Sentences with phrase «very limited access»

Certainly, there have been all too many, usually young fathers, come to me in states of depression and desperation because they had been denied access or given very limited access to their child because of a divorce and a bad decision made by the courts and our justice system.
«[In P. (M.) v. M. (N.)[I], 2008 CarswellBC 2544,] I granted custody and guardianship to the father, with very limited access to the mother, because I was convinced that the defendant was engaged in parental alienation....
What's particularly odd about that is that I had very limited access to horses to horses in my childhood.
Because immediate income annuities guarantee a specific income amount, they offer very limited access to withdrawals, and only for some annuity options.
In reality there is very limited access to late term abortion (abortion after the threshold of potential viability of 23 to 24 weeks gestation) in Canada.
Being a Biosphere Reserve with no permanent settlements and very limited access, it is among the last few truly unspoilt, majestic natural wonders remaining.
These areas, typically, have very limited access to affordable spay and neuter services, and the services that are present are inconsistent and limited in scope.
They generally had no legal standing independent of their fathers or husbands, no means of making a living independent of the family enterprise, and very limited access to education.
Some of those factors are geographical, in which publishers simply can not get content in the hands of readers, but it's also one of those situations that digital can not fix; when readers live in an area with very limited access to bandwidth and don't have credit cards to purchase digital content, ebooks are not an option.
These families also tend to have low parental involvement rates with very limited access to information about schools, students» behavior, attendance, progress and performance.
The follow chart shows, yet again, that charter schools cream off the children that are less poor and they provide very limited access to Latino students, especially those who go home to families where English is not the primary language.
Joining is free, but that gives you very limited access to the fun stuff.
If you think about it, as hunter - gatherers, we would have had very limited access to grains, and they would have encompassed a very small % of our historical calorie intake, since they weren't mass produced and processed.
«More than half of the world's HIV population is concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa where there is very limited access to HIV drugs and treatment.
For example, Russia, which has almost 2 million people who inject drugs, nearly 30 per cent of whom have HIV and 69 per cent of whom have hepatitis C, does not provide OST and has very limited access to NSP, the authors found.
Dinowitz said, «DEP's ridiculous proposal to give the public very limited access for a few days in the year 2013 is an insult to our community.»
The following day, led by community organizer Yetta Kurland and others, over 100 volunteers transported the materials to community organizer Jacques Leandre who then distributed the goods to desperately underserved areas in the Far Rockaway section of Queens — neighborhoods that still had no electricity and very limited access to resources.
Donor milk from the BC Milk Bank has very limited access and is available on prescription only for high needs infants.
Most of my Asian - inspired recipes are fusion recipes due to the fact that they are already changed to be 100 % vegan and I have a very limited access to authentic Asian ingredients.
After a tumultuous year spent in Baghdad, Iraq in 2006 during which I saw increasing suicide bombings and other attacks throughout the city, and had very limited access to culinary opportunities, I was uncertain of what to expect in the land of Ghengis Khan and the Taliban.
And have a very limited access to chocolate and other sweets!
As part of my academic studies, I spent time with Malagasy women, many of whom had managed to start small businesses despite limited formal education, a lack of mentorship and very limited access to capital.

