Sentences with phrase «very name»

The first season concludes with a look at an opulent spread in home whose very name means high - end beauty.
The game's very name suggests a tale of epic proportions, but The Banner Saga feels like only the first part of a trilogy rather than a self - contained story.
So Sita whose very name means «the field - furrow» returns to her own element whence, as told in the first book, she had been miraculously born.
The clan's dying matriarch is played by Marilyn Hack (O'Hara), a former»80s TV series regular whose very name evokes precisely the right half - forgotten tone: «Oh, yeah.
Saarinen also designed landmark chairs, whose very names point to their organic sources: his 1946 Womb chair and 1956 Tulip chair.
Apart from Depp and maybe Abigail Breslin, whose third billing is undeserved, the voice cast isn't very name - driven.
The Scholars Version note to Mark 14:3 - 9 states:»... It must be unintentional irony when Mark has Jesus predict that this story will always be told in memory of a woman whose very name escapes him.»
Mind you, I am not a banana fan and I have never had much regard for the clown who's very name irritates the living hell out of me.
Image of seven - armed octopus courtesy of video by oceancontent Today we're returning to the deep to meet an octopus that, at first glance, hardly seems to earn that eight - limbed designation.Its very name sounds like an oxymoron — or a cautionary tale from a fishing accident.
Director Gary Shore's camera takes us through a frozen - in - time battle, as Vlad's son Ingeras (Art Parkinson) narrates how his father was taken by the Turks as a political hostage and molded into a dreaded warrior whose very name caused his foes to retreat in terror.
It leaves the trimly - moustached Samuel West, playing Geoffrey Ponting, whose very name seems to have a brisk home - counties efficiency to it, as the dark force of the piece.
You rip open the packaging expecting the armadas that the game's very name alludes to, only to discover that there's a mere three main ships in the Core set, and as beautiful as they are it's hard not to feel angry at a game marketed as being about massive armadas clashing but coming with just one Imperial ship and two Rebel ships.
Lest you think me too like your mother, who might, when things became rumbustious, have declared, «This will only end in tears,» I'll turn to the wildly upbeat Ray KurzweilWhose very name in German is an old - fashioned word for «amusement» and (literally: short — while) the opposite of «boredom» — langweile, or long — while., who is very very far away from John Berger, and, I'm sure, unlike most anyone's mother.
She was said to have been an enchantress whose very name means «Divine Queen» and could be as ruthless as she was playful.
Koenigsegg doesn't really need to break any more records to remain in the minds of a few impressionable young speed freaks, as the Swedish sports car maker's very name brings to mind ridiculous feats of acceleration and outright speed.
Miles Teller, whose very name evokes jazz greatness, continues to show why he's on the A-list of upcoming actors in the industry, in a role that truly shows his wide range — and yet, his much deserved accolades will be muted by another's in the film: J.K. Simmons.
In basic research, you can find tapeworms who thrive in the intestine of their animal hosts — or the limb - generating axolotl, a water amphibian whose very name means «water monster.»
The marketing campaign positioned the tablet as «professional grade» and yet the very name of the product suggests it's all about fun.
But as Marchica interviewed branding agencies to help him update what he calls the company's «look and feel,» it became apparent that the company's very name — with its focus on just one small segment of what the business did — was becoming a liability.
«The very name Trump is the cornerstone of his brand,» he said.
Whereas the very name Singapore once conveyed the promise of exotic pleasures, the present reality is so antiseptic that one current novel about the city, Paul Theroux's Saint Jack, recounts the misfortunes of a pimp who can't make a living there.
Its very name was synonymous with the 20th - century economy.
Sun Chips make excellent use of yellow because the very name of the product evokes images of our closest star.
I doubt if any one below can define the very name they insult with.
His very name is God with us.
The Human Potential Movement, so influential that some have called it our new religion, states a theology in its very name.
Love can and does and will transform us in every way — our ideology, our opinions, our habits, our values, our priorities, our very names.
Your very name is sacred.
Muhammad is not a saviour, but Isa's very name means «saviour.»
Taking into account that Jesus wasn't just claiming to be some kind of guru here to teach people how to get along, that the claimed for himself the name «I AM» which is the very name of God in the Hebrew language, calimed that he is «Lord of the Sabbath» and Judge of the human race, one must come to one of three answers: a) Jesus is the Son of God b) He isn't.
In fact, the very name given to our religion was a nickname for people who were «Christ - types» Christianoi.
It is also the point of the descriptive term, «organism,» which Whitehead applies to actual entities, and which supplies the very name of his philosophy.
The fact of the interdependence of natures which evolution describes in its very name, manifests the real nature of causality» [9].
This is the YHWH, the very name that God revealed to Moses as being His own personal name: I AM.
If Worry is practicing the absence of God's presence — then let's just hold the grace of practicing the presence of Him whose very name is Peace.
Yet He is given the very name of God, which can only belong to God Himself — Adonai Tzidkenu — Jehovah our righteousness.
I couldn't agree more with Sandra Wilson, who has declared, «Hurt People Hurt People» in her book by that very name.
Rudolph Smend maintained that the Tribal League was a cultic league, not a military or political one.21 The very name von Rad coined, «holy war,» is not scriptural.
Nevertheless, in the very name of the Incarnation itself, and the majesty of divine wisdom contained within that economy of human salvation, we insist urgently upon the fact that the birth of Christ is the summit not only of theology and philosophy, but of the material sciences as well.
He knows, writing in 1944 in the depths of destruction, that «the very name democracy has a different ring in America and in Europe.»
We welcome the poor in the very name of the love of Christ, not because this will bring us a reward but because the sacrificial love of Christ embraces us, because we are united with Christ in this love, with Christ in his suffering on the cross, and we do not suffer for our purification and our salvation, but truly for the other, for the poor, the unfortunate so that our suffering may alleviate theirs.

Phrases with «very name»

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