Sentences with phrase «very human issues»

«They are an economic, cultural and very human issue.

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Michele, «Also a lot of atheists are very self righteous in there thinking as well, so its not just a religious issue its a human issue
We can be very defensive about the stupidest of things while ignoring the real issues of the world (I.e. Human suffering).
Ministers, he says, should «invite such members back for a potluck supper, where instead of dealing with the issue in a confrontational way, they're able to deal with it in a very human way.»
It is unliveable at the level of society: hence, in Britain we have a government that lauds the freedom of the individual (and it should be noted in passing, but noted very well, that our present generation of politicians rarely talk of the «human person» or just of the «person», but usually of the «individual») but which has brought in some of the most draconian legislation in Europe designed to control what people say and do on certain issues so that society can proceed in its life as a unity and not just as a mere collection of individuals.
Their conviction raises a very difficult issue, a thorny and uncomfortable problem: how to live with people with whom we disagree on basic issues of human life.
The issue of organs is very important because you still have not answered the big question, at what point is it wrong to kill the continuation of human life, which we both agree continues with the sper.m and egg and why is it at that point and not before?
Not to metion we still have the «missing link» issue where at one point (based on evolution) the human brain advanced very quickly with very little time for evolution to take place.
Because its very interdisciplinariness and inherent concern with issues of interpretation have put it at the center of the most significant controversy in the human sciences today.
He can not enjoy the luxury of speculative detachment from the issues that fact the human community, since the very nature of what he investigates is conditioned by his investigations
Mayo THE SPIRITUAL SOUL Dear Father, Your March - April issue on the soul and human person is very timely.
To talk about privelidge in the light of that and some very difficult expereinces both he and I have had, which as human beings, has required counselling and to undermine that issue is to do every bit as much as those women expereince who have been victims, which then experience secondary vitimisation by their difficulties being swept under the carptet.
In fact, some of his greatest arguments with the soldiers / governments over the years have been over this very issue — the humans are afraid and so they want to kill the aliens while he wants to encourage life and cooperation (thinking in particular of the Ninth Doctor with Harriet Jones or even the battle of Canary Wharf when we lost Rose because of Torchwood opening the breach etc.).
When most of the interviewees admit that it is indeed a baby, they are asked to finish the following sentence: «It's okay to kill a baby in the womb when...» Various responses follow: «That's very hard to say...»; «It should never be done lightly...»; «If the mothercannot provide for the baby...»; «If the mother was raped...» The questioner presses the issue: «When asked about the Holocaust, you said that you valued human life, so why is this situation any different?»
Even if you want to lay to one side the very valid concerns about the porn industry's links with human trafficking, or the connections between hard - core pornography use and sexual violence, there's a strong argument that this is, in fact, a public health issue.
In general discussions of energy issues, we commonly find a very narrow definition of human concern.
Yet «work, as a human issue, is at the very center of the «social question,»» asserts the recent papal encyclical Laborem Exercens (On Performing Work) issued by John Paul II.
is trying very hard to divert the issue and score some sympathy both back home and world over, saying how much they value human life and how much concerned they are.
Italian history states with stunning clarity the central issues of the sociology of human existence: the very partial institutionalization of morality, the role of the moral hero and the immoral hero, and the problem of when to take power and when to renounce power.
«The answer is no, I have made that very clear,» she insisted, arguing she had raised human rights issues - including the use of the death penalty - abroad.
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has faced UKIP leader Nigel Farage in a debate about the EU - with human rights legislation, and its impact on the UK's criminal justice system, just one issue that the men had very different opinions on.
He told Radio 4: «I have written to the prime minister myself asking him that, in view of these very important issues which touch on the sacredness of human life, its meaning and purpose, would he please grant a free vote, because that is what is really required.»
It's a very important but also very challenging issue [of] aligning the needs of biodiversity conservation with the needs of human and community development.
George Washington University's Hotez notes that «the office of the surgeon general, the secretary of Health and Human Services, and the head of the CDC have not been very vocal on this issue
THE Nuffield Council on Bioethics is coming to fulfil a role that royal commissions used to play in British politics, and certainly ministers should take very seriously the council's latest report Human Tissue: Ethical and Legal Issues (This Week, 22 April).
However, her basic premise, that genetically identical twins might be able to shed some light on the issue of human cloning, struck me as a very solid one.
In Kate's discussion about Neandertals and our own history as a species on the planet, reminds me of the origin of the celiac disease issue which is, you know, very deeply tied with our human history.
«Ethical issues are very pressing because they immediately affect the human being,» de Toca answers.
These systems are important for understanding the past and planning for the future due to their potential for direct impact on very current issues such as food security and the sustainability of human settlement in particular areas.»
So some of the origins we have about, [well] we have more than 50 different origins in this issue and we go from the very large in cosmic from the origins of the universe and the origins of life itself to the origins of the human mind and computing and also to things that you might wonder about just in your everyday life, like where [did the stirrup] in horseback riding come from, where did the clock come from.