Not exact matches

They typically provide only a limited amount of capital, up to $ 25,000, but you'll have access to very sophisticated investors who are itching to invest in startups.
Goldman Sachs said it would offer limited access for certain customers, but according to Bloomberg, the bank has demanded that some of its clients set aside funds equal to the full value of their bitcoin futures trades as a condition for doing the transaction, meaning Goldman is still very nervous about the potential for big losses in Bitcoin futures.
When combined with the industry's lowest payout ratio and one of the strongest balance sheets (ensuring plentiful access to low cost debt growth capital), STORE's dividend appears to be on very solid ground, even despite its rather limited dividend track record.
Three children experienced a series of extraordinary visions in 1917 and were given a message that was both extraordinary and very ordinary: people must pray and do penance (that was the ordinary bit; these things are central to Catholic life, always have been and always must be) and failure to do this would ensure that evils would be spread by Russia across the world (an extraordinary statement to make to children living in an obscure corner of Portugal with limited access to any knowledge of Russia or indeed to anywhere else outside their local area).
As the technological infrastructures remain very expensive to acquire and maintain, an important issue will be the possibility that only a limited number of actors will have access to the emerging global circuits.
The contest isn't limited to one platform or one game; we're very keen not to restrict access or entry for people, but rather welcome the worldwide gaming community, whether that's on mobile or on high - end simulator platforms.
«The pending 55 % cut will limit access, increase long - term costs for medical care, and almost certainly cement Alabama at the very bottom of many vital national health statistics.
I'm here to serve women who choose nonhospital birth even though they know that it is not as safe, and my ability to manage complications is very limited compared to what she would have access to in a hospital.»
You will need to decide for yourself when it is safe to remove baby - proofing devices from your cabinets, but when initially installing them, consider that you will want to limit access to not only the very lowest cabinets and drawers, but those an older toddler could reach as well.
For very young children who are just starting to go out and knock on people's doors, limiting their access to really frightening images is important.
But he says he'll look «very seriously» at proposals to limit mentally ill people's access to guns.
Even so, several of the schools in converted office accommodation and similar spaces have no access to outside areas for sport or even play, and of course very limited facilities for children with disabilities or other special educational needs.
The Charities Commission today published a report warning charities can not be «exclusive clubs» as the public benefit is «very limited» if only a few people can join or access their services.
«Limiting ICE's access to detainees at Riker's Island is a very important step in the right direction toward protecting our immigrant communities,» said City Council Education Committee Chair and Bills Co-Sponsor Daniel Dromm.
BASC NI director Tommy Mayne said: «Access to deer stalking in Northern Ireland has always been very limited, but BASC has been working closely with the estate to provide high quality stalking opportunities for our members.
S&P cited the County's «strong budgetary flexibility that has remained consistent over time,» «very strong liquidity, with strong access to external liquidity,» «strong management, with good financial policies and practices in place,» and the County's «strong debt and contingent liability profile, with limited exposure to fixed costs associated with pension and other postemployment benefit libation (OPEB) liabilities.»
Accessing Ancient Genomes — New techniques and very old bones pushed back the limits of genome sequencing for our early ancestors.
«Obviously, access to all these neurons with the interface and recording technology that we have today is not possible, and clinical neuroscientists have to work hard to make inferences from very limited data they can access,» he says.
Researchers are currently investigating other ways to produce the same modulation of the immune response because the access of IVIg to the brain when administered peripherally is very limited.
In theory, the disease could be halted by limiting people's access to unaffected areas, but that would be a very unpopular policy and perhaps impossible to implement, he says.The rapid spread of sudden oak death is «such a dynamic system that a lot of our tools in ecology for understanding and predicting patterns are inadequate,» says Rick Ostfeld of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York.
re # 2 Angelo Lamana says: 3 March 2010 at 9:10 AM «''»» The authors» very brief summary of the letter (access to the letter is limited to subscribers), at the link you provided, doesn't seem to match your discussion above.
Our program offers access to Phase I clinical trials and First - in - children protocols available only at a very limited number of institutions.
As you may imagine, camel dairies are not very popular in this part of the world, and limited access means higher cost.
Without access to the full range of motion in your spine, your life becomes very limited, but when your spine is strong and supple, you radiate well - being.
And it may very well be true in the case of someone who has no or extremely limited access to organically grown foods, that they would be better off including fresh produce in their diet — even if it has pesticides in it.
No berries, no avocadoes, no organic butter or meat (meats available are only chicken and goat, goat being very expensive), no high quality olive oil, limited vegetable choices especially during the hot dry season, and no access to specialty items.
I use the Instamix while traveling as access to quality fats is very limited on the road.
People in the «Goiter Belt» of the Great Lakes, Appalachian, and Northwestern regions of the country were at special risk for this condition because the soil in these locations contain very little iodine and the people had limited access to seafood.
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