Sentences with phrase «very policies»

«This industry is very policy driven,» whether that policy be rich feed - in tariffs in Germany or subsidies for manufacturers in China.
To build a durable business — as opposed to a personal project or an alternative to employment — successful entrepreneurs not only have to modify their personal roles and organization, but they may also have to effect a U-turn and abandon the very policies that allowed them to get up and running with limited capital.
It is had from a very policy - oriented perspective, what can we write into a law?
However, there are growing signs that higher saving is not an economic anomaly but a product of the very policies designed to spur growth and inflation — the public's response to an arduous path toward saving goals with rates near the zero lower bound.
At first glance one might say that this language is unthreatening to choice; yet in 1961 the Wisconsin attorney general gave the legislature his opinion that this provision probably forbade subsidized busing for parochial school children, even though that very policy had already been authorized by the federal Supreme Court under the First Amendment.
Here's a hint, he's now denouncing the very policy he once supported - again...
So of course now he's against the very policy he once favored.
It is a painful irony that some of the very policies Seyss - Inquart could not force upon Netherlander doctors have been willingly embraced by their contemporary counterparts — including the technically illegal but widely accepted infanticide of disabled babies.
The most worrying part was the giddy confidence of the chancellor, speaking like a winner, pressing on with the very policies which have crippled us, seemingly unaware of what was happening around him.
``... It is also ironic that Republicans would choose as their convention site a region whose hard - working families greatly benefit from the very policies and programs the GOP repeatedly attempts to dismantle at the state and federal levels.»
George Osborne's dogmatic approach to reducing the deficit distorts economic recovery by curbing the ambition of the very policies promoted in the motion to be debated in Glasgow.
We, the professionals must regain our classrooms and attack the very policies and practices that deprofessionalise teachers — pupils used as spies, punitive inspection and accountability regimes.
It is also unclear how convinced voters will be by the party's sudden opposition to the very policies they have spent almost five years defending.
In particular UKIP has adopted a strategy of offering these very policies.
«This finding is very policy - relevant, because we're talking about changing real - world behaviors that are economically significant,» Rand said.
Ironically, Rhee's successors at DCPS have redesigned teaching through some of the very policies that teachers» unions and other Rhee adversaries opposed most strongly: comprehensive teacher evaluations, the abandonment of seniority - based staffing, and performance - based promotions and compensation.
Furthermore, Warren expressed skepticism about DeVos» ability to oversee for - profit colleges, noting that «the very policies you have spent decades advocating for in elementary and secondary education — more free taxpayer money for private and for - profit education operators with virtually no strings attached — are the exact policies that have caused so many problems and harmed so many students in higher education.»
While it may be true that teachers have been chased out early or just chased out by the demoralizing test and punish policy, and while many in government would rather tech out teaching or farm it out, to raw recruits, I would submit that these very policies will produce a teacher shortage that is real and lasting.
This uneven quality of teachers has, according to some, led to the very policy conditions — including high - stakes testing and diminished autonomy — that appear to lead many teachers to abandon the profession (Walker, 2016).
But right now the current system prevents her from remaining a local union member unless she helps fund the very policies that are blocking meaningful reforms that she believes are vital for teachers and students in California.
Integration inadvertently gives attention to other policy solutions because school systems are wooing white families with those very policy solutions — ones that improve school culture and better prepare students for college and the world, ones that Black families like mine wouldn't have had access to otherwise.
Although it maintains a federal mandate to measure and improve student academic achievement, ESSA codifies the nation's retreat from NCLB by mandating some of the very policy changes put in place by Georgia and other states.
He lifts up some of the very policies that have been so disturbing in the charter sector — reliance on strict discipline policies that push students out, or enrollment hoops that give access to better - resourced families — and embraces them.
«In fact the very policies you have spent decades advocating for in elementary and secondary education — more free taxpayer money for private and for - profit education operators with virtually no strings attached — are the exact policies that have caused so many problems and harmed so many students in higher education.»
The very policies that have earned these institutions such high praise, and rightly so, now make their directors look like idiots.
Yet the Australian blithely hoorays Abbott for «inspiring hope» and «securing Australia's future prosperity» without mentioning he will trash the very policies that will deliver it.
Further complicating matters, SCC estimates depend on levels of emissions that can be affected by the very policy choice that SCC is meant to inform.
Thus, the lack of uniformity and governing standard has given rise to uncertainty and insecurity: the very policy objectives that the limitations period doctrine itself seeks to eradicate.
They were among the very policies on the market aimed at the very young.
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