Sentences with phrase «very social savvy»

He is very social savvy.

Not exact matches

The concept of status updates is obviously very familiar to social media savvy people (I liked that you could «yeah» people's statuses) Yeah!
Based on your comments, I've decided you ladies are dating more sophisticated men who can distinguish the difference between niceness and interest, and you gentlemen readers are all very savvy about EQ and social nuances.
ET spoke with the actress about her adorable (and very social media savvy) family during the Alfre Woodard Annual Oscars Sistah Soiree on Wednesday in Los Angeles.
They're all very punctual and social media savvy.
And let's not forget that while many people in their mid-twenties are very savvy about Facebook and other social networks, there are many more people not in their twenties — including myself, my co-panelists at Digital Book World and many bloggers on my blogroll (and not on my blogroll)-- who are equally knowledgeable about (and comfortable) with these applications!
Savvy is very social with people and has that special German Shepherd trait of making you feel so special.
Second, it assumes that Canadian law firms undertake in depth social media searches of all students that they wish to hire — given the lack of social media savvy that I see at Canadian law firms, I find this assumption very hard to accept.
She is a very experienced administrator who also brings social media savvy to the Coordinator position.
But when it comes to finances, I'm very much Gen Z. I'm tech - savvy to the point where social media actually influences my spending and I have frugal tendencies that probably resulted from growing up during the Great Recession.
Very detail oriented and social media savvy.
Yes, however social media savvy you are, there's still a very strong chance that you will need to complement your online job hunt with some offline measures.
Now my friend, who is not very savvy about social media, is insisting that I phone the owner regularly about job openings.
Besides being a self - described numbers person, Mickle is very tech - and social media - savvy, with a particular talent for design, as evidenced by her Instagram page, which she says is generating leads for her on a regular basis.
I found the group to be bright, passionate, and very savvy about social media.
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