Sentences with phrase «very much influenced»

A divorce trial is always a gamble: the personal stakes are very high, and the outcome is almost always permanent, irrevocable, and very much influenced by the judge's own values, personal baggage, and prejudices.
Bowlby was very much influenced by ethological theory in general, but especially by Lorenz's (1935) study of imprinting.
My view is that the IPCC procedures of handling uncertainty are very much influenced by the fact that the authors have had the decision making and more specifically the precautionary principle in the back of their mind.
They say art imitates life, but, as the new Building 6 illustrates, art can be very much influenced by the places it occupies.
Very much influenced by Joseph Beuys, and European Conceptualism, as well as American performance art — there was this enormous amount of awareness and self criticism, very rhetorical.
Harry Dodge's sculptures, drawings, and paintings are very much influenced by Los Angeles artists John Baldessari, Paul McCarthy, and Raymond Pettibone.
Our project is very much influenced by post-Minimalist sculpture, especially Hans Haacke and his Condensation Cube.
Although Hwang refers to her Korean heritage in her artistic practice, she is also very much influenced by her time living in the United States.
For instance the museum in Basel certainly has been very much influenced, much stimulated by Ludwig.
I am very much influenced by music both on a conscious level and a subconscious one.
Like painterly contemporaries such as Jackson Pollock, Lipton was very much influenced by Carl Jung's work on the unconscious mind and the regenerative forces of nature.
Vancouver is very much influenced by the Vancouver School of conceptual photography, starting with Ian Wallace and Jeff Wall.
They're pleasurable partly because they don't have the polish and sheen often expected of photographs, but some recall his early still lifes, things that were very much influenced by photography at Black Mountain College.
Her analytical approach to trying to predict the economic future very much influenced my approach to trying to understand the future of art.
He is a modern day nomad; his work is very much influenced by the surroundings of his studios, which are situated in various locations around the globe.
Rhoades was very much influenced by his environment and the gallery space, and his work, though site - responsive, is wholly adaptable and based on the availability of the materials to hand.
NMQ: I'm very much influenced by music production.
And of course combat is very much influenced by the strength of the items created through alchemy.
In a blog post announcing the game, Snowman co-founder Ryan Cash stated he has been a passionate skateboarder since he was 11 years old, and that Alto's Adventure was very much influenced by the original Tony Hawk's Pro Skater game from the 1990s.
Mikael Krafft, founder and owner of Star Clippers, said: «We have already built the five - masted full ship Royal Clipper, which is very much influenced by the Preussen.
The design of the new SUV will be very much influenced by the Evoque.
This film is very much influenced by Macon's writing.
I'm the kind of person whose mood is very much influenced by what I wear; too many blah outfits, and I start to feel blah.
Building new muscle tissue is very much influenced by your overall hormonal balance.
«The growth, physiology and behavior of these developing pink salmon are very much influenced by these small changes.»
«We were very much influenced by concerns about privacy and the experience about a much earlier proposal in the 1960s for a data bank,» says Abraham, a former head of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and a member of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Obama.
This Afghan policy was very much influenced by «Pashtunistanism,» driven by idealistic and principled causes (i.e. supporting Pashtuns and Balochs» right to self - determination, not recognizing the Durand line, and most of all continuing to claim as Afghan land territory lost in the 1893 Durand agreement, parts of today's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces in Pakistan).
I have been very much influenced by Skinner's work in particular on this, having come to Pettit quite late.
Self esteem in your child is very much influenced by the quality of time that you spend with them, but not the amount of time.
Bowlby was very much influenced by ethological theory in general, but especially by Lorenz's (1935) study of imprinting.
The recipes are very much influenced by the seasons, too.
I wrote my dissertation on Karl Barth and biblical narrative, and I was very much influenced by Hans Frei and the Yale tradition of understanding scripture in terms of narrative.
People are very much influenced by what they see in media.
Quest for historical Jesus and for secularization of the gospel, for example, was very much influenced the modernity of the Western civilization; and, consequently, Asian religious - cultural traditions were regarded as pre-modern and neglected not only as «pagan», but also as antiquated.
My very little research shows that he is very much influenced by Nietzsche.
He owns many more stocks than I do — and is far less interested in the underlying nature of the business; I don't seem to have very much influence on him.
Warren Buffett had this to say about Walters Schloss: «He knows how to identify securities that sell at considerably less than their value to a private owner; And that's all he does... He owns many more stocks than I do and is far less interested in the underlying nature of the business; I don't seem to have very much influence on Walter.

Not exact matches

«A true leader wouldn't use the term very much, and if they did, they'd quantify what that means in terms of department size or initiatives and influence
The Armenians were a minority community that excelled in the arts, academia, and the professional classes; successful, intelligent, and very much «the other» in a Turkey whose young rulers were influenced by the racialist ideologies then prominent in Europe.
On face value, W. E. Hocking's remark that when Whitehead arrived at Harvard «his speculative structure... was already well advanced in its main outlines» is a bit of external evidence against my hypothesis, but it may mean nothing more than that Whitehead was little influenced by the philosophical opinions and controversies of his American colleagues during these years, which seems very much to have been the case.
We can even see problem solving intelligence in slime mold, and our own brains work very much like the hive intelligence found in bees and ants... no sign of any «divine» influence but fascinating none the less.
However, the theologians of the Antiochene school were very much impressed and influenced by the thoroughness of scholarship and spirit of enquiry of Origen of Alexandria.
The present globalization is influenced and even very much determined by the financially powerful countries and groups within them.
After determining that I was not just another moralist who wanted to influence film content, but someone who was genuinely interested in film, Shurlock relaxed and asked me a question that was very much on his mind: «We are trying to determine what to do about a picture in which director Sidney Lumet wants to include a shot of a woman's bare breasts.
Moreover, if God needed to intervene to influence three people to notice Peter and ask this question, that would obviously not be difficult for him to do — though, since Peter had been a very public figure, we have no reason to assume God needed to intervene even this much.
Thus, despite the fact that Wieman and others of similar persuasion found elements of Whitehead's philosophy congenial, and despite the fact that many others saw Wieman as a Whiteheadian, in retrospect one must conclude that Whitehead's influence on Wieman was very partial and that the influence of John Dewey, with a resultant emphasis on empirical observation and verification, was much more formative for Wieman's distinctively empirical and pragmatic theology.
The college had a very strong influence on local civics and the town — it was very much a mid-western bible belt buckle.
I think that this statement very much is part of what influences me to be in youth ministry as opposed to adult ministry.
Although both «lungs» of the Church of the Christ have experienced the tuberculosis of iconoclasm (indeed, the very term «iconoclasm» comes from the struggle of the Greek Church against the attempts of a Greek emperor to ban icons), the Greek version of iconoclasm was much influenced not only by imperial fiat but also by the surrounding sea of Muslim culture, whereas the iconoclasm of Western Puritanism was born out of Calvin's reliance on Old Testament Law.
It is very much alive, and as our world grows smaller, the Western world will find its ways of thought and life influenced by Buddhism.
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