Sentences with phrase «very little stress»

It's a holiday that you spend with family and friends, yet there is very little stress involved.
In many states, you can get that traffic ticket dismissed with very little stress and very little money.
The advantages of a trailer are that, unlike using saddlebags and a rack, they put very little stress on the rear wheel, reducing the risk of breaking spokes.
This can be remedied easily with very little stress for your pet.
While a student it was easy to get away with the overtraining as there was very little stress in my life.
Now if the person just doesn't know where to start and he is eating well and under very little stress then I'm all for some weight training to start.
Running at the MAF heart rate, since it involves very little stress, should teach the airways to relax and let in more air.
: Very, very little stress, but still uhm — it's amazing what the body is capable of doing.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very, very little stress, but still uhm — it's amazing what the body is capable of doing.
Bodyweight squats put very little stress on the hips compared to weighted squats, so your butt does not get nearly as much of a workout as your thighs.
Toddler food tips - most toddlers go through a fussy food stage sometime in their early years but there are ways to make sure we can still get good foods into our children with very little stress.
We both really enjoy our daughter and in general feel that parenting one awesome little girl brings us mostly joy and very little stress.
Because there is no third party lending, there is very little stress involved.
He always seems to be very thoughtful and at peace with very little stress but I wonder if he is really as calm as he seems with all the craziness going on in the world and political uncertainty.

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I have worked with several companies whose owners had a supportive friends and family network that required very little equity and didn't stress about the financial outlay.
So if you're not in a position to radically rethink your schedule to give yourself a little more breathing room, how can you relieve your stress in the (very) little time you have available?
The stress is different — you are carrying the weight of the business on your shoulders but there is very little of the corporate politics that could be quite stressful.
The destructive power of leverage was compounded in the banking industry by capital rules that risk - adjust assets and the assets that caused such stress in many banks were «highly rated assets» and therefore, required very little capital.
Following Wilder's altogether persuasive statement of the matter, we might say that the parables impart to their hearers something of Jesus» vision of the power of God at work in the experience of the men confronted by the reality of his proclamation, and this would be true if we are allowed to stress the «in the experience of the men confronted...» It is a remarkable and little noted fact that, pace Jüngel, there is only a very limited number of parables which are concerned to proclaim the Kingdom of God per se.
With how insanely busy I've been with work, I'm trying to find a little bit more balance and get back to stress - free cooking, while still making sure to thoroughly test and vet each recipe that ultimately appears here — the consequence of that being that I'm very very slow - moving with recipe development at the moment.
But Sofia realized that rather than enjoying the «best years of her life,» she was suffering from stress headaches and chronic fatigue, and having very little fun.
In an attempt at being fair and even handed courts tend to divide time between parents with little understanding that nighttime separation from an attachment figure creates stress and is qualitatively very different from daytime separation.
The third reason I see is that there's an increase in stress and anxiety in very little kids, and if you're stressed, you have difficulty focusing and paying attention, and therefore you're more likely to be diagnosed or misdiagnosed as having ADHD.
I have tried to play it cool, but in reality wrangling a 5 month old and a 3 year old for a very LONG day of travel has started to stress me out a little.
I have to admit, I'm a little nervous — throwing parties always stress me out — will I have the right food, what kind of music should I play, did I remember to clean everything sufficiently... Very relieved and excited by the idea of throwing a party for which I do not have to clean my bathtub and kitchen floor!
Nuna want to create high chairs that provide little ones with their very own place at the table, close to their parents and other family members, making mealtimes more fun and stress - free.
I am clear about my basic assumptions about child development and child raising based on millions of years of evidence, unlike the people who publish articles that conclude it is all right to stress babies and deny them their evolved needs — with very little evidence.
A little stress, even in infancy, is fine, if not beneficial, but too much for too long is very, very bad.
Let's be honest — it's very easy to create new routines and dependencies when you're stressed and things are a little wacky with shopping, visiting, traveling etc..
Sara Vance: I don't really know as to why, you know, I think some of that could just be that you're not getting enough calories and your body is under little bit stress, you know, I think one of the things that can reduce milk supply is stress and losing weight really quickly is actually very stressful on the body.
Chicco has created a force technology that takes the stress out of installation and allows for a simple, safe fit with very little effort.
Anyone else's opinions have very little value (read: none) in this scenario, so don't stress on the expectations of others; they're not the ones waking you up at 3 AM because they're hungry.
Very stressed and overwhelmed that this is happing to my little baby just days after giving birth.
With very little scientific data available about the new strain, the MIT researchers stress the need for better surveillance to track the outbreak and to help scientists to determine how to respond to this influenza variant.
He stressed that the greatest impact from increasing a person's daily intake of fruit and vegetables appears to be in people do not eat fruit and vegetables at all, or who eat very little of them.
While you're working out and right after you finish, the stress the exercise puts on your carbohydrate storage in your muscles means that they become depleted and the muscle protein structure changes very little.
If your gut is being stressed by an influx of yoghurt, the probiotics are going to do very little for you anyway.
As you press the weights up past halfway the tension gradually decreases on the pecs, and at the very top of the movement there is very little to no stress on these muscles at all.
Very little protein is needed to support growth, and protein metabolism releases toxic nitrogen products and stresses the kidney.
At the time that they were happening, I felt very stressed and wondered if it was fair of me to bring a child into the world and if I was truly ready for the challenge of being the main person responsible for caring for a little one.
It would take a lot of stress to change the pH level even a little bit, since the body has powerful buffering mechanisms to maintain the level in a very narrow range.
Hormone balance is very sensitive to stress, inflammation, toxins, poor diet, sleep deprivation, lack of exercise, too little sunlight, and other common factors of modern life.
«More and more people report using meditation practices for stress reduction, but we know very little about how much you need to do for stress reduction and health benefits,» said lead author J. David Creswell, associate professor of psychology in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
It took me a little longer than my dad, but I use a very similar system and it's the same system that hundreds or thousands of people use to stay lean without the same anxiety and stress of normal dieting.
He eats a relatively healthy diet (lots of fruit and veg, wholemeal bread, potatoes and very small amounts of animal products EG a little milk on weetabix) but not much food — he is underweight and drinks a lot of alcohol and stress.
And what was miraculous is that those that did the listening had statistically significant improvements going from stress burnout to normal stress resilience, and those getting talk therapy made very little change.
But the converse also holds: if biomechanically, physiologically, lifestyle - and nutrition-wise we are not doing the right things — eating inflammatory foods, sleeping badly or very little, with high work stress, bad biomechanics, etc, — our aerobic base won't be developing at all.
There's very little I could say about your problem, beyond that it's clearly related to some kind of stress, which could be OTS.
We live in a constant high stressed culture where there is a work hard, play hard mentality, and very little time to recover.
But, Dr. Slavin stressed that there is little data that any of these strategies are very effective in the long run.
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