Sentences with phrase «very real choice»

But the evidence suggests it is a very real choice, and one with grave implications for American education.
Doing without «new,» or just not buying, are very real choices, and often used.

Not exact matches

Endless talk of «choices» can itself be confusing and worrying - for both men and women alike - and a real difficulty for young people in the West today is that of making a definite commitment: to a job, to a way of life, and, very notably, to marriage.
@sean — you are right, having the only choices of carry to keep, carry to give away, or abort are very real consequences of having the naughty... but being giving the option of abortion is to many a «get - outta - jail - free» card and so in my mind falls into the catagory of lack of consequences — sure you pay to have it done, but compare that to the bill of 18 years of food, housing, clothing, and many many other unforseen things....
That was a huge piece of very choice real estate presented to the Bishop of Rome by Caesar himself!
It's her choice to make, but I feel like the reporting certainly didn't show that they'd done very much research on the REAL risks of c - sections vs. vaginal births and VBACS.
Today we're going to take a time out to address a very real concern parents face when they are looking at formula choices.
If we want to get more mothers breastfeeding, we have to be real with what's biologically normal instead of pretending that the choice to bedshare has nothing to do with their desire to give their babies the very best.
Instead, the report proposes strategies such as restricting food choice, which runs the real risk of causing the SNAP program considerable harm by stigmatizing beneficiaries and throwing sand in the gears of this very successful program.
I AM suggesting that parents need to give a good hard look at the real very real issues present and mitigate the risks if they believe that it's still the overall best choice.
«To deny voters a real choice is very objectionable and damaging to our small - d democracy,» Lerner said.
«To deny voters a real choice is very objectionable and damaging to our small «d' democracy,» Lerner said.
Most controversially, she used an interview with The Times to suggest that being a mother made her a better choice for prime minister than Theresa May because it meant that she had «a very real stake» in the future of Britain.
«The people voted, they spoke, they chose who they wanted and it would have been a real travesty of justice for the court to actually overturn the choice of the people and I'm very happy that we've actually come this far and now work goes on,» she said.
For recently minted Ph.D. scientists, having children and the choice of field to study play crucial roles in the very real gender pay gap, a new study finds.
Slated for release in 2013, the new SimCity invites players to grapple with tough choices about energy generation, environmental costs and the responsibilities shouldered by inhabitants of a planet with finite resources — choices faced by real policymakers on the very real planet Earth.
It relies on technology choices that allow it to operate in near real - time on very large datasets.
But the phrase «simple lifestyle choices» is not a headline - maker... so a common sense approach to this subject is not always easy to find, though it is very real!
But in the real world, busy schedules and a wide array of food choices makes losing weight very hard.
My new, very very streamlined wardrobe is a real mixture of old staples I recycle year after year (A styling choice I try to do more and more, especially mixing old with new), some new seasonal pieces I adore, and of course those wardrobe staples you can't be without (jeans, tee's, sweaters, leather jackets etc).
Some people would call it prostitution — although I think when a woman has a real choice about whether or not she wants to do something like that — when she's not forced into it by some abusive pimp — it becomes a very different scenario.
But the fact is most of us rely on words to convey how we feel, which makes our choice of words crucial; very few of us are the «strong, silent type» in real life.
I've read some who say that there isn't any real player choice, and yet, having to choose who to save and let the other person be eaten is a very profound choice that you'll find yourself making.
Daft Punk's choice of using real drums is very effective and you can hear it.
In that way, this is a very DIFFERENT and UNPREDICTABLE movie because you can see that Amy Adams» character has some real tough choices to make because of her past.
In all, a very attractive spread of film choices in this year's Bafta nomination list, certainly — but no very obvious signs of real, concrete change in this revolutionary time of sexual politics in the film industry.
You'll have to excuse us a little as this was quite literally our very first hour with the game — so there's a little control fiddling and a real sense of unfamiliarity with our choice from Monster Hunter World's 14 unique weapon types — but even with us fumbling around the game speaks for itself.
Now she looks to Jonathan Ames» novella about a grown man whose experience growing up in the shadow of the domestic battlefield of his parents and his later experience on the very real battlefield of the Middle East informs his work as a vigilante whose choice of weapon is a «Master Series» ball - pein hammer.
