Sentences with phrase «very much used to»

Graduate PhD's are very much used to being guided by thier mentor (s) because that is what they have done their whole educational career.
As a physics student very much used to operating on the «make prediction; test prediction» model of determining the reliability of a theory, I appreciate thorough discussion of realistic expectations for these climate models.
I was very much used to playing Grand Theft Auto or FIFA, both very linear games.
Many PC gamers are very much used to saving wherever and whenever they want.
Because they have been bred to be used as show pets, they are very much used to being petted, held and handled overall by humans, which makes them great pets.
Whilst a lot of vendors can still charge quite a high price for things on online consignment stores, people browsing eBay are very much used to low prices and getting deals.
On the other hand, I am very much used to things moving on the screen.
The biggest challenge in indian audience is that majority of bitcoin holder are not very much use to these exchanges and lot of them worried before converting to INR to Bitcoin or vise verse, and worried that if their funds reach to bank account or not.

Not exact matches

Eventually you'll see that these apps that initially, especially like Tinder was very much geared towards hookups, it will end up moving up market and really disrupt the whole traditional online dating area, which I think is the most interesting thing going on right now because as we get better and better at our recommendations, as more people get on the platform, I think people will find less and less a need or desire to use things like a or Okcupid.
With that in mind, although a young startup has dozens of challenges they're trying to address (and $ 50,000 of free money can pretty much solve anything), we adapted our application to narrowly focus on using the grant funds to solve a very specific issue.
If any publishers are at all concerned about the way were using Readability to get the content, or if they feel were showing too much content, it's very easy for us in a server file to dial that down and do something that they're more comfortable with.
Sales dollars are used to pay for expenses, so there is a clear financial impact of not having as much sales money available to pay for expenses; however, the very dangerous part of sales stagnation or decline is that it usually indicates a lack of customer acceptance, which is key to any business.
«And so just to be clear on his use of that phrase,» he added, «and I think the way it's being done by all accounts is being done with very much a high degree of precision, and in a flawless manner.»
While blockchain is still in its very early stages when it comes to health - related use, some in the industry say the tech can encourage much more widespread data - sharing by making transactions more secure and efficient.
Ma Jun, who is the director of Beijing - based non-profit organization Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs told CNBC that it's become very difficult for the government to either cover up or use «too much» force to stop mass protests over China's deteriorating environment.
Social is much more complex than most other forms of advertising and very foreign in nature to most advertisers who are used to a more numbers - driven analytical approach.
Liboiron uses her position as the head of the Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research to advocate for open science hardware and lead «a small but growing movement for people who make technology and instruments open source,» something she describes as «very much against the model that runs many universities around the world.»
«At no time have I authorized the use of «Despacito» or a lyric change to promote any political agenda, especially in the middle of the deplorable situation that Venezuela, a country that I love very much, is experiencing,» Fonsi said in a statement emailed to Business Insider on Monday evening.
But instead of being confined by the company's legacy, he has managed to use the position to very much do his own thing — since becoming CEO in 2001, he has transitioned Canada Goose from a line of outwear products worn exclusively by residents» of Canada's icy northern regions into a brand sported by celebrities, featured in magazines (including Kate Upton's infamous Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover) and worn by individuals the world over.
Workplace by Facebook looks very much like the company's flagship social network, and that's by design — the company wants it to be super simple for people to use.
If your manager notices you talking on your cell phone or using a personal tablet much more often than you used to, they very well could suspect you're looking for a new gig.
Yet liberals, including this blog, are very much willing to use the concept when it suits their purposes.
For others, they may not care so much because they do not plan to use the baby carrier very often.
It's just a mess, a sinkhole of judgment whose radius is very much larger than the distance between Harper's office and the one Wright used to occupy.
Steve King: That used to be very much the case with coworking.
That used to be very much the case with coworking.
In contrast to other prominent banking institutions, some of which are interested in exploring other use cases for the blockchain, Carstens did not appear impressed by technologies related to digital assets: «In practice, central bank experiments show that DLT - based systems are very expensive to run, and slower and much less efficient to operate on conventional payment and settlement systems.»
All other ways used by the Cleveland Fed to monitor inflationary pressures rose 0.2 % in February, very much in line with the trends of the last six months.
The company's cash flow is a better metric to use for profit and valuation, and investors are paying much less for cash flow now (even though it's very likely to rise considerably in the near term) than they've been paying, on average, for the last three years.
Not only to the European banks, but we're talking about a domestic debt holiday very much like Germany's economic miracle, in 1948 the Allied monetary reform, where they canceled all the internal German debts except for the debts that employers used for wages.
