Sentences with phrase «very small influence»

If the ratio is very small the influence of the droplets on pressure can be neglected.

Not exact matches

They might love to follow your work, but their sphere of influence is very small.
«You know, personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook — it's a very small amount of the content — influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea,» he told Techonomy founder David Kirkpatrick, author of «The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company that is Connecting the World.»
At a conference days after the U.S. presidential election, Zuckerberg dismisses concerns about Facebook's role in its outcome: «Personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook, of which it's a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea.»
What is not a joke is that an entity at the level of a small to medium size molecule can be significantly influenced by a very small perturbance.
It is very much alive, and as our world grows smaller, the Western world will find its ways of thought and life influenced by Buddhism.
Today, the question is posited in the context of inherited and acquired influences, and of social psychology, asking how free we are to make decisions, showing that we are free only within a maybe very small area of inherited genetic data and acquired social and psychological habits.
BSM is a very small movement that has practically zero say or influence on what's going on with the club.
The borders of Kingston - upon - Thames are hard to define of course and Chelsea very much regard this as their territory, while proponents of the oval ball also hold influence — but the ability of smaller London clubs to do well despite the presence of hulking neighbours is evident — Fulham, QPR, Charlton and Millwall can bear witness to that.
What we found, however, was that while the majority of customers noticed the labels, a very small percentage reported using them to influence their purchasing decisions and customers with lower income and lower education levels reported using menu labels to a much lesser extent.»
Nanotechnology, the science of developing materials containing very small fibers, is having a growing influence on daily life.
«The growth, physiology and behavior of these developing pink salmon are very much influenced by these small changes.»
«The findings of this very small study are highly preliminary and should not influence public health policy.
Both she and Viola Davis re-team with Taylor for the James Brown biopic, but this time in very small roles, as two of the women who had an influence on Brown during his life.
There's good news, too, but of a perverse sort: the very limits of schooling - both its ineffectiveness and the relatively small place it occupies in children's lives - leave ample room for other influences to work on youngsters» civic values and behavior.
When you get to the very long - term, initial valuations (because they are bounded, both according to theory and according to history) have a smaller and smaller influence on the (annualized, percentage) Speculative Return.
Although the exclusion of 1,200 stocks might seem hugely significant, it's not: as with the changes to VTI, the stocks moving in or out are likely to be very small companies with a trivial influence on the fund.
The weight assigned to the smaller REITs also varies considerably: VRE includes several very small holdings that will have minimal influence on the fund's overall performance.
The resulting dog was primarily descended from the German Shepherd Dog, but with very heavy influence from Laika and Owtcharka breeds, and smaller influence from other dogs.
I also like big dogs (and at times very small dogs doing a job; I love my little Patterdale), and believe a dog should have good legs under it, so that has influenced the type of dog I chose to breed.
It is a small coastal town with very strong Caribbean influences as many of its inhabitants are Jamaican or from Jamaican descent.
The visual quality and atmosphere of these very raw land - seascapes, and the changes that happened when small fishing villages became mega ports deeply influenced my aesthetic inclinations and concerns.
(2) Natural factors (volcanoes, solar cycle) influencing the trend are very small in comparison to anthropogenic CO2 (as e.g. standard correlation analyses show, see for example Lean and Rind 2008, Foster and Rahmstorf 2011).
For example, how much confidence can we really have in results from ice sheet models, which very likely miss important mechanisms (e.g., due to limited understanding of ocean - ice shelf interactions, calving physics and influence of small - scale topography)?
Large changes in cosmic rays are documented in response to magnetic - field variations (the Laschamp event of about 40,000 years ago is especially prominent) with no corresponding change in climate, so any cosmic - ray influence on the climate must be very small (a weak correlation can be obscured by noise; a strong control is almost always visible «by eye,» and clearly is absent).
There is a small but interesting literature looking for amplifiers that might allow tiny changes in the sun to cause larger changes in climate... However, the few tenths of a degree from such influences are very small compared to the possible warming if we burn most of the fossil fuels».
California Governor Jerry Brown downplayed President Trump's influence on the climate change debate in the U.S. at a Vatican symposium Saturday, saying that his impact is «very small
According to us, the trend itself is fully caused by the emissions and the temperature increase 1959 - 2008 results in only a very small increase of CO2, of the same order as the short term influence seen around the trend.
I agree that these numbers are not a correct measure, but even so they tell that any effect on the Sun or the Earth is very small, and that Saturn, in particular, is already so distant that neither its mass nor its magnetic fields can have much influence on anything in the Sun or for the Earth.
Graphs and scientific data from peer - reviewed papers are used to show that man - made influences are actually only a very small part of Earth's climate.
This alone shows that, if CO2 is influencing temperature, the effect must be very small relative to whatever the main temperature drivers may be.
But, given that the influence appears to be trivial, then some small portion of a trivial impact is not very interesting.
The heat from energy production is small, very much much less than the influence of additional CO2.
The main result of this study, that the influence of urban areas on the global land temperature data set is very small, corroborates the consensus view among climate scientists, including, for example, the recent paper by Souleymane Fall and others.
Another paper in Climate Change in 2007 stated: Studies that have looked at hemispheric and global scales conclude that any urban - related trend is an order of magnitude smaller than decadal and longer time - scale trends evident in the series (e.g., Jones et al., 1990; Peterson et al., 1999)... Thus, the global land warming trend discussed is very unlikely to be influenced significantly by increasing urbanization (Parker, 2006).
Jack Mclaughlin says: July 31, 2012 at 9:18 am I have been a resident of this planet for 9 decades... had my own very small but sucessful business for many years... you are in real need of some humility... try this book, «How to win friends and influence people»....
Further the influence of CO2 on pH is very small: In Hawaii a drop of 0.05 pH unit with a (mainly seasonal) variability of 0.05 pH unit for an increase of 45 ppmv CO2 in the atmosphere (Bermuda has a double seasonal amplitude).
«Because the effects of volcanic eruptions and of ENSO are very short - term and that of solar variability very small, none of these factors can be expected to exert a significant influence on the continuation of global warming over the coming decades.
If we speak about the influence of the activity of the sun, even 50 years are to much delay to be accepted by AGW - scienists, even if we know that dansgaard oeschger events, triggered by very small changes in the activity of the sun, have delays of 100 years.
Q18 Lord Lawson of Blaby: Are you aware that this, which has had a very profound influence on thinking, is explicitly stated in the Government's White Paper to be based on proxy data, whatever proxy data may be, because there are no instrumental observations, they did not begin until the late 19th century, and that for these proxy data, which it says in small writing at the bottom, that the IPCC relies entirely on a study by a Professor Mann in 1998 and this has subsequently been examined and it was found that that Mr Mann got it all wrong in a rather fundamental way.
While online purchases contribute to a small portion of insurance activity in the country presently, the overall influence of the Internet on insurance product purchase is already six times and growing very fast.
So sorry to burst the bubble but bitcoin trade in India is very small and it has no influence on global bitcoin prices... yet.
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