Moi drug Boris Nemtsov (My Friend, Boris Nemtsov, Zosya Rodkevich, 2015) For the Russian slot, I long hesitated between Ivan I. Tverdovsky's Zoologiya and Kirill Serebrennikov's (M) uchenik — a newcomer to keep an eye on and a director on the top of his game, nevertheless at the very last moment my choice fell on Zosya Rodkevich's documentary on yet another Antichrist figure in contemporary Russia, only a real one.
And it highlights a very real, very serious issue in much of the developing world: Many people defecate, by choice or necessity, out in the open.
What I found is that how we do one thing is how we do other things too, so our choices in a game very often reflect how we would behave in a real life scenario.
If people really wanted to try to fix Hartford schools they would have left the comprehensive high schools, the ones that had numerous electives and real choice, in tact and not broken them into academies with many names to choose from but very limited electives, AP / ECE, special education services, and ELL services.
If charter, district, state, and civic leaders in Detroit can pivot quickly from their various postures over the Free Press series and start addressing the very real problems that parents face in district - run and charter schools alike, they will have a good chance at building a vibrant system of choice for their city.
Kristen Forbriger recently wrote a piece at Philly Mag on the very same magazine's recent cover on school choice, which highlights the very real problem that being able to choose your school often means being white and wealthy.
Many of Trump's critics have not addressed very real federalism concerns, but have instead used the DeVos appointment to attack school choice generally, particularly its more free - market forms.
By placing school choice power directly in the hands of parents who know their children far better than any bureaucrat, real freedom comes when parents are able to shop education dollars for the very best academic program.
Given that very real connection today on top of what has already been discussed about female relationships I think it would be a great book discussion group choice..
R.J. Palacio (whose real name is Raquel Jaramillo... Palacio is her mother's last name) makes a very conscious choice not to explore Auggie's disfigurement head - on, and I think it's a good one.
«When we looked at creating a real killer product for consumers, a very portable, very entertainment - focused device, we thought that Android was the better choice,» said Alberto Torres, who signed on as head of HP's mobile devices division five months ago.
Despite one looking better than the other, they certainly are both very poor choices and should not be a part of your plan, but rather only a stepping stone into attaining the skills needed to use in the real world and to bring your very own vision to life.
For such a small country, Belize is very big in choices of real estate.
With all of this in mind the JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta offers an excellent standard of accommodation with a number of different room options and some fabulous facilities all of which are of a very high quality making this Jakarta hotel an obvious choice for those looking for a comfortable modern hotel with a real heart and soul where you will be able to make use of the business facilities and the leisure facilities.
It's here that Game Dev Tycoon shows a surprising vicious streak that will likely end many a hopeful career early, and I'm honestly unsure whether it's due to a bit of poor balancing or if it's a very deliberate choice made by the developers to reflect real game development where moving from small indie company in a basement to an actual office is the real make or break moment.
If I do decide to hold off on purchasing a Nintendo Switch at launch this March — and the second game on this list makes this a very real possibility — I'll have no choice but to grab one this holiday season when Super Mario Odyssey is set to launch.
And that's another very interesting layer to the game — trying to enjoy the company of your weapon of choice — that I haven't seen another game explore to any real degree.
The trailer made it very clear that a branching narrative, where choices have real consequences, is at the heart of this game.
Just look at the whole Final Fantasy Series or pick any anime of your choice (Pokemon, Naruto, there are a zillion of great anime shows to watch), and as you go through it you realize one thing; they are excellent at creating a whole new world that has very little in common with the real world.
As tensions escalate and boiling points are reached, lines will blur, gray areas will clash, and the shadow group Gachduine will make choices that have a very real impact for Nova Scotia...
It's a real shame that some questionable game design choices and easily fixable technical issues have overshadowed the positive elements of the game and obscured the fact that Downpour takes a very big step in the right direction by bringing the series back to its roots.
Here is an example of how a very famous «rational choice anomaly» virtually disappears in a repeated market situation with real stakes:
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