K, vitamin B6 and iron.
IGF1 levels does not necessarily means that you're gonna get cancer.IGF1 is a metabolic pathway for growth, yes growth in general from muscle tissue, bones, even organs BUT.There is a huge difference from ingecting into yourself, artificial IGF1 HGH etc and causing you body to secrete it naturall.When i say naturally i'm not talking about animal products (i am a vegan btw except some use of honey and bee pollen) animal product consumption is linked to a numerous deseases due to saturated fats, trans fats, high concentrations of sulfuring aminos even heme iron soy protein (which btw has some great health benefits, general the soy bean) is at least wrong.Ok consuming every day 1 kg of soy probably is not good, as NOTHING is at very high quantities.Nothing wrong with natto, tempeh, tofu, soymilk, soybean, ans SPI.Asian people have been consuming soy for thousands of years without negative effects.Soy and especially SPI for people who are doing serious natural bodybuilding without use of AAS and artificial growth factors, and are also vegans believe me is a pain in the a $ $ and soy protein is maybe the ONLY type of protein that has sufficient ratios of amino acids, from bcaas to even sulfur aminos (but in normal levels not the dangerous levels linked to the homocysteine rise in the blood).
The elevated iron levels, very high ferratin 3 - 400 levels and they've seen their ferritin levels drop.
Spirulina is very high in bio-available iron, making it beneficial to those with anemia or pregnancy, with reduced risk of constipation.
Whenever you blow dry, flat iron or curl your hair, you're exposing it to very high temperatures.
Obviously, we have some rough well water — it's very high in iron.
If you plan to try again pour the batter on the warm nonstick waffle iron which is generously greased, cook these waffles at a very low temperature setting and then just before taking them out increase the setting to medium - high temperature for few minutes.
They're also very high in vitamin C, which makes the iron they contain all the more absorbable.
It is extremely rich in iron and other minerals and very high in chlorophyll.
Only very high doses over extended periods or extremely high IV doses have been linked to adverse events like renal failure, and vitamin C studies typically only show prooxidative effects when combined with iron supplementation or in higher doses.
Kale is one of the very few vegetables that contain a decent amount of Omega 3, they are rich in calcium, copper, iron, potassium, and also high in Vitamin B1, B2, C, E and K. Similar to broccoli, it is also found to have anti-cancer properties that help fight cancer by boosting the repair of healthy cells and blocking the growth of cancer cells.
Chicken is also very high in selenium which is a cofactor needed for all glutathione - related enzymes to work and also has a modest amount of zinc, copper, and iron.
It has a very high concentration of the antioxidant beta - carotene, protein, all of the essential amino acids, bioavailable iron, all of the essential fatty acids (omega - 3, -6, and -9), and the B - vitamins.
It is very high in iron and copper, and contains a decent amount of vitamin E.
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