Sentences with phrase «very specific intention»

Three times a year, Kerry Gordan sits in front of her computer with a very specific intention: to donate to charity.

Not exact matches

But instead of showing you status updates, driving directions or allowing you to take pictures directly from your field of vision like Glass does, the intention for these contact lenses is very specific: to aid people with diabetes.
As Cambridge Analytica's actions revealed, those groups will use data for startling purposes — such as targeting very specific groups of voters with highly customized messages — even if it means violating the policies and professed intentions of one of the most powerful corporations on the planet.
As to the FAQ released specifically for investors and workers, Joshua Waldbeser, of counsel with Drinker Biddle & Reath, opines that DOL's intentions «appear to be not just limited to educating investors about the fiduciary rule generally, but also to address some very specific misunderstandings, and to influence public perceptions» about the rule.
These are very tho - rny issues we're talking about — a tangled mess of bad intentions, good intentions, misapplied intentions, and the whole range of psychological variations of mental illness, cognitive dissonance, and a bunch of other things not really complimentary to religions in general and to specific religions as well.
This analogy suggests two things: (1) God, like the mind of a human being, may have specific intentions for part of his body that do not pertain (except very indirectly) to the rest; and (2) God may wish to influence part of the created order by his desires or preferences for it and not be certain of success.
Women have autonomy over their own bodies so decide for themselves how to feed their babies but it can be very hard to carry a specific intention when the environment is unsupportive.
Each practice includes a very specific theme and intention purposely picked to help students slow down and connect with themselves.
Our intention is to also provide a forum on very specific areas.
Case in point; Treyarch pulled a very different direction with Black Ops 3, and fans may want more of the that for the Sledgehammer or Infinity Ward's release — despite it not being that specific studio's initial intention.
Let's agree that electronic signatures is a very large, all - inclusive category of anything in electronic media that fits the following description: «A signature is a permanent mark affixed to static information that is associated to a specific individual, personal to that individual and reflects an intention».
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