Sentences with phrase «very little wiggle room»

There is obviously very little wiggle room in this tiny space so having this bedding that zips up and requires no folding, tucking etc..
We also know that we have very little wiggle room for human comfort and prospertity — at best 2 degrees Celsius of warming.
There is very little wiggle room for CO2 sensitivity to change significantly — and most of the uncertainty is on the upside rather than the downside.
With so many websites offering equipment at discount prices, there is usually very little wiggle room for retailers.
You could have very little wiggle room even with a modified structure.
If you're like most singles, you have a specific dating check list with very little wiggle room.
Following this method strictly gives you very little wiggle room to evolve your style and try new things.
This is the opposite of what we're hearing from the Board of Regents and State Ed, which have said repeatedly the language of the Cuomo statute gives them very little wiggle room for maneuvering.
By using power and coercion, parents exert their will onto their children with very little wiggle room.
The point that guys like Lamar Jackson and others like Matt Elam make is that with the rookie wage scale, there's very little wiggle room on either side.

Not exact matches

The heist genre code became set in stone long ago, and there's very little wiggle - room within those strictures.
High freeboard make these ships appear as sails in the wind, vulnerable to cross winds that would make them very hard to control in gales in the small confines of an icebreakers» wake; little wiggle room to maneuver.
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