Sentences with phrase «very kind understand»

I am very kind understand nice to be around love life.

Not exact matches

I should be better at understanding the analytics and analyzing my demographics and stuff like that, but I've never been very good at being interested in those kinds of numbers.
Because you're from the Netherlands too, I'm very surprised that you're able that someone understand what kind of work you're doing; Link building, SEO is not really something people know.
As a very old man, one who has worked at developing some kind of understanding of who we are, what we are, why we are here, and where we are going, I can tell you that no one has definitive answers, but without some underlying system of belief about these questions you will not grow old gracefully.
Because God is a very kind loving heavenly father who wants his children to know and understand the gospel principles, so he caused Joey Smith to have the inspiration to translate the Gold Plates.
Bible is a ensiclopedia which included God's word and words are changes to get more understanding rather than forcing people to learn Armenic kind of very remote languages.
«Nature» differs from this kind of «efficacy» in that it is not a ground [217] of the becoming within another, but within that very being in which it dwells.14 «Nature,» so understood, is «form» as the determining ground of its own becoming.
Christ came among men with a simple ministry of teaching whose main purpose was to confirm that the kinds of ways in which God had been understood in Natural religion, and the very language used to express those insights, were broadly right.
Johann Georg Hamann (1730 - 88) is, by any measure, an obscure figure, little known outside the exclusive circles of a certain very rarefied kind of scholarship, hardly read at all even in his native Germany, and perhaps truly understood by next to no one.
The Bible understands life (including happiness) to encompass all kinds of very real and down - to - earth situations, including bereavement and persecution,» Parnham says.
They did, however, understand that government and religion (of any kind) were a bad mix and were very careful to make sure that American citizens, immigrants all, would be free to practice as they wished without governmental interference.
Stanley Kubrick, creator of such memorable films as «Dr. Stangelove,»» 2001: A Space Odyssey,» and «Barry Lyndon,» understands how this happens: «I think an audience watching a film or a play is in a state very similar to dreaming, and that the dramatic experience becomes a kind of controlled dream....
Actually, were you a less culpable person, you'd understand that the symbol itself IS the optical displeasure and that it's very existence in places where the more sane people frequent (those being logic - based Atheists) is an open would to everything that that ALL religion has stolen from human kind.
The good news is that both kinds (conditional / unconditional) are very well understood and this information is very useful in deciding what to do.
Listening to some of those interviewed, even respected people, doubled the disturbing nature of this dynamic when they excused his behavior by saying things like this was some kind of special aspect of his very deep spirituality that we can't understand.
«Coherence» is understood more precisely to mean not only that every single being must be involved in some kind of connection — and in view of the diversity of possible relations and even of the possible relationship of unrelatedness this would not be saying very much.
Just as the Anglican Lambeth Conference of 1930 undermined a key part of the conceptual framework that made potentially fruitful heterosexual intercourse the only acceptable kind of sex, so the gradual degradation in the popular understanding of marriage makes it very difficult for many people to conceptualise the Catholic argument against gay marriage.
These kind of airs are just from self and very limited and narrow and stop understanding of anything outside your own little world.
Katie must have known very well the anguish and misery that lay behind the words, understood how her husband was making the greatest gesture he could of protest against a life which had become finally too burdensome: «To my kind and dear mistress of the house, Luther's Katherine von Rora, a preacher, a brewer, a gardener, and whatever also she is capable of doing.
And I still like it even though I understand and agree with your dislike of church «vision,» because this hymn isn't about a vision for the future of an organization, or a vision for any kind of institutionalized growth, but a vision of the constant presence of God in our lives, and in our very being, denying our need for material wealth and human approbation for the true spiritual fulfillment that comes from God.
I can understand how this kind of story sells papers by the million and I understand that this is how the The Sun and The News of the World and the Daily Mirror operate, hell I even understand that to a very large extent they do so because that is what a large proportion of the population wants to read, sick as it might sound there are people who really get off on this stuff.
