Sentences with phrase «very meaning of life»

There has never been a democratic state which has constructed a system of social welfare and then succumbed to fascism (or communism)... In an extreme version of market utopianism (which Hayek himself opposed) the Vienna School merges with the thinking of Ayn Rand; competition represents the very meaning of life.
This was the very meaning of life in the Christian community.

Not exact matches

«What I mean by this is people try and make themselves seem more exciting, so they can sometimes oversell some things or even tell little white lies within very basic parts of their lives.
So again, the book struck me as being fairly vague about the very concept of «inequality» because it does not provide a very insightful perspective into the meaning of «wealth» and how it really relates to our living standards.
But very quickly it hits you: getting rid of the stress would mean giving up your business, possibly those pesky, stress - inducing kids, and all the other challenges that fry your nerves but give meaning and a sense of accomplishment to your life.
Yet when I now reflect on all 52 interviews in my podcast, this makes complete sense; the grit and hustle that comes from moving to a foreign country - often with very little means - and persevering through hardship lends itself to starting a company and overcoming the unexpected bumps of early startup life.
However, if you are a single doctor making $ 300,000 per year, did not have to address a meaningful debt burden, and only have $ 100,000 in investments at the age of forty, you have done something very wrong (most likely, you either lived at your means or traded stocks instead of thinking like an owner that made long - term investments) even if you have that same $ 100,000 in paper wealth because you had the skill set and personal opportunity costs to do so much more with your hand in life.
Humans have sought to discover the meaning of life for a very long time.
my favorite for the movies is the holy grail but life of brian is a very very close second... the meaning of life was off and on funny, but still good... my favorite part of the meaning of life is when death shows up and the American says now, just you wait one minute here... how is it that we all die?
Have you ever thought about what it means to be living at the very edge of evolution - the most highly developed expression of a cosmos becoming aware of itself?
the problem is that ppl read the bible thats been translated, if you realy want to know what was said youll need to study hebrew... every letter has a meaning... every word isnt a perfect fit for english,, theres nuances and cultural differences that youll find,,, its a whole new thing to go back and look at the bible through hebrew eyes,,, they arent required to look like us,,, were supposed to look more like them,,, yashua was a jew,,,, all the apostles were jews, yashua was sent to the lost sheep of the house of israel, not the gentiles, paul took it to the gentiles, and he never stopped being and living as a jew, the laws are very viable today, but they do nt give salvation, thats what yashua did...
I believe on the same things about the meaning of life and I am very thankful to my parents who taught me to love and forgive.
So, although it had been preceded by an exemplary life of compassionate giving, it has very real meaning by itself.
What started tumbling out of the closets at the time of Stonewall [the late sixties protest by which the movement marks its beginning] is profoundly altering the way we all live, form families, think about and act toward one another, manage our health and well - being, and understand the very meaning of identity.
That means there will be more chances to give a very public witness to the sacredness of life and to present the prolife message in a good light.
They are found to be a very Rich & Powerful Groups and Mother of Groups that control lives of Millions... Now Finding Peace means that we should think on how to get those Master Keys or Super Master Keys of Super Powerful Groups that are to be gathered all in one Ring lock that works to getting them to work towards One Purpose only and that is on how to make Human Life better Globally and that by investing in them human populations worldwide not minding their Race or Faith or Political interests such will work towards Building Bridges between all Nations holding and calling one Message of Love and Sharing in some form of Brotherhood that works towards a Greener Planet Earth!?
My life may not have meaning, but if I try very hard, and do very well, it could have quite a lot of meaning, real meaning, that will be felt here in the real world, not in a possible reward in a realm that can't be proven to be anything other than imaginary.
Does this mean that anyone who has given their lives to Christ and rejects Him to live a life of sin and open destruction to Christ will be absent from the body, and in the next breath praising the very God they say they do not believe?
Looking like Jesus may mean that we don't get our «rights,» but instead end up sacrificing our rights — and maybe our very lives — for the sake of others.
A lot of pro-choice folks like to say that «no one is pro-abortion,» but when celebratory concert series and festivals are organized around the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, I can't help but question the degree to which we have desensitized ourselves to the reality that abortion means the termination of, at the very least, a potential life, something that should never be celebrated with balloons and rock concerts.
I do have a logical exlpanation of the meaning in my life, a very simple one.
