Sentences with phrase «very little food»

There was very little food after the fires.
As you produce very little food and resort to starving villagers, you increase the chance of them getting sick and even dying — brutal but realistic!
In these places, very little food is available.
A good news with this food is that the cans are packed with actual food instead of an overabundant gravy (cheap since it's water) and very little food content.
They were subjected to daily cruelty and had very little food or veterinary care, Archambault said.
The vet staff said Pilot appears to have survived for as long as two weeks with the burns and very little food or water.
They are crammed in small, filthy cages exposed to the elements, with no environmental enrichment and very little food or care offered during their lifetime.
Ten years later, he got caught in the recent Santa Rosa wildfire, suffering severe burns and surviving for as long as two weeks with very little food or water.
You might balk at the idea of paying between eight and nine dollars for a pound of food, but remember that you will be using very little food and rehydrating it, so it's actually quite affordable.
Many knowledgeable dog people do it with success and have solved the housebreaking problem very quickly — mostly by feeding no liquids and very little food in the later evening.
The Chiweenie requires very little food and is able to self - regulate their eating habits.
he Alaskan Malamute was capable of working under nearly murderous circumstances, tough enough to survive the cold, required very little food and was capable of hauling extremely heavy loads of goods and supplies over long distances.
These Coastal Village or Eskimo dogs were a hardy, heavy boned dog that could survive on very little food and water.
But equally, I've heard many a horror story where first date nerves have led to a bottle or two of wine and very little food... and ended appallingly as a result!
There's very little food I don't like and very little restraint I show when eating it.
Disordered eating included bingeing / purging, extreme and less extreme weight - control behaviors (ie, taking diet pills, self - induced vomiting, using laxatives, using diuretics, fasting, eating very little food, using food substitutes, skipping meals, and smoking cigarettes as a means of weight control).
In a few weeks, though, the berries are gone and there's very little food left.
But if we fast aren't we really Eat Less (zero / very little food coming in) and Move More (more energetic that makes us move more)?
Especially beware of calorie - dense foods which contain huge amounts of calories even though you get very little food.
I was eating very little food, mostly raw food like vegetables and fruits.
Let me just say, when you're on Reality TV, you're filming for 12 - hour days on very little food and sleep and they're looking for every opportunity for character assassination.
Many focus on eating very little food for a couple of days and then compensate for all those days in one evening when they start bingeing on food.
With no light reaching it, Lake Vostok probably contains very little food.
No wait - time at all as I used very little food colouring for the amount of salt and I was so pleased with the beautiful shade of blue.
This is sometimes very difficult, allowing very little food variety.
Place very little food on your baby's highchair tray — a few pieces at most.
This recipe came about at the end of the week when I had very little food and ingredients in the fridge.
The idea of no bees and so very little food is horrifying, but could be a reality.
We had very little food for three days only, no water,» he said.
I'm talking very little foods, dialectic pills, colon flushes, and even topical treatments to make their skin dehydrated so it shows of muscle lines better.
is important for your bone health and your immune system found in very little foods and therefore sunlight on the skin is the best source or adding shiitake mushrooms, or soy milk or even a supplement.
Some people eat very little foods yet continue to add weight.

Not exact matches

Instead, she believes the government — along with advocacy groups — needs to do a better job helping consumers understand that most marketing claims, particularly those used on packaged, processed food, mean very little.
With a modest living quarters, food, transportation, and clothing, there often is very little left for retirement planning.
They protested that even if they went into town and bought food for such a throng, it would cost two hundred denarii, nearly a year's wages then, though its equivalent now would buy very little.
Would a real Christian want to deny little children food and shelter while ranting and raving about giving more and more money and power to very ones who have it.
A little later my dad came in and sat down on the edge of the bed and said quietly that we should have a conversation about Sunday Mass, and probably I was now old enough to make my own decisions about attending Mass, that he and my mother did not think it right or fair to force that decision on us children, that we needed to find our own ways spiritually, and that while he and our mother very much hoped that we would walk in the many rewarding paths of the Church, the final decision there would be ours alone, each obeying his own conscience; that was only right and fair, and to decree attendance now would perhaps actually force us away from the very thing that he and my mother found to be the most nutritious spiritual food; so perhaps you and I and your mother can sit and discuss this later this afternoon, he said, and come to some amicable agreement.
And the desire to have healthy food to eat with very little time or effort.
My mom never bought cans, very little frozen food, absolutely no ready - made food.
However, no new recipes were really lighting me up which is very frustrating (and a little bit scary) when you write a food blog.
Pulses are often considered to be «nutritional powerhouses» or «perfect foods» because they contain lots of good stuff and very little bad stuff.
Refined foods (like sugar, white flour, and white rice) also contain very little, if any, fiber and are best replaced with whole, unrefined foods.
I am just a little more than one month old and I am really honored to appear on a very well known and appreciated food blog for a guest posting.
With a little planning though, we will still have awesome healthy food with very little to do that week!
As I gear up to begin seeding for this year's garden, I'm reminded of the simple — but incredible — power of the home garden, and that for a 3 or 4 month stretch in summer - fall, I buy very little at the grocery store, my food coming from my own little rectangle on this planet, or, for what I can't / don't grow, from the local farmers» markets.
Sharing a recipe for such a serious cause might seem very modest, but if you think a little, everything starts in a plate, and it's important to remember how much food matters in search for a healthy life.
Now he is napping happily I just wanted to say thank u cuz I'm at the point in pregnancy where my flow has slowed a little bit and needed to supplement while nursing until he is on food regularly and I am so very relieved and happy to have found something I can get down him that is good!
Despite Jewish family on my father's side, I know so very little about the food, festivals and fasts.
Most Americans eat very little fiber, and the fiber they do eat is not whole food high fiber options
I have been making a similar recipe for years (and very similar to one you'll find in the prepared food section of Whole Foods), and I add some feta cheese while the pasta is still warm so that it gets a little melty.
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