Sentences with phrase «very tiny people»

When tent manufacturers label their tent sizes, they seem to have very tiny people in mind.
The Secret World of Arrietty is a marvelously captivating animated feature about very tiny people and the full - scale world they inhabit.
You can wear this top if you're a very tiny person.

Not exact matches

Very few people work in metal - producing industries in the United States, so the upside to steel and aluminum protectionism is tiny.
why do people speak of the egyptian army as powerful?what war have they won?in 1967 they ran with their tails between their legs in front of a very tiny can have the hardware but if you are not courageous enough during war, then you are worst than a coward
Just because there are a very tiny minority of churches that accept gay people, does not equal out the huge anti-gay religious movement around the country and world.
One was very tiny - basically four people.
Every summer for the last 40 years, people of all dietary persuasions have flocked to the tiny metropolis of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, for one very special reason: Vegetarian Summerfest.
By Aurelia d'Andrea Every summer for the last 40 years, people of all dietary persuasions have flocked to the tiny metropolis of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, for one very special reason: Vegetarian Summerfest.
(And knowing full well that I had two very willing tiny people to help me polish the cake off should my husband balk at my effort!)
But it's clear, based on the tiny number of covenant marriages, that very, very few people would chose to make it harder to get out of a marriage.
The mold engravings are very functional as they won't discolor easily in the dishwasher but they are also quite tiny and some people may find it hard to read them.
I have always seen people taking very tiny babies for swimming and didn't think it was right.
RHIAN: Well, when you are taking, you know, a teeny - tiny 1 - 2 months old baby out to a restaurant and you start getting the Similac and putting it into the bottle, shaking it up, and you have all these people that are just, you know, just starring at you and maybe, they are not judging, but you feel very judged by it, it's really hard.
«I think people have assumed that these tiny glaciers are not important because they're tiny, but we're in a climate where we have very little precipitation,» she said.
«Traditionally people make this kind of material very tiny, fingernail - sized, and it would take maybe a week to coat a small object like this,» says Sun.
You've probably heard horror stories of 3 foot tapeworms that cause serious problems for some people, but did you know that most parasites are very tiny and some can only be seen by microscope?
And a very tiny amount of THC where people can help fix their sleep.
I will admit that some people who are tapering are very sensitive and in these situations very very tiny amounts (as small as a pinch in some instances) of some of the nutrients may be a better option, always only doing one thing at a time to make sure it's helping and not making symptoms worse, and doing functional medicine tests.
Algae has been used by tens of millions of people in Asia for over 50 years — and even Olympic athletes and NASA astronauts have relied on algae for decades as a way to pack a lot of nutrients into a very small volume of food — since algae contains 1,000 times more nutrition than anything else in the world (or if you'd like to think about it this way, one gram of algae — about the equivalent in a tiny tablet — has the nutrition of 1,000 grams of fruits and vegetables).
The many people in very tiny streets, colourful signes all over the houses and markets we found in almost every street were exciting and I had my very first fresh Mango there since a quite long time.
well 1st off i will explain a lil wat i look like im very tiny i have blonde hair blue eyes tan skin i have a VERY nice body and ass as told by alot of people im on here looking to have fun so if ur intrested and wan na no more get at mvery tiny i have blonde hair blue eyes tan skin i have a VERY nice body and ass as told by alot of people im on here looking to have fun so if ur intrested and wan na no more get at mVERY nice body and ass as told by alot of people im on here looking to have fun so if ur intrested and wan na no more get at me!!!
Tiny, sociable, love new people adventures, very curious, wants to be loved awsome listner great person inside and out.
[Makes single, tiny brush stroke] It gets very old very quickly, and while a handful of people have done it pretty well, I just thought, No.
There are very good people that keep coming from South America: We have two Venezuelans, a Colombian... The world has become really tiny
The leak could be really tiny, as the sense of smell is very good in most people.
Rear seating: Very occasional seating for tiny people.
From the very few pictures I've seen that ONE person was not getting what they paid for, there were really clearly massive displays from other authors crowding their space, and they had nothing but a tiny stack of books.
Very handy to save making people go to the effort of typing your info into a tiny browser bar on a phone.
It is very apparent that a very tiny population of ACX users are potentially abusing the program, where they sign up as an «author» and then submit recordings of their «books», and in exchange are given a bunch of vouchers they can use to gift people copies of their book for free for review purposes.
The three star review is much more damaging, because it introduces a controversial issue (paid book reviews)-- which is only a very tiny portion of the entire book's content, but enough to scare some people off, especially since it's voted most helpful and appears at the top.
«It seems like with Apple, because it's a closed system, you have a very small number of people out there with old devices that can't be upgraded, whereas with Android you have a lot of people out there with old devices or tiny phones, so it is a challenge to get the app to work on as many people's devices as possible.»
I also believe the number of people willing to put in the kind of work that I put into my craft could all cram into my (very tiny) house.
However, this does make the question of risk tolerance more confusing - I will refuse (as any rational person) even very tiny risk for poor Sharpe, and I would strongly consider even very large risk if Sharpe is good.
Some people, who are not very familiar with the nature of Yorkies might even take a Teacup Yorkie for a small Yorkie that has either not grown up yet, or sick, which is why remain so tiny and delicate.
Person's very best buddy comes in just about all sizes and shapes from huge great Danes to tiny Teacup Chihuahuas.
Tiny is very well socialized and loves all people, kids and dogs.
Very few of those people, however, have small dogs, especially tiny chihuahua mixes and toy breeds.
But for many people who have grieved over the loss of a relatively shorter lived pet such as a dog, cat, or small mammal or tiny bird, the prospect of having a potentially very long lived pet can be very appealing.
The town, the region, the food, the people — all combined to push us over the edge, and by the end of the year we'd bought a (very tiny) house in Ostuni!
She's tiny in stature but big in personality and overall, just a very lovely and spirited person.
We totally adore the beardy weirdy guys over at Digital Eel - heck, their very own Rich Carlson is the only IGF winner I've ever spoken to at GDC while that person was strumming a tiny banjo - isn't that recommendation enough?
The freedom that Dolla claimed in the 1970s came at a price: very few people knew what to do with this artist who could move from finger - painted monochromes to land - art (large colored dots on beaches and snow - capped mountains) to tiny fishing - lure sculptures, to large sulfurous paintings made with smoking tapers, to hilarious combine paintings that featured window shutters, to labyrinthine installations created with yards of unrolled muslin fabric.
Appealing to the better angels of their nature will get you no more than a tiny, very dedicated group of people taking action.
Work, and time off from work, gets in the way... just the very thing people get into a small / tiny house to get away from!
He is also the very first «Tiny House Person» i got to know during our early days of research before we make the decision to downsize.
I know a lot of people would be very interested in seeing the process of converting an RV into a tiny house by using the trailer.
The new model is bigger than the original and can sleep up to 10 people, which is very impressive for a tiny house.
Tiny homes are very practical for a lot of people but wouldn't work as a full - time residence for some.
Also a planet without any water would be rather exotic, in the fictional story, Dune, they could get moisture from the air:) Mars is very, very dry place, but there is still trillions of tonnes of water, and it's vacuum that people like to call an atmosphere has a tiny bit of water in it.
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