Sentences with phrase «very passage»

Of course, some Christian sects (or cults, whichever) DO, in fact, cite those very passages to justify the subjugation of their women.
Moreover, in the very passage that Professor Barr quotes, 1 Corinthians 15 seems to support the material continuity view rather than to subvert it.»
So ironically, the very passage that pastors use to encourage their people to give, is actually saying that he himself should be the one to give.
Though for us nature has been «demythologized» and «naturalized» — in large part because of this very passage of Scripture — for ancient Jewish faith a divinized nature posed a fundamental religious problem.
The very passage that pastors use to say «it is more blessed to give» is actually saying that he himself should be the one to give.
Moreover, the footnote 140 refers to the very passages which the programme says should not be referred to because it would be «unhelpful» even «fundamentalist» to do so.
The biblical image associated with Alyosha's conversion is not resurrection, however, but the first Johannine sign, the miracle at Cana — the very passage Father Paissy had been reading over Zossima's body just before Alyosha left the elder's cell.
Basically the author is using the story in Acts 15 to say se2xual immorality is ok for Christians, when the very passage he is using as his text very clearly prohibits it.
I had to laugh at the irony: God had hidden a directive for peace in this very passage which was the source of my disquiet.
We see this happening in this very passage.
I hope you'll permit me to share this wonderful poetry and song inspired from that very passage.
Rather than scrupulously avoiding the topic of death in Romeo and Juliet or God in the Mayflower Compact, our tests should include these the very passages — the ones that make these texts worth reading — so that educators are encouraged, not penalized, for teaching what is worth teaching.
Manny Calavera is a Travel Agent at the Department of Death, who is drawn into a conspiracy that could threaten his very passage into the afterlife.
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