Sentences with phrase «very sick hamsters»

The outlook for wet tail is not usually a positive one, especially in very young, very old or very sick hamsters that have gone untreated.

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You should also be aware that wet tail is contagious to other hamsters and in some rarer cases can cause stomach upsets in humans as well so it is very important to wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling a sick pet and to quarantine them from other animals until all symptoms have disappeared.
Like with any hamster, it is advised you avoid small, cramped or cages with lots of tubes, especially with males, as they are difficult to clean, hard to set - up and tend to build up fumes which can make your hamster very sick.
A hamster with a pyometra will usually feel and look very ill, exhibiting one or more symptoms associated with a sick hamster.
If your hamster tries to eat the litter, he may end up with an intestinal impaction that could make him very sick.
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