Sentences with phrase «very sober»

OK, so now that we know coverage is likely to be available, how will the policy help our suddenly very, very sober insured?
«I thought it was a very sober, measured letter,» she says of the commission's response.
Back in the real world, Judith Curry gives a very sober interview to my friends Down Under at Quadrant:
I think anyone who looks at this in a very sober way now just looks at the costs, the engineering issues involved, would have to say that in the power sector, carbon capture storage has missed the boat.
«Potentially serious» sounds like a very sober assessment and a firm refutation of Max's «CAGW» hysteria.
I wasn't drunk when I did those paintings, I was very sober
OK, so now that we know coverage is likely to be available, how will the policy help our suddenly very, very sober insured?
Oh, sure, the hatchback that entered its second generation in 2012 is a fun little piece, but the sedan, just arrived this year, is a very sober and serious matter indeed.
The interior of the Atlas is still very sober and German, but if you've been driving big American SUVs for the past few years you'll feel right at home.
The exterior and interior ambiance are undoubtedly Teutonic and very sober, with a hint of extra liveliness and passion on the outside.
His mise en scène is very sober, with deliberate pacing, no music, and muted cinematography in blue and gray hues, with things moving in and out of frame, in and out of focus... In a not so specific way, this made me think of M. Night Shyamalan's visual style; the fact that the film is about how people deal with grief, like many of the «Sixth Sense» director's films, only furthered this impression.
«Florence is very sober about the fact that, just because they're having a moment, it doesn't mean that Laura is ever going to think of her truly as an equal,» Rees said.
I am jolly in nature and very sober and gentle.
Mostly alluded to fear that women can't handle the outlawed lifestyle linked to bikers, he surprisingly, commented that biker women are actually very sober - minded individuals and not the inadmissible biker chicks they are made out to be Caleb said he prefers them over other girls since they travel light, not choosy with their meals, they are tough and extremely loyal and dedicated to the bikers spirit of brotherhood.
He wants to call me a cab, but I'm suddenly feeling very sober, so I tell him he doesn't have to.
This look feels very sober and mundane, but it's how I feel most at ease.
It was different... than what we heard at the State of the State last year, but we just have to be very sober about the fact that budget documents are really where the rubber hits the road and we got ta see that.»
«She's very deliberative, very considerate of the various viewpoints of the members of the conference, and very sober,» said Queens Senator Michael Gianaris, who serves as Ms. Stewart - Cousins» hand - picked deputy minority leader and as head of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which funds the conference's candidates.
But she seemed to me a very sober - minded, community - oriented person.
The constitutionally sombre religious person makes even of his religious peace a very sober thing.
He was very sober and normally restrained; he talked little, but always agreeably and with good humor.
It is fundamentally a very sober programme lacking the charm of many contrasts, indeed it may be regarded as «levelling down».
Not reported by our corporate media is that very sober and distinguished people such as Sergei Lavrov and Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov are quietly tell their US counterparts in carefully weighed words that it behooves them to consider well the full import of their actions.
But it is also worth noting that, if one can pierce through the layers of narcissism and sentimentality that so often deface this talk of «journaling» as self - discovery, these popular writers are reminding us of something that many previous generations of very sober Christians, from Augustine of Hippo to the Puritans of seventeenth - century England and America, would have warmly endorsed: Each of us does indeed have a unique personal narrative, one whose essential shape is not always easily discerned.
It is a very sobering thought.
This fact need not be discouraging, but it should be very sobering.
They of all people should have recognized Him and the truth, yet they didn't, Very sobering thought.
The fact that this date is the result of the synthesis of all of Scripture causes May 21st, 2011 to take on very sobering factuality.
It's a very sobering thought to wake up one day and discover that you've spent a considerable amount of time misrepresenting the very One who held all power and authority — yet choose to rule by loving rather than «lording».
Among the «Polly Pockets» and «friendship bracelets,» Amy Cheney discovered a very sobering tween artifact on girls diets that will leave you weeping.
That is a real, and very sobering statistic that I strongly encourage everyone who reads this to take to heart.
I would say that it is a very sobering realization that all of the pressures on all of New York's counties to provide services without properly funding the costs of those services are coming to a head in the coming budget year.
On Thursday, Cuomo said Zucker's comments were «very sobering,» and helped to convince him that banning fracking was the right thing to do.
It was a very sobering activity,» says Dean, who, early on, was «totally terrified» about processing the deluge of documents.
This is very sobering today.
It was definitely very sobering, that experience.
It's all very sobering, and we spend an inordinate amount of energy trying to right this ship — not by regulating what happens inside the four walls of the schools, but by making sure they must meet standards for performance — or close.
But now for the very sobering news: it's not the content creators, the publishers, or even the educational institutions who are reluctantly allowing e-textbooks in their midst.
So it is very sobering to here professional traders only work with 50/50 odds.
«I had a very sobering experience several years ago,» he said.
On the bus the sights and sounds of early morning were exciting and some very sobering.
For me, it was a very sobering post to read.
A short walk with fins in hand passing by the very sobering rock wall with plaques of the Blue Hole deaths.
Visiting the Splatoon plaza during Iwata's passing was very sobering.
He's got this great line, but it's a very sobering one, that I put in a story years ago.
He has a very sobering forecast for levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Using the so - called budget approach, a number of research groups have recently done some very sobering calculations.
Some details of the history are surely subject to debate and he likely got wrong, but the overall arc of the Easter Island story seems pretty clear here, and it is a very sobering one.
Still the results of this study are very sobering and the implications for how students research and learn are great.
This realization is very sobering to us as we attempt to help put back the pieces of shattered lives.
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