Sentences with phrase «very little faith»

In Ontario there are some rumblings of smaller boards merging for efficiencies sake but very little faith in CREA's ability to re-energize the industry.
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright opened the closing program of the three - day forum noting that, in this time of government stagnation, cities are a beacon of hope for many: «There is very little faith in institutions at the moment, except for those that are local.»
I have very little faith that we wil in fact solve the problems facing us.
I have very little faith in being able to tell one CO2 from another....
I have no expectations at all on that point, since I have very little faith that the new exercise will not be just a new set o «adjustments» to show that «Things Are Even Worse Than We Expected»
(Apparently GameStop has very little faith in the intelligence of CoD players.)
«I don't know how to invest and have very little faith in financial advisors because I've been burned before, so I'm hesitant to leave my money with them.
I have very little faith in these start up etfs.
And he puts very little faith in schools that aim to change those odds.
While the trailer looks amazing and I love this new One Sheet, I have very little faith in David Yates he is going to screw this up like he did the last two movies.
I have very little faith in them at all, if any.»
«I will fight to ban PFOA and similar toxins on the state level because I for one have very little faith that Washington, D.C., will be able to get its act together to pass meaningful protections from the federal level,» said Francis.
Some of the things I want to point out in the article was that in the beginning she said the pediatricians, and I realize this isn't all pediatricians, but she said hers had very little faith in her to breastfeed her triplets and basically really didn't consider it an option for her, but she knew it was something she really wanted to do.
I have very little faith we'll buy anyone else of real significance this summer, but hey, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
It makes one to have very little faith in the state of affairs of football administration in this country.
If he can not hit a barn door now I have very little faith that the instinct, knack, technique and vision required to be a top footballer (specifically speaking as a Forward) is suddenly going to appear in his game.
Before his stellar performance against Minnesota in the NFC Championship, I had very little faith in Foles, but after seeing him carve up that excellent Vikings defense, now he has me like * hand on chin emoji.
No, Abram became a man of great faith because for many years he had very little faith, and even in those times, God continued to keep his promises to Abram.
Even if we think we have very little faith, by living into the faith we do have we can watch God increasing our faith and watch ourselves growing stronger in faith, as Abraham and Sarah did.
Anyone who tries to categorize JESUS CHRIST in category with any man in any way has very little faith.

Not exact matches

«I do think that Republicans have found that trying to shut down the government or threatening the full faith and credit of the United States of America over Obamacare was something that the American public had very little patience for,» deputy press secretary Joshua Earnest told me at the White House press briefing on Thursday.
Treasury bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, which means there is very little risk you won't get your money back.
Meanwhile, despite the weakness, investors are displaying very little panic, in the continued faith that the March lows represent if not the bottom at least a relatively supportive safety net from which stocks will bounce and sustain an extended trading range.
As of yet, there's been very little sign that faith in the Russian banking system is ebbing away.
People of faith toss around the term «theory» with very little understanding of what a theory is, or how the scientific method works.
There could be very little better than for our soldiers to voluntarily participate in an event that promotes and encourages faith in Jesus Christ.
I have little faith but love of family, what a very very nice article, that gives me some faith..
I have found that most of those who so vehemently denounce Christianity, really know very little about our faith.
Just pointing out that considering the mistranslations and following incorrect beliefs there is very little in the bible that you can take for granted, or as having been given «directly from god», many priests / pastors take this statement and run with it saying that that is where you have to have «faith».
Or perhaps like the poor gullible fool you are, you just accept things on faith knowing that nothing was written about this character until 30 - 40 years after death and knowing that stories told like that so many years after could very well hold little accuracy.
Christmas has largely become this jacked - up faith's glitzy high holy day, marked by the kind of consuming and spending and barn - building that bears very little resemblance to a Jesus who was born in anonymous poverty, ministered while homeless and altered the planet without a budget, church building, tax exemption or media empire.
The mystical, metaphysical, esoteric, and symbolical dimensions of our faith are too little known by many, and yet are the very things so many hunger for.»
The words of bigots and naysayers mean very little to a man of faith like him - its like rain on a windshield - we got wipers for that @ssholes.
Clive, you point out how others often don't understand what Jesus was saying; but while Jesus often labors to try and make things clear to the unbeliever («Oh, you of little faith) or at the very least the author tries to make it clear for us in retrospect (At the time they didn't understand that he spoke of this...), in this case Jesus switches from something that might be figurative to essentially say «no, I seriously mean this» and it concludes not with Jesus saying «don't go away, this is what I actually mean» but confirming that people would refuse to accept that God intended for them to actually fill themselves with the life that He offered so they stopped following him.
I knew very little about it, just thought it was a quirky Christian faith.
That produced «the impression that we have very little certain knowledge of Jesus and that only at a later stage did faith in his divinity shape the image we have of him.»
Many atheists don't see a problem with insulting a person's faith because they care very little for the person taking the brunt of their lowbrow insults.
When we had very little scientific knowledge of the working of the universe, it made sense for mankind to construct a God to put their faith in and to provide answers.
Whereas «human reason and knowledge» was called very important by 96 percent of UU congregational leaders who took part in the multi-denominational Faith Communities Today (FACT) survey released early this year, the Bible was termed only «somewhat important» by 50 percent and had little or no importance to 48 percent as a source for worship and teaching.
It will be dependent in everything on faith and on the holy power of the heart, for it will no longer be able to draw any strength at all, or very little, from what is purely institutional.
Very little of my faith has involved leaving and arriving.
They recovered the classical experience of reason as the potential infinity of human questions, showing how this dynamic «ratio» as a desire for understanding is healed and transformed by the paschal - metanoetic experience of faith in the Sophia - Cod of compassion and love.4 Aquinas, for example, understood God as «intimately present within everything that exists since God is existence» and that Cod's omnipotence — Aquinas wrote very little about it — regards not actualities but possibilities, and is best manifested in forgiveness and compassionate mercy.5
If his declaration precluded the enthusiastic patriotism of the old Prussian «union of throne and altar» or the mindless nationalism of the pro-Nazi «German Christians,» it was nonetheless susceptible to interpretation along classical Lutheran lines, in which the secular ruler is entitled to obedience in everything except matters of faith, which may be interpreted in such a way that they take up very little space indeed.
But there can be little doubt that the contribution of early Christian experience and faith is very great.
At evening time it is, with equal ceremony, locked away for the night in a specially prepared vault for safekeeping.11 It is not a little strange that a faith which rules out idolatry should have come, in the end, very near, if not quite, to making their sacred book an object of worship.
Most readers unobsessed with literalism find that these stories say very little about the mechanics of birth, but a great deal about the dimensions of faith in threatening circumstances.
They also found that the parents interviewed knew very little about Christian faith.
It takes very little insight to see that in each case the mediation is a mixture of faith and vested interest.
For those of us that do not have Faith or His Love, we shall spend an eternity in a place with very little Love at all.
Not only has he been able to reach with his message many in the Praetorian guard and in that vast establishment of slaves, freedmen, and persons of every station known as the household of Caesar, but the very fact that he is in prison for his faith has given what little preaching he can still do added power, and inspired other Christians to preach more earnestly than ever.
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