I just don't know what their about.Don't we know there's a risk associated with signing any player?To me Lacazette is value for money and I believe we are signing him at almost the right price.All we need is someone who can finish and Lacazette fits the bill.This is the kind of mentality that won't see us winning trophies anytime soon.He was my last option for CF but I won't deny the fact that he's a very good option.People are not able to justify the fact that he's average with facts.Yet the same people say Giroud is world class and so on.Shame on those people.They obviously don't know and understand what football is.
This all sounds fantastic, looking forward to a shop app and shop sections, I really like this kind of update its very helpful, helps me understand how the site is growing but also gives us info on whats happening.
after being in this kind of relationship for all this years you start to question everything about yourself you think you must be too fat or too ugly for a few years I thought what was the point in leaving him if my own husband doesn't want who else is going to want me I must of had the conversation about how our situation was affecting me over 1000 times when he did bother to come near me like once every 5 - 8 months he'd say it wasn't enjoyable for him because I was very awkward but he never understood the reason I was uncomfortable how are you supposed to feel good about yourself when you know your husband would rather look at other women online
We are very kind, respectable, loving and honest people.Im a good mother, have a trying at times but great son who respects me and understands im his mother not his bff, And in my opinion the problem is ppl who do nt understand why god wants us to correct our children by not sparingthe rod... sure, some moms do nt wan na be the bad guy and «spank» bc god forbid their kid grows up to be violent - yet today most of society refuses to spank - and yet today we live in a world filled with so much murder, stealing, and crimes that i honestly believe if they had parents following gods word and disciplining like they did back in the day when older generations knew what they were doing we would live in a better world.
It's like tools in your toolkit and you're filing that away and it's like that idea of lifelong learning, you're always going to be adding tools to your toolkit, you shouldn't let it get full of cobwebs like you need to keep adding to it because there's always something that's going to work and make it a little change and for me the mechanics of it... and understanding all of those mechanics and bringing that to the mechanics of the pelvis and how babies come down and all of that and so there is a part of me that kind of, I can think it's very cool that there are ways that this baby can come down and the more experience you get the more you realize yeah we can nudge this a little bit.
* Rebecca is kind, has a good sense of humor, and was very thoughtful in understanding my child.
Yes, I understand very well what you're saying as I witnessed these kinds of deliveries on a regular basis for many years as a brand new nurse and it wasn't easy.
It took social scientists, for instance, to understand that parents in countries where girls are denied an education were not opposed to educating their daughters in principle, but very often simply wanted a certain kind of education — namely, one which is set within a religious context — for their daughters, and if that wasn't available (which it usually wasn't), they would choose no education at all as the lesser of two perceived evils.
Unfortunately, by contrast, Senator Clinton has had a very difficult time coming around to understanding that undocumenteds should even be eligible for a driver's license... clearly such actions are not representative of the kind of leadership this state needs.»
Based on my own time spent in America and interacting with US citizens over the years, I find it's tightly related to the level of sophistication: Very sophisticated Americans usually understand Europe as a collection of nations, each with their own culture, language, government, etc., and grok that the EU is kind of a federation without really being one...
«He also stands for a very old caring kind of Conservatism that doesn't support unlimited individualism but understands that the state has to take charge sometimes.»
It would be very nice to understand what kinds of dark energy are favored from a theoretical perspective.
«It very well allows the forensic community to understand when they see a bone that has this kind of a mark on it, it doesn't necessarily mean it was done by a knife or a machete.
«When we look at the present day, we have a very high fidelity timeline over the last about 500 million years of what's happened on Earth, and we have a pretty good understanding that plate tectonics and volcanism and all these kinds of processes have happened more or less the same way over the last couple of billion years,» says Lindy Elkins - Tanton, director of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University.
In addition, we're very far away in research from really understanding the aging brain, fixing Alzheimer's disease, stopping all kinds of dementia - related diseases.
Very simple, actually — to understand how this kind of nutcracker works, it is sufficient for us to see it in action just once.
But Rice notes that such effects ought to be very brief and sensitive to the kind of rock they encounter, which may limit their force — «so we don't yet understand all their consequences for earthquake hazard.»
