Sentences with phrase «very systematic approach»

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«I knew I wanted to go to business school when... I felt my learning curve was on the decline and the way I approached my business decisions was very local, outdated and lacked a systematic structure.»
They've had a very scientific, systematic approach to that.»
Monsignor Mannion habitually draws on sources that employ the image of the city within the context of some particular systematic approach toward interpreting the world, wherein the city becomes a very static idea.
Victor Lowe, a very careful student of Whitehead's life and works, and the first to employ the systematic approach, is of the same opinion: «From what Whitehead said in his first lectures, it appears that most of the key ideas of his mature philosophy where in his mind when he arrived from England; they needed precise verbalization, review, and further development into a system» (ANW - 2 145).
It is, on the other hand, the cornerstone of the systematic approach; for this last approach holds that any in - depth interpretation of Process and Reality must be conducted under the illumination provided, at the very least, by correlative in - depth interpretations of Science and the Modern World, Adventures of Ideas, and Modes of Thought.
Yet the three Americans named — Schubert Ogden, Gordon Kaufman and David Tracy — if they constitute «the center of mainline academic theology,» form an exceedingly broad center, since each approaches theological issues from very different perspectives and comes out with very different systematic positions.
It marks the victory of the party that believes, in the end, in a second chamber which will never mean very much, over the party, Ashdown's party, which has campaigned for years in favour of a systematic, joined - up approach to constitutional change that takes the need for checks and balances as seriously as the appetite all governments have for untrammelled power.
This is the first JTFPP guideline that was developed using a GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations) methodology, a very rigorous, systematic, evidence - based approach to making clinical recommendations.
«Our alternative approach of analysing grave deposits to find the molecular signatures of the resins — which fortunately are very distinctive — has enabled us to carry out the first systematic study across a whole province.»
Whole - brain connectivity approaches have also provided evidence of hypo - connectivity of social processing - related brain circuits in adolescents with ASD (Gotts et al., 2012), though a recent systematic investigation using both ROI - based and ICA - based analytic approaches found very few examples of functional hypo - connectivity in adults with ASD compared with age - matched control participants (Tyszka et al., 2013).
Dreading anything having to do with numbers and understanding myself more as a «big picture» guy, Honan's systematic, clear, engaging and fun - loving approach to teaching exactly how to be a strategic school leader, with your mission in one hand and your financial statement in the other, not only dissipated my lifelong fear of «financial books,» but just as importantly gave me a skills set I was very confident using (and even, God help me, enjoyed) when dealing with all issues involved in leading a school.
Education in Singapore is very systematic and students are broken into different abilities almost their entire educational career as opposed to Finland's more collective approach.
As a social work expert, you need to be very empathetic as well as systematic in approach as doing something to stand for a cause requires mind as well as resources.
Sky Blue approaches the business in a very realistic and systematic manner which I am so impressed by.
Why the decision to become a Coach?I always had a very conscious and systematic approach to learn movements, especially in surfing.
I have applied this systematic approach in my 20 years of practice and I am very grateful to my law school and my professors for preparing me to succeed in the practice of law.
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