Sentences with phrase «very substantial loss»

«The followers of Nabilla who would have invested at the time she encouraged them to wouldhave made a very substantial loss, about a third,» Robert Ophele, head of the French financialmarkets authority (AMF), said yesterday.
This «would amount in practice to a very substantial loss of control over the content of rules that would have to be observed within the UK... that might be regarded as a significant loss rather than gain in national sovereignty».
«The followers of Nabilla who would have invested at the time she encouraged them to wouldhave made a very substantial loss, about a third,» Robert Ophele, head of the French financialmarkets authority (AMF), said yesterday.

Not exact matches

The Ninth Circuit took a similar approach in Berson v. Applied Signal Technology, Inc., and ultimately fashioned a standard for loss causation in Nuveen v. City of Alameda when it held that a plaintiff can establish loss causation «by showing that the defendant misrepresented or omitted the very facts that were a substantial factor in causing the plaintiff's economic loss
High Risk — Speculation (H / SPEC) High risk equities of companies with a short or unprofitable operating history, limited or less predictable revenues, very high risk associated with success, significant financial or legal issues, or a substantial risk / loss of principal.
An appreciable loss is likely to be realized on the sale of the inventory, and a very substantial shrinkage is almost certain to be suffered in the value of the fixed assets.»
Most advisors and investors are very cognizant of ensuring they sell stocks with unrealized capital losses in years when they have substantial gains.
That very clearly results in a reduced benefit, and in some cases actually a substantial loss, to the wider public as well as to academics themselves.
«Combining the evidence from ocean warming and mass loss of glaciers we conclude that it is very likely that there is a substantial contribution from anthropogenic forcing to the global mean sea level rise since the 1970s.»
While such «tipping points» (Kemp, 2005) are impossible to identify without substantial uncertainties, they may lead to irreversible effects such as biodiversity loss or, at the very least, impacts that have a slow recovery (e.g., on soils and corals).
OLR must be very close to equal to Fo or there will be a substantial radiative imbalance which will lead to heat loss or gain depending on the sign of the imbalance.
Although it is unlikely Irma, Harvey, or Maria will surpass the total insured losses of the 2005 Hurricane Katrina (estimated at $ 62.2 billion), the losses are still very substantial.
Being asked to draft or review an agreement at the very last moment can result in substantial loss of negotiating leverage and cause clients to hit a snag, slowing down growth plans.
Justice Brown concluded by making the following observation: «To permit a party claiming very substantial damages for loss of enjoyment of life to hide behind self - set privacy controls on a website, the primary purpose of which is to enable people to share information about how they lead their social lives, risks depriving the opposite party of access to material that may be relevant to ensuring a fair trial.»
Comparisons of the outputs from an incomplete data model with the outputs from a complete data sample showed that FIML estimations yielded very similar path coefficients as well as chi - square and fit measures despite substantial data loss in the incomplete model.
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