But Menczer says the analysis still provides a «very good first step» in understanding what kinds of posts grab the most attention.
I think you can certainly drop it into the big category of physics articles that illuminate the universe by telling us that it is indeed much more deeply complicated and counter intuitive than most of us would think; that when you start to look at the fringes of what we understand about physics and how the world works, you really get the sense that we are locked in [to] certain set of perceptions that do not necessarily apply; that our kind of common sense, everyday [intuitions] are not a very good guide to understanding how the universe can behave at certain scales or under certain conditions.
Differences in morphology are, of course, the developmental products of genetic differences between animals, but for a very long time it was not understood how many or what kinds of differences underlie changes in body patterns.
«Pregnancy complications are not very well understood, and we are amongst the only labs really taking a systems biology approach to this kind of research,» Alison explains.
After all rats and mice are obviously very different from humans, so how can their simpler brains help us understand the same kind of complex symptoms as humans?
They kind of develop a vague mental understanding of the amount of food they can eat, and they very often cook and / or order meal sizes that match this understanding they have in their head of how much food they think they need.
There are all kinds of gym equipment you can use with ease in the home, but a treadmill is a great option because it takes very little effort to understand, as you will see if you
There are all kinds of gym equipment you can use with ease in the home, but a treadmill is a great option because it takes very little effort to understand, as you will see if you click here and take a look at this great treadmill - based, website I found, and because most people can run well with a little practice.
Then you I've got much better over the year I'm doing the short pitch and choosing in a right words that people kind a understand and not going off the deep end because I went down the rabbit hole and love to talk and talk and talk about it whether I can get very sciency about it but I just, people go oh, I can see them grazing, going into brain fog.
my understanding of regular potatoes any color skin flesh etc. is this... potatoes are on the dirty dozen list... sweet potatoes are on the clean 15... i eat over 50 % of my diet in the form of a few different colors of sweet potatoes... i buy them bulk... peel»em very deeply... at least 1/2 inch all around... i sometimes get them as large as 6 pounds (football sized)... i used to wear out the regular potatoes but after speaking with the safety expert from a huge potato company to find out if the potatoes are grown on soil which had grain crops treated with round - up herbicide filled with atrazine and glyphosate (which most grain crops are... inluding many wheat crops... they get sprayed like 3 days before harvest... then the round - up is in the soil)... problem is... the round - up stays for 7 years... after stayin» off the soil for a couple years... it can have any kind of crop planted on it and get an organic rating... but... whatever was planted on that soil is then full of round - up... so... this crop rotation onto fields which had grain crops sprayed with round - up herbicide etc. is EXTREMELY COMMON IN THE GROWING PRACTICE FOR REGULAR POTATOES... very common practice... so even if you peel»em deeply... they are still soaked with round - up... the glyphosates get in the gut... the aluminum which is all over everything grown above ground and not covered (hot house etc)... gets eaten9ya can't wash it off... unless ya peel everything... but greens etc. ya can not get it out... it gets in the fiber)... then ya eat it... it goes in the gut... mixes with the glyphosate... becomes 10,000 timesmore toxic... inhibits the bodies ability to properly process sulfur into sulfide and sulfate... basically many very smart researchers are sayin'this is the cause of all this asperger's... autism... alzheimer's like symptoms in the elderly... you can only take so much nano... pico... and heavy metal poisoning... the brain starts to act very strangely... so... long story short... i eat lots of sweet pots grown on clean soil... they are non-gmo and basically grown organically... but... the grower doesn't pay for the certification... i make sure to get my omega 3 from fresh ground flax seed in the morning away from my sweet potato consumption... the omega 6 in the sweet pots inhibits the absorption of omega 3 and i only want so much fat daily... i'm on the heart attack proof diet by dr. caldwell b. esselstyn jr....
Since all yoga traditions, across the spectrum, believe that food is very much a part of yogic philosophy as a yoga teacher you too must understand what kinds of food help in spiritual development besides keeping both the body and mind healthy.
She's very kind & understands different peoples» situations.
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