Sentences with phrase «very ill animals»

This is especially important in very ill animals and those requiring immediate or emergency treatment.
Specialists in the field of veterinary critical care are often needed to tend to the needs of these very ill animals.

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When researchers in Paul Kellam's group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute exposed mice treated with Amphotericin - B to influenza A virus, the animals became very ill and lost more than 25 percent of their body weight.
Often animals will mask their symptoms until they are very ill and in pain and can't do it anymore.
Suzy is now UAF's Cat Coordinator and fosters very ill and hospice animals.
«Animals that are very old, very young or ill may experience pain and distress trying to process the gas.
However, chronically ill, immunocompromised, pregnant, or maybe - to - be-pregnant humans must be very careful about hygiene when handling meats as well as soils and animal wastes.
Ill and injured cats may be very disturbing to other compassionate citizens, who may call animal control authorities believing that the animal should be euthanized, rather than living with illness or injury.
However, if an animal is suffering, very ill, refuses to eat / drink over a prolonged period of time, or is completely unsocial around people and / or other animals, it may be considered for euthanasia.
We took him in from Miami - Dade Animal Services and soon after, he became very ill.
All seeds must be removed from the apple before it is fed to a dog, or the animal could become very ill over time.
Why I do What I do: I have always been an animal lover and when my shepherd became very ill I was constantly at the veterinary hospital having her treated and was always concerned about who was taking care of her when I couldn't.
Since our pets can't talk, many diseases often go unnoticed until an animal is very ill.
Because viral shedding can occur a few days before clinical signs appear, it can be helpful to test very high - risk puppies, such as littermates of a clinically ill animal or puppies from a known high - risk location, even if they are showing no overt signs of infection.
In a few cases of confirmed canine influenza, severely ill animals have been treated in intensive care units where separate air space was not possible, and no transmission was observed to other dogs in the ward (very strict attention was paid to fomite control).
It soon became obvious that only the very old, very ill, severely injured, or aggressive dogs were to be euthanized at the SPCA and that no animals would die for lack of space or because they had treatable diseases or behavior problems.
If the cervix is closed and the fluid can not drain, the uterus becomes very distended and the infection can spread to other parts of the body, causing the animal to turn seriously ill.
In other words, they will sell you these treats with a smile on their face, knowing good well that your animal has a very good chance of becoming ill.
A terminally ill shelter dog is being treated to his very own bucket list thanks to a Florida animal shelter.
If the animal is ill and the product has not been recalled it is very important to report the case to FDA.
This oddity does not go unnoticed by the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS)(offsite opens in a window), a national animal protection organization that gathered over 90 immediate complaints from people whose dogs become very ill or died after receiving a ProHeart ® 6Animal Protection Society (CAPS)(offsite opens in a window), a national animal protection organization that gathered over 90 immediate complaints from people whose dogs become very ill or died after receiving a ProHeart ® 6animal protection organization that gathered over 90 immediate complaints from people whose dogs become very ill or died after receiving a ProHeart ® 6 shot.
These animals became very ill — and many died — secondary to liver failure from mold toxins (aflatoxin) that were contained in the grains of a commercial dry kibble.
«We all want to spare our animals as much suffering as possible, and in situations where a cat is seriously ill and in pain and we've run out of treatment alternatives, the euthanasia option can be very helpful.
I think the price is absolutely discusting and if they actually stick to these prices then nintendo will loose a very loyal customer, Animal crossing is one of my favourite gaming series and ill be so disappointed if I can't play the new game but we fans have to start voting with our wallets and make it clear to nintendo that were not going to be ripped off... I think even # 4.50 what you suggested is far to much for what these are they should be no more than # 2.99.
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