Sentences with phrase «very little consensus»

There was very little consensus between the different models run by the UK Met Office.
Today, there is very little consensus around what the next wave of clean technology will be — all the more reason for governments and policymakers to avoid technological tribalism.
There is very little consensus that there is a correlation of CO2 increase with the debated temperature increase.
There is very little consensus that temperatures have risen by much at all.
The literature on ketogenic diet and general anaesthetic is scarce, with very little consensus on management.
One of the most difficult factors for the layperson to deal with is the fact that there is very little consensus among the scientists themselves on whether the research should continue and, if so, under what conditions.

Not exact matches

So Attiwapiskat declared emergency, and yet, due to the complexity of the Indian Act, treaties, government red tape, and the general consensus that there is «plenty of money being thrown at» the First Nations so there must be rampant corruption and mismanagement, very little was actually accomplished.
However, the results from numerous labs over the past 15 years have yielded long lists of genes with very little overlap, making it difficult to come to a consensus as to how mutations in MeCP2 lead to neurological dysfunction.
And there was this great, it was my favorite moment of the weekend and it was this very dramatic moment, when basically Emanuel was complaining a little bit, very politely, and smiling about the fact that journalists still are doing stories about, you know, the debate around climate science, but there's not really, of course, there's not a debate, there's consensus that anthropogenic global warming is happening and that, why are you still doing these stories, asking questions?
Next Page: Getting the right diagnosis was a challenege [pagebreak] Doctors couldn't agree on a diagnosis Back then there was very little medical consensus on bipolar disorder — and there was very little patient consultation on which treatment would be preferred.
While charters have become the consensus approach to school choice in American education, the fact is that today's charter systems offer very little choice or competition - which is just the way the unions want it.
There is very little discussion, and certainly no consensus, on what we are even trying to measure with our testing system.
A trademark application tells us very little about their internal specs or anything like that, but the general consensus is that Samsung is to release a refreshed line of Galaxy Tab 4 devices with 64 - bit Snapdragon processors.
With the incredible accumulation of data spanning over 50 years now, the consensus is Finally emerging that the causes of canine hip dysplasia are only mostly environmental and very little to do with genetics.
It has been a general consensus with the player base that bungee has offered very little in this DLC and have locked too many casual things behind a paywall that were readily available in the first Destiny game as part of the regular experience.
What I also said was that there is little to no consensus on what the cause is for those planets having changes occurring, but that my original question and original assumption was very much in doubt that it was solar influenced.
At very least the publicity was so poor that it got very little uptake from the many readers of climate sceptic blogs... of which there are much more than of consensus blogs.
For the IPCC both the MWP (Medieval Warm Period) and the LIA (Little Ice Age) existed before the «hockey stick,» so viewing the situation objectively — after the IPCC participated in the rewriting of history by showcasing the «hockey stick as a part of the Left's efforts to manufacture a supposed consensus about climate change — the IPCC condoned a fraud that federal climatists to this very day persist in perpetrating on the public.
I also explained I don't have any real beefs with ice core data but if you want to state something specific I'm sure I can find something to cast doubt upon it as very little in this debate is writ in granite, confirmation bias is rampant, overconfidence abounds, the race to publish by inexperienced youngsters on the tenure track is heated, and pal review let's just about anything that supports the consensus view get published while simultaneously quashing anything contrary.
Why should it, since there is very little incentive to blow a hole in the consensus view.
I have very little reason to doubt that the consensus is indeed correct» I'm not sure that quantifying the consensus to 3 significant figures is useful or possible.
In fact an investigative journalist would have very little trouble undermining the consensus claim that is used all the time to state the «science is settled».
Before 1998 the consensus was that there was much more variability in past temperatures and very little correlation with CO2 on the other hand temperature did seem to correlate with solar cycle length.
Here is an example of what I'm getting at: * Climate change is a myth or conspiracy - The temperature record is phony - the consensus is just politics * Climate change is unproven - The models are wrong - One hundred years isn't enough evidence * It's not our fault - Volcano's emit way more CO2 - It could be natural variation * A warmer climate is nothing to worry about - It was warmer in the middle ages - A warmer climate is a good thing * Mitigation will destroy the economy - We don't know enough to act - Reducing fossil fuel will destroy us * It's too late or someone else's problem - Kyoto is too little too late - The US absorbs more CO2 than it emits This is very rough example, but if you think it is headed in the right direction, I'd be happy to go through your guide in more detail and come up with something concrete - just give me the word.
I have very little reason to doubt that the consensus is indeed correct.
First, consensus enforcers have very little, if anything, to gain by this exercise.
Just one or two programmers in the background really know the code while the climate scientists who give talks about how «robust» their results are and the «consensus» do zero or very little actual coding.
Also, it is very clear (from the SOD) that there is little dispute about the range of the TCR, but there is still uncertainty about the long tail of the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity, which (according to the SOD) is still kind of determined by an «expert consensus».
When this is the mindset behind the «consensus», then it leaves very little room for quiet discussion or reasoning.
I have very little reason to doubt that that is indeed true and that the consensus is correct.
Within a few years, after his unprincipled, unsupported and unscientific attacks on climate «sceptics», my opinion had changed, to what it is now, that he's the very model of an unthinking and ill - informed little s ** t. Presenting «evidence» that you haven't checked out yourself is both irresponsible and unscientific, as is accepting «current thinking» or some form of consensus without questioning it in any way.
Andrews labours hard to create some one - sided consensus based on «agents» of change who would change the system in very little incremental steps, so much so that change is visible but with very little content and has a corresponding impact.
He or she reads your opening statement which begins with, «Sales executive with 15 years of experience building teams and consensus, expanding territories, etc., etc... Ultimately, this tells the reader very little.
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