Sentences with phrase «very little nuance»

Not exact matches

UX testing can be very simple and fulfilling when executed properly, but unfortunately many people get deep into the trenches of the technical nuances and end up designing tests and tactical test plans that are unrealistic and add little to no value.
It is a little tougher than some other types of trading methods to implement, but once you master the nuances of this, it can be very helpful.
The notation of Gregorian chant betrays very little in the way of rhythm, which is left to the nuances in the text.
Between the Tea Party and the Evangelicals politicians have very little room for nuance when it comes to their pet issues.
Very little of psychology is based on absolute scientific fact... it's very nuanVery little of psychology is based on absolute scientific fact... it's very nuanvery nuanced.
Chovanec offers many caveats about this nuanced situation, but seems to suggest it's a way Kim can win a place on the world stage and get sanctions eased on North Korea while giving away very little and putting on a show in the Korean DMZ to make Trump look good.
If you identify as a an «atheist» (and to many religious people, there's very little inclination to make fine nuanced distinction between «nones», «non-affiliated», «agnostic», «atheist» - they all get conceptually lumped together as «unbelieving atheist heathen» (tm) from the point of view of someone highly devout in a monotheistic Abrahamic tradition), there's plenty of strongly religious people who - according to polls - would refuse to vote for you.
The profile of each girl is very detailed, basically offering you every little nuance you can look for.
The way the story and philosophical elements are introduced is done in a very blunt and contrived manner, with little subtlety and nuance.
«The Salvation,» a Danish revenge Western starring Mads Mikkelsen, is a very real movie, and it is directed by Kristian Levring («The King Is Alive»), whose sensibility is a little more nuanced than that of the sensationalist [Nicolas Winding] Refn, which is all to this movie's benefit.
Aside from being perilously addictive and hugely colourful to boot, Porcupine is the sort of game that demands very little from the player since its nuances can be picked up really quite quickly and matches rarely cross the two minute mark.
Mishandled, the subject matter could have very easily tipped over into something trite, but instead plays out as something a little more nuanced that resists the urge to tidy up after itself.
So when something as brilliantly wrought as Lost Planet 2 comes along, with its immense number of fascinating nuances and insightful design choices, it receives coverage that's very much distorted and more than a little bit unfair on account of how the gaming press is structured.
It's a type of passion and involvement that's rarely seen among company executives and it emulates the very developers of the doujin games his company seeks to publish: indie game makers who are self - taught and responsible for the programming, music, character design, and every other little nuance involved in game development.
It ended up with studios creating games for a stereotype: a fictitious and overly simplistic view of what might interest women, with very little understanding of the nuances the chosen demographic actually wanted.
By discounting the agw science groups natural political inclinations and taking it off the table of discussion leaves us with very little understanding of nuanced and limited positions Dr. Curry offers.
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