Sentences with phrase «very intensive»

Our marriage counseling retreats are very intensive.
The program only lasts 150 days but is in home and very intensive.
Love Odyssey marriage counseling retreats are very intensive and are specifically designed to save your marriage.
If you work with us, we will undergo a very intensive information gathering process that will help us uncover your unique value proposition and the success stories that support it.
Class projects can be very intensive and in some cases may make noteworthy contributions to your field of study or to the community.
Facebook and Facebook Messenger, for instance, are known to be very intensive when it comes to battery usage, so if you're not a heavy Facebook user, you should consider uninstalling the app.
Since these products are aimed at creative professionals, it's only logical that the chips under the hood can power different software designers use, which can sometimes be very intensive.
But computing hashes is a very intensive process, pushing whatever processor you're using to the limit, and to its maximum power consumption.
This class is very intensive and covers components from bumper to bumper with very specific training regarding air brake systems.
The investigation into these accidents is usually very intensive and lengthy.
«It was a very thorough and very intensive process.
So cut to the 2017 survey we did, a very intensive survey of legal professionals to try to understand where those missing six hours are and here's the net of it.
Levesque says the feedback they've received is that the French LPP is «very intensive and rigorous.»
Some of the solar companies are trying to develop some best - management practices to try to reduce that amount of disturbance, but it's still a very intensive use.»
As we reported here in August of last year («Desperate Dash of Global Warming»), the upcoming conference in Paris is the culmination of more than two decades of very intensive (and very expensive) propagandizing and fear mongering aimed at convincing the people of the world (but especially Americans) that we must all submit to drastic global controls, or face catastrophic consequences from runaway anthropogenic (human - caused) global warming, or AGW.
Now, actual online play - this seems to rely totally on the hosts connection so you can come across very laggy games if you join one that is already in progress, it seems to send all the physics data (which is very intensive) all at once to try help your PS3 catch up with where everything is.
The Rapa Nui Surfcamp offers very intensive surf classes for all levels and is the perfect base for exploring the waves...
He ploughed through the information over a very intensive weekend, and came out feeling that all the bases were well - covered.
No matter what, we give them a very intensive training on animal nutrition and well being.
The third year of CALLISTO research activities (2014) was a very intensive one.
Running two very intensive applications, like a game and a high res video at once will bottleneck the tablet.
We had played mildly graphic intensive games and the tablet had no problem in playing them, but do not expect it to run very intensive games.
I will be doing basically four whole days of teaching, very intensive.
It generally involves a very intensive background check on the topic of interest where the dissertation is based.
Getting their titles in the system has been very intensive but luckily New York Public Library was very comfortable with the entire process»
The s2i Report does not have a Tier 3 designation because Tier 3 intervention is typically associated with very intensive intervention for students who are substantially below grade level.
Tier 3 (High Risk)-- Involves the application of intensive, evidence - based interventions which are designed to increase the rate of student progress for the approximately 5 % of students who need very intensive 1:1 intervention.
«They get no financial support to undertake the conversion work which can often be very intensive.
The website employs a very intensive membership policy that is based on elimination rather than acceptance.
The studies here, in Paris, are very intensive and require a lot of time, rigour, energy and patience.
It's been a very intensive week and I'm barely holding all of the «hooks» in my hands.
I have been quiet on the blog lately as a personal stylists» class is very intensive and consumes most of my spare time.
I have already mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I'll be attending a school this year to improve my technical skills as a photographer and now I can proudly tell you that I've applied and have been accepted to New York Film Academy and will be studying there for a short but very intensive course in photography.
Very intensive and concentrated facial scrub to give you a deep sweep for a healthy, glowing, youthful complexion.
It's a very intensive course, essentially two years of study packed into nine months, and so by the end, you are bonded to your classmates in an incredible way after having been in the trenches together!
Lactate is only really created during very intensive training sessions, so it is most likely to occur when you push yourself.
The only drawback to «Metabolic Surge» is that is a very intensive program.
You can do HIIT at home too alternating 30 - 60 seconds of very intensive exercise with 15 - 30 seconds of moderate one.
For short and very intensive physical efforts such as sprinting, an increase in the creatine reservoir is also useful.
It is also very intensive and gives a great toning up to the shoulder, abs, back, triceps, biceps and the quads as well.
I keep things very intensive, constantly rotating muscle groups and my rest periods are literally 0 - 30 seconds in between exercises.
To maximize the fat burning process, your routine must be very intensive but form the exercises properly.
However, the assistance - the so - called adjustments - Pattabhi gave in his early years of teaching were still very intensive, resulting in many muscle strains and overstretching.
Evan Brand: Well I wan na hit on something you just mentioned which is if we're talking 1 to 2 years, it takes extreme patient — extreme patience for patients and clinicians because for us, that is a very intensive case for us to take on.
The therapist - based trials, however, were very intensive, with much more time spent in the therapist's office.
It can be difficult to find non-gamers among college students these days, but from among a pool of subjects participating in a much larger study in Stephen Mitroff's Visual Cognition Lab at Duke, the researchers found 125 participants who were either non-gamers or very intensive gamers.
«Thanks to the very intensive X-ray radiation we can achieve a very high time resolution,» says Claudia M. Palumbiny.
«Doing this right 100 percent of the time does require very intensive training, follow - up [and] monitoring,» Frieden noted.
Hillis: Maybe there could be some very intensive application may be, you know, just like the original ARPANET setup.
Developed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, a very intensive study was conducted by 13 of the top leading professionals in the field and based upon their findings, here are the new sleep guidelines for infants, children and teens.
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