Sentences with phrase «very severe testing»

It is to be associated with the Maccabean revolt, which proved to be a very severe testing for those Jews who wanted to remain faithful to the Jewish heritage and way of life.
This is a very severe test of a car's ability to protect the driver's head.

Not exact matches

We have several friends who's children suffer from severe food allergies, and our own daughters have environmental allergies, not to mention that we recently had an allergy blood test performed on Lil» C that came back very borderline for peanut / milk allergy (which she has food aversions to anyway) and we know that certain bug bites / stings are severe reactions for Miss A, swelling to the size of baseballs or bigger and have medicine for her reactions.
My sister has been very ill with Lyme (and several severe co-infections) for years and she was the one who urged me to get tested.
These doctors are trained to do IgE anti-body tests which are associated with very severe immediate reactions such as anaphylaxis.
At worst, and very likely, NEAP and all massive testing program, have done severe and perhaps irreparable harm to the nation.
The impact tests performed by IIHS is considered severe and is a very reliable testing method to determine what good side protection is required for the driver and the passenger to survive this severe crash without inflicting serious injuries.
While testing specifically for the virus using a kit such as that shown above is a very sensitive way of detecting infection, other findings on routine blood and other screens are non-specific and will not yield a diagnosis, so it is vital your veterinarian is suspicious of FIV in any cat with an unusually severe or recurrent form of any illness.
At his age, I would definitely have your veterinarian check him out and run some tests on him - it may just be intestinal parasites (like coccidia or hookworms) that are very treatable but can be fatal if a severe infestation is left untreated - and our biggest concern is usually parvovirus.
Even if they seem severe and straight - faced, smiling breaks the ice, and shows that you are warm and approachable, which is very important when they are testing for how well you will fit in with the rest of the team.
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