According to the study, people who are conducting research on local businesses are not using social media very much in their research, despite the fact that almost half of Americans are on Facebook, and a half of them are using it daily.
Envy Ratio - envy ratio is a calculation used after a buy out of a company... This entails finding out how much the management company spent, versus the investment company, and then examining how much equity each party received... The envy ratio is very similar to the concept of leverage.
One of the biggest difficulties in managing money today is that investors have developed very short time frames — much shorter than the five - to - seven - year time horizon we use to evaluate the companies we invest in.
Republicans fall for it because the have no real connection with most Americans... the need it to get control of the country... Christians fall for it because they use the black and white issue of abortion and gay and lesbian marriage... while completely ignore the harvest field of the Muslim world because they have guns adn will kill you if yo uso much as fart while Muhammad is takign a dump... there's billion Muslims and very few Christians willin to go there... it's obvious a job for a million Christians a real million man and woman army willin gto die for Jesus Christ and stop talkign all the time about abortin abortion abortion and the gay thisn and anythinng else..
you sir are practicing a religion one that means so much to you that you use it as your online name also please show me where I call you a fool or is telling someone not to make a fool of themself the same as calling them a fool which would mean you are very religious as far as Colin he said nothing that related to the debate I was in with you... we are talking about Atheism as a religious view not debating the existence of God now look over the definitions I have shown you and please explain how Atheism does not fit into the said definitions And you claim that evolution is true so the burden of proof falls in your lap as it is the base of your religion.
I used to like CNN very much for their journalism, but now it seems to be on a mission to putting up false stories from no name historians, where are the historians with a lifetime of credentials?
In 2007, on the hundredth anniversary of Pius X's anti-Modernist encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Peter Steinfels used his column in the New York Times to suggest that the encyclical was a «revival of the battle against liberalism that the papacy and much of the church had been waging throughout the nineteenth century — and tragically the purge the encyclical started crippled those very elements in European Catholicism that might have resisted the Church's sympathy for authoritarian regimes after World War I, when liberal parliamentary governments were besieged by rising totalitarianism.»
The podcast suggested that «Christian» ministries range from very accountable organizations that use their funds wisely to organizations which can not account for what happens to much of the money.
The setting in the hills allows the abbey to live in harmony with its natural surroundings through the use of concrete, wood and metal, which contribute to a color palette that is very much at home in this setting amid rocks and trees.
I use to feel very much the same way as you have described above, until I understood that my old self is still very much with me even though my spirit has been made new in Christ.
So bountiful hath been the earth and so securely have we drawn from it our substance, that we have taken it all for granted as if it were only a gift, and with little care or conscious thought of the consequences of our [ab] use of it; nor have we very much considered the essential relation that we bear to it as living parts in the vast creation.159
At the meeting in Washington, Kurt is very much in control, with the architect and a consultant urge the Warners to use Kurt's celebrity to help raise funds.
Any of these books might be used to help a group consider how, in our highly competitive global economy, we should interpret Jesus» teaching, «Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much» (Luke 16:10).
Go look up for yourselves secular studies on how much an average (this means typical, as opposed to your very ILLOGICAL use of anecdotal evidence to draw conclusions or simply spouting the same thing you read in a combox somewhere) Christian gives of his own time and treasure to charitable causes versus an average atheist.
Here in So. Cal, we don't have to use the heater very much... and we don't have A.C..
But I'd grown overconfident, so the fact that I'd never in my life used a pastry blender or a rolling pin didn't stop me from going right ahead and whisking together some flour, sugar, and salt, cutting in two sticks of butter, adding some water, and then kneading it all together to form two disks that looked exactly like the picture on page 438, thank you very much.
It is unlikely that either churches that are very conservative and thoroughly displeased with the directions their denominations are taking, or churches that are radical «do - it - ourselvers» and think the national bodies are still in the Middle Ages, will want to buy into the systems, though they could use much of what will be developed.
People all over the world do this, and much like religion, they do it in very different ways, some walk to rivers, others ponds or creeks, and other simply turn the tap or use the water dispenser on their fridge.
He called you by your last name (a practice I use to this day), he had a way of instilling fear into kids who would goof - off and cause distractions in other classes (a practice I was very much unable to duplicate during my one - year stint as an 8th - grade English teacher), and you had to run the gauntlet of sentence - diagramming grammar, which advanced to a pretty complex level, before the more «cool - teacher» aspects of Mr. Pacilio were unveiled — and even then, the tests on those rock songs were no joke!
And a soldier that gets hit on the head a lot — even though he may live because he's got his helmet on — he's not going to be much use in battle, and very soon, he will lose his hearing, his sight, his ability to think, and probably will end up with some serious brain damage and maybe die prematurely.
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