When we reach back into the history of our culinary traditions, it is very clear that humans have long worked out ways to deal with the digestive issues causes by FODMAPs, as they have been found in our staples for millennia.
Categories: Amino Acids, Amino Acids for Health Issues, Arginine, Cardiovascular Health, Energy and Vitality, Essential Amino Acids, Glycine, Lifestyle and Aging, Lysine, Non-Essential Amino Acids, Ornithine Tags: amino acid combination, amino acid information center, amino acid supplement, amino acids, Anti Aging, antiaging, avoid surgery, bio-molecules, cardiocascular health, cosmetic surgery, CT - atRA, Dr. Oz, fountain of youth, HGH, how to, human growth horomone, Intense pulsed light, IPL, live to be old, live to be very old, nature's fountain of youth, non-invasive, Nutritional therapy, old and youthful, skin treatment, skin wrinkles, statistically significant, stay young, stay youthful, supplements, YAG laser treatment, youthful old, zorilla marketing August 26, 2015 Author AAIADMIN
Our very own Oliver Stafford is the human behind the bold cover of our 74th issue, which is inspired not only by Anderson's film but also Japanese graphic design.
There are numerous troubles with mounting a good science fiction series; there are plenty of excellent ones already out there, from Black Mirror to Humans to Westworld, and many movies and TV series spanning decades, so retreading ideas and falling short in the process is a very real risk — but perhaps the most insurmountable issue is the sci - fi connoisseur.
Regarding Sentsov, the European Film Academy has been very vocal on the issue and tonight Human Flow director Ai Weiwei added his voice to the cause: «His imprisonment is an absolute violation of freedom of speech and human rights.&rHuman Flow director Ai Weiwei added his voice to the cause: «His imprisonment is an absolute violation of freedom of speech and human rights.&rhuman rights.»
Aggression toward a human is a very serious issue.
We, along with our partner communities and rescue groups, believe that euthanizing animals in not acceptable except in cases of extremely serious injury or illness or in cases of very severe behavioral issues that can not be remediated and where the dog poses a serious risk to humans.
When there are behavioral issues out there like leash reactivity, human aggression, or potty training, sometimes hyperactivity is not taken very seriously, sometimes not even viewed as an actual behavior problem.
All I ever see as advice, when pet weight is discussed is don't feed them human food, (yes that could be a problem if they get some of the examples mentioned above) but Ii am getting very worried about the weight / fitness issue What is happening to dogs at present??
The reality is, cats and dogs have the same dental anatomy and hygiene issues as humans do, and they develop very similar periodontal disease when their teeth are neglected.
As in humans, some health issues that affect older pets can begin with very subtle changes that may go unnoticed until the problem has become serious.
One of my issues with Deus Ex: Human Revolution was that even though it was a first - person experience, I didn't feel the controls were very first - person friendly.
I had some issues with the story like the focus on human interactions rather than Digimon ones and Arata being too much of a twat, but other than that I was very happy with the game.
As a subject, Antinous works not only to provide a very human way into looking at Antique sculpture, but also as an introduction to some of the thorniest issues surrounding work of this period.
I think they are very right, how to control human being greedy to develop economy depend on fossil fuel is very big issue for us now.
One can find a history of idiocy amplified by partisan point - scorers on the environment, on foreign policy, on taxation, on human rights etc., but laughing at folly is very different to dealing with real and serious underlying issues.
I agree with him on the basic issue that as a scientific question whether human influences on climate have become determinative is not closed (although we would probably disagree as to whether the answer is currently likely, very likely or a slam dunk in IPCC / CIA terms.
One of the (VERY BIG) missing ingredients in the average American's understanding of the issue (I would suspect) AND in the media coverage is this: A basic conceptual understanding of the central natural (including human - caused) forces at play and of the central natural (including human - caused) forces involved in the views of the scientific majority.
I believe that allocating the proportion that is due to humans is a very important issue.
* There is too much conflicting evidence about climate change to know whether it is actually happening * Current climate change is part of a pattern that has been going on for millions of years * Climate change is just a natural fluctuation in Earth's temperatures * Even if we do experience some consequences from climate change, we will be able to cope with them * The effects of climate change are likely to be catastrophic * The evidence for climate change is unreliable * There are a lot of very different theories about climate change and little agreement about which is right * Scientists have in the past changed their results to make climate change appear worse than it is * Scientists have hidden research that shows climate change is not serious * Climate change is a scam * Social / behavioural scepticism measures * Climate change is so complicated, that there is very little politicians can do about it * There is no point in me doing anything about climate change because no - one else is * The actions of a single person doesn't make any difference in tackling climate change * People are too selfish to do anything about climate change * Not much will be done about climate change, because it is not in human nature to respond to problems that won't happen for many years * It is already too late to do anything about climate change * The media is often too alarmist about climate change * Environmentalists do their best to emphasise the worst possible effects of climate change * Climate change has now become a bit of an outdated issue * Whether it is important or not, on a day - to - day basis I am bored of hearing about climate change
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