But we are also very good at repressing our memories of pain and agony, so we need to remind ourselves just what it can mean to live in the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
The love of God, shed abroad in our hearts by His unmerited mercy, is the bedrock, the cornerstone of that work which makes us justified, righteous and ready for the very real new creation ahead — the hope that makes our days here (often scared with pain and trial) have meaning — that's the hope of our calling that allows (as Steve notes) us to live for each other.
This can be said in spite of the fact that it must also be said that secularism is a very widespread phenomenon of our culture, and secularism means conformity to the world, the organization of life as if God did not exist.
One may read that, as perhaps it was intended, to mean that the lives recounted here are very much a thing of the past.
Great as is the significance of the emergence of self - conscious persons within the very fabric of the universe for any reflection on its possible meaning and purpose, this must not lead us to underplay the significance also of the rest of the universe and of all other living organisms to God as Creator — even though we are able to depict only in imagination the kind of delight that God may be conceived to have in the fecund multiplicity and variety or created forms.
How do we live comfortably — by which I mean no more than enjoying a lifestyle typical of the American middle class, which compared to most of the world is very comfortable indeed — and also take seriously the needs of our neighbors?
a set of values, beliefs, and structure in a person's life in order to give them direction and a sense of right and wrong is fine, but organized religions are no more than large corporations, and like any large corporation are only focused on their bottom line... trying to control the public and extract as much money as they can from them by any means necessary... promoting fear, uncertainty, hate and a sense that they alone can offer salvation... for a price (although they are very cleaver about getting to this hidden and unspoken cost... after all these hundreds of years they have perfected their craft well!)
This is very true «This means that while we may not be able to hear the voice of God, we can see His response to us through how life unfolds as we pray and communicate with Him.»
Also I'm most of the time very good at judging others to some kind of standard that I expect people to live by, meaning I want to put them into religion or at least have some kind of control over them.
Hi my name is Lindsey and I'm recovering heroin addict and my mother is a very devoted rightous Christian her favorite saying is I am the head and not the tail meaning she is the head is far better than me and I am the tail and because the way Christians have treated me recently through my struggle I have felt that I should convert to Hinduism when I brought this up to my mother she told me I will go to hell because Jesus is the only God which I do believe to an extent but I also believe in having peace within your own life and treating others equally fairly with love respect and dignity which my mother and my sister do not do the act as though they are better than anyone they do not sin they do not make mistakes and they are perfect in every way another one of her favorite sayings I'm not perfect but I'm going to try to be BC Jesus loves me that much.
«Man» does not live by «bread» alone which means one does not live by Christ's teaching alone but by the very word of GOD, the Father of God, Christ Jesus!
Reducing communication to being an instrument at the service of the advancement of the churches has blurred the very meaning of communication and its relationship with mission, and has allowed the development of a mistaken theological concept about its place in the life of the church and the world.
Not sure i am convinced because how do you explain the verse an eye for an eye in the old testament there have always been consequences for wrong doing and stiill are for sin.If we believe the word then that word is from God not satan.As far as satan is concerned he uses violence as his tools of trade he works on our fears and is limited to robbing stealing and destroying he does nt have anything else.Violence confirms to us that there is a spiritual battle going on both on the earthly plane and in the heavenlys and the battle is over souls.The verse the kingdon of heaven is expanding and violent people take it by force is referring to that spiritual battle and as satan uses violence to expand his dominion so does God use violence to counter him.So what does he mean by that term for me i think it is saying that the the force of evil that satan uses or violence is overcome by a greater violence or force a more powerful one that being the Love of Christ.Through the cross we see that clearly portrayed and in our lives that very same battle is still happening right now for dominion be clear if we walk in the flkesh satan will have dominion over us but if we walk according to the spirit and abide in Christ we have freedom from our old nature.and satan.He can oppose us but he wont be able to influence us if we are in Christ.
Since these «mixed» ventures may not always be the churches» most direct or effective way of fulfilling their central function of explaining the ultimate meaning of life to their adherents — and certainly not if muffled by the requirements of public fisc — perhaps churches should be less eager to enter into what can at best be but a very unequal partnership with the public, and less tenacious in clinging to «mixed» institutions rather than letting them spin off to nonsectarian auspices.
