Sentences with phrase «very scary place»

- The hospital can be a very scary place for children (and for adults, as well), but having a play therapist on staff can be very helpful in making the child more comfortable in this new and unsettling environment.
This is a very scary place to be as a child.
Shelter animals are often not on their best behavior because a shelter can be a very scary place for an animal who is not used to being in a confined space with other animals (this also applies even to the most well run shelters).
He's such a little guy that the world is a very scary place.
The shelter is a very scary place for any dog, but especially for a dog who is obviously part of a family.
The shelter can be a very scary place for any dog, but Oliver is a confident little guy who is sure that his new home is just around the corner.
The dating market is a very scary place for anyone especially if you are a mature single.
When a woman becomes a mother, the world is suddenly a very scary place.
His fridge was for beer and Chinese leftovers and the supermarket a very scary place he did not wish to explore.
Let's face it — the Christian dating scene can be a very scary place.

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A newborn baby, with poor eyesight and used to the very warm narrow environment of the womb, will find the crib a super scary place!
But allow me to remind you that the internet is a scary place — and while it can be very helpful for certain things, it's way too easy to go down a Google rabbit hole and end up deciding a perfectly normal newborn rash is a sign of impending death.
The world may well be a very different, and for lots of reasons a far more scary place in four years» time.
I would love to visit Chicago someday... Moving can be scary and very unpredictable but things always happen for a reason and sometimes, we discover so much beauty and uniqueness in some completely unexpected places.
One day, the duo plots a very risky escape plan to reach the scariest most unknown place, the real world.
' T is the season for a good scary read — and although these three thrillers are very different tales set in very different places, each one brings a deeply unsettling story to the table.
Goodreads is sometimes a scary place for authors because there's a lot of room for potential tough love and criticism, but with that comes with social media strategies that have so much more potential for building your tribe with a very captive audience.
Brazil, for example, is a scary place now from a geopolitical perspective, but there are some good companies there that are very cheap.
Worse, some dogs learn after repeated experiences that a muzzle predicts scary things; once this happens, attempting to place the muzzle can become a very high stress procedure, with the dog struggling and snapping at anything that comes near his face.
You have taken this very small animal from his mother and placed him in a box where it is dark and scary.
Just imagine for a moment, your puppy who is only eight weeks old, since the day it was born it has been able to have the comfort and security of its mother and litter mates for company and to curl up with and go to sleep or even to play with, So to suddenly have that all taken away from you must be a very scary, lonely and insecure place to be.
I also came out of the experience with my «very scary» reaction to geoengineering still in place.
For 41 years Albania was a very poor and scary place.
The cryptocurrency world can be a scary place for someone starting off, choosing the right place to buy, sell and trade is very important.
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