Sentences with phrase «very simple modifications»

Using the wealth of information available on - line, teach yourself the little bit of C / C + + needed to make the very simple modifications to the code to parse out rural vs. urban station data so that you can generate separate rural and urban temperature results.
Let me suggest one very simple modification to the tax code — let the IRS tax corporations on their illustrated income, with GAAP income as a minimum.

Not exact matches

No need of any insert, just a very slight modification to the carrier that is incredibly simple.
The same rules apply as with the standard plank, but this simple modification makes this one of the very best ab exercises.
If it wasn't for the instructions being so minimal, I'd recommend this pattern to an absolute beginner, as the structure is simple and with a little modification the results can be look very professional: all but one seam allowance are hidden!
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z