Clive, you point out how others often don't understand what Jesus was saying; but while Jesus often labors to try and make things clear to the unbeliever («Oh, you of little faith) or at the very least the author tries to make it clear for us in retrospect (At the time they didn't understand that he spoke of this...), in this case Jesus switches from something that might be figurative to essentially say «no, I seriously mean this» and it concludes not with Jesus saying «don't go away, this is what I actually mean» but confirming that people would refuse to accept that God intended for them to actually fill themselves with the life that He offered so they stopped following him.
At the very moment of giving [we] find ourselves expressing gratitude for something new and better that [we] have been given... Whether this gratuitousness is explicitly referred back to God or remains unidentified, it is clear that in aiding the poor one receives back from them meaning for one's life.13
Jeremy Myers, i think you are wrong and David is right, so many out there are preaching you can live any way you want and be right that Grace covers any sin, they really believe that, that is not what the bible says, God was very concerned about sin so much he sent Jesus his son to die on a cross for us, if we accept Jesus as our savor then we are to obey his commandments, not break them, we are to live a righteous and holy life as possible, the bible plainly list a whole list of things if we live in will not to to heaven unless we repent, if we die while in these sins, we will not go to heaven, what is the difference, between someone who said a prayer and someone who did not, and they are living the same way, none, i think, if we are truly saved it should be hard to do these things let alone live and do them everyday, i would be afraid to tell people that it does not matte grace covers their sins, i really think it is the slip ups that we are convicted of by the Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates sin,
-- who give heed to the meaning of the great racist persecutions and who try to understand this meaning, they will see Israel as drawn along the road to Calvary, by reason of that very vocation which I have indicated, and because the slave merchants will not pardon Israel for the demands it and its Christ have implanted in the heart of the world's temporal life, demands that will ever cry «no» to the tyranny of force.
Most of my life I did not practice my Christianity because I watched professed Christian being very cruel, judgemmental etc. instead of doing the correct thing and looking only at Christ to learn the true meaning of Christianity.....
In John 18:5 - 6 Jesus sais «I AM he» and The power of his declaration of BEING GOD brought them to their knees... This clearly coincides with Exodus 3 when God appeared to Moses and Declared that his NAME was «I AM who I AM» Do you REALLY think that that is not by design??? Is this not also a very clear foreshadowing of the future (Romans 14:11, and Philliapians 2:10 - 11) Please oh please see how the Bible is so intricately intertwined and full of the The masters handiwork... Everything, all of life's questions are all within this book, not other sources, if one but will accept them, pray over them, and get the Lord's guidance... This is why I brought up 1 Cor 2:14, Which you took EXTREMELY out of context in the way I meant it to be discerned, which the verse itself explains I might begrudgingly add... John 8:24 after he tells them I am not of this world.
There are indeed many intelligent, sincere, well - meaning people who say such things as: «Whatever the controversy, and however strong the scholarly arguments against it, I choose to believe in the supernatural aspects of my faith, simply because it is very important for me in the life of my faith to be radically aware of sacred mysteries.»
One imagines behind that Scotchman's life such a home as Burns described in «The Cotter's Saturday Night,» where the profound meanings of religion and right living were bred into the very marrow of the children.
The contemporary student of religion is living at a time when not only the reality but also the very meaning of religion threatens to disappear.
«It's all very well to tell us that God is love, but what does that mean to me, living as I do in the tangle of hostility which is a part of my work?»
Such participation means nothing less than to be drawn into the very life and love of God» Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Now in contrast with such healthy - minded views as these, if we treat them as a way of deliberately minimizing evil, stands a radically opposite view, a way of maximizing evil, if you please so to call it, based on the persuasion that the evil aspects of our life are of its very essence, and that the world's meaning most comes home to us when we lay them most to heart.
True humility means that one sees oneself as addressed with one's very life and one's life task as that of responding to this address.
Strings like, «There is something wrong with you if you don't speak in tongues» (a very unBiblical one that), you must have a full submersion baptism because the last baptism you had wasn't wet enough, you must sing naff choruses or it means you do nt» want to worship God, you must believe that the vast majority of people that have lived on earth are damned to everlasting Hell, you must not say anything controversial, you must not be too intellectually assertive if you're a woman, you must do as we say and believe as we say, you must force yourself to be attracted to people with a particular set of genitalia or be lonely and unfulfilled for the rest of your life.
Also, just because I don't take the Word of God does not mean I am waisting my life away I have a very productive and fufilled life without any such God.
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