Sentences with phrase «very presence»

The phrase "very presence" means being present or existing in a very real and noticeable way. Full definition
Cézanne's remark reminds us that Pissarro was not only endowed with the gift of seeing, but with the rarer ability to make other artists see for themselves: Cézanne, Gauguin and von Gogh bear witness to the effectiveness of Pissarro as a teacher, or rather, one whose very presence in the vincinity of the chosen motif might serve as a catalyst, a liberating agent for the act of visual response, freed from both traditional poncif and subjective authority.
He is the Liberator par excellence whose very presence makes persons sell all that they have and follow him [ibid., pp. 210, 213].
Cassavetes befriends his African - American co-worker Sydney Poitier, whose very presence enrages the bigoted Warden.
He is wrong, however, when Christians, like Job, envision how God's very presence demands systemic change on earth.
Woman's very presence proclaims the sterility of the self - in - isolation.
Just as the Word of God heard and proclaimed by the prophets of Israel engendered faith, so those who had known Jesus in the flesh had found him to be one whose very presence radiated faith and so brought forth from men the response appropriate to faith.
Jesus» very presence provoked the unclean spirits into hostile action.
1) An individual whose very presence lowers the tone in the room.
What is most definitely not required by a progressive football team is a lanky, immobile target man whose very presence dictates the tactics of the team;
The cast is assembled from his stock company of actors whose very presence helps embody the atmosphere of a Mamet story, and who are almost always not what they seem, and then not even what they seem after that.
And the always charming Judy Greer is on hand as the perfect mate for him: endlessly pliant and forgiving, the kind of woman whose very presence seals «Wilson» as a fairy tale.
Daisy Mae's very presence brings joy, reduces stress and helps residents to become more involved with their community.
It became home to a community of wealthy monks whose very presence attracted plundering pirates who came and went as they pleased.
A stepparent is a living, breathing grief trigger, an adult whose very presence reminds the child that their biological parents are no longer together.»
We must create what has traditionally been called a «eucharistic community» — a Christian community that meets together around the supper, around bread and wine, around Christ's very presence in the community and that becomes a sacramental presence of God's love and grace within the larger community.
Axel befriends Tommy Tyler (Sidney Poitier), his African - American co-worker, whose very presence enrages the racist boss.
Eight - year - old «Sarah,» has been described as a stress reliever... the type of dog whose very presence can whisk away the problems of the world.
«Smartphones burden those who carry them for work because their very presence activates the Zeigarnik Effect — the difficulty people have to completely forget about something when it is left incomplete,» she explains.
By their very presence and how they handle themselves, they become a guiding light of the company.
Once you know that you are that, and you wear your crown every day when you walk out the door, it happens because Black Girl Magic materializes by our very presence.
Since Carney is the living embodiment of prudent Canadian monetary, fiscal and regulatory policy, his very presence should help restore confidence in a bruised and scandal - plagued U.K. regime.
In other words, the very presence of an early exit opportunity probably indicates that the company would likely be unable to go it alone in its industry at that point in time.
I have, perhaps, undergone a profound experience of conversion and transformation; but can I be sure that it is really the very presence of God's Holy Spirit that I have experienced?
By his very presence last week he offered his fellow countrymen a path out of the bunker and into the light of truth.
Poverty is not only our secular version of hell, but its very presence makes us feel guilty.
7 Your country lies desolate; your cities are burned with fire; in your very presence foreigners devour your land; it is desolate, as overthrown by foreigners.
Such Jews were widely regarded as beyond hope of penitence or forgiveness, and their very presence in a house defiled all that was in it (Toh.
At first they were subjected to all kinds of social restrictions, they were heated as outcastes and polluted persons, they were banned from showing themselves at the baths and market places and finally they were excluded from all public places, essentially places where they worshipped their gods, because they believed that the very presence of these outcastes violated the place of their gods.
I know the cross is symbolic of the Christian faith and it's very presence is a symbol of hate.
Some choose paths that are so in conflict with Kingdom values, their very presence would either pollute the Kingdom or the holiness of the Kingdom would obliterate everything that was of an alien nature to the peace and joy of Kingdom life.
Akinola's very presence was a sign of Anglican division, since Anglican bishops do not ordinarily invite themselves into another diocese — and Akinola had not bothered to contact William Persell, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago.
The Counselor, here called the Spirit of truth, is the very presence of Christ in the midst of his people, bringing to them the riches of God himself and empowering them to claim it and to declare it to all.
How can you support Romney OR Obama when both men are rich because of the very presence of class warfare?
In the very presence of God, Dostoevsky remains banished from the land of unity.
Yet, the sense of emergence within living beings, the very presence of God within the world, is also at hand.
His does not bring us into the very presence of the Father of Light.
whose very presence was a catalyst for the creation of this resolution.
The very presence of the community can be a reminder of their commitment.
And magnificently Jesus brought you from afar into the very presence of God through his blood.
Adam effectively wants to be at the centre of his own universe — God challenges and threatens that delusion of self - sufficiency by His very presence, and not only God, but everyone else too.
John Paul II well understood, both from his rootedness in biblically based teaching and from his experience of living under both the Nazi and the Communist totalitarian regimes, why both of these evil regimes were so threatened by the very presence of the Jewish people and the Catholic Church in the world.

Phrases with «very presence»

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