Sentences with phrase «very uncomfortable feeling»

I get extremely anxious at the thought of entertaining, not sure why buts its a very uncomfortable feeling.
Leaves me with a very uncomfortable feeling.
Putting on anything you don't feel 100 % about is a very uncomfortable feeling.
Those parts may not surface until something happens, some difficult phase of your marriage or life and, boom, you suddenly get the very uncomfortable feeling that you are married to a stranger.

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Nonetheless, «it's left me feeling very uncomfortable going there on my own,» she said.
Will this exercise feel very uncomfortable?
When you at first try to embark on the change, it feels very uncomfortable and might even hurt.
That would probably feel very uncomfortable.
Working out and pushing yourself can be very uncomfortable at times, but having an environment where you feel like you're at home helps you get through those barriers and inspires you to just keep on tucking and shaking.
I hope I'm wrong, but I have a bad feeling that life is going to become very uncomfortable for anyone not a member of highest elitist echelon.
Also, the author and a couple of others said in the comments on that website, [quote] «i feel very uncomfortable putting words in gods mouth» [unquote].
«I often have the impression that my conservative New Testament colleagues feel very uncomfortable, for I see them perpetually engaged in salvage operations,» he wrote in 1927.
I wanted to speak up but I felt very uncomfortable about doing so since I was alone.
It does not mean they physically can not sin, but that sin is very uncomfortable and they can not just sin willy nilly without feeling the pain of it.
When the Holy Spirit is working in our lives to bring us back to a walk of holiness, He may make us feel very uncomfortable until we are back under the covering of God.
It's just common, human nature to look, as well as, normal human reflexes to look out of first curiosity, and then feel very uncomfortable and try not to look knowing consciously in your mind what is taking place.
I think it's not the actual feeding itself that bothers most in public, but the actual ability to see the mother's breast which is common nature for the body to be covered in public, hence why we wears clothes, and that aspect of it feels very awkward and uncomfortable.
It made me feel very uncomfortable.
One thing makes me feel very uncomfortable when I see parent fools their children by lying to them that an old dude with the name of Santa will come and get you gifts or anything you wish for... and they put things under the tree and make these poor children know that these are from Santa... and its being done generation after generation... parents now were victimized when they were child by their parents and they are repeating the same with their children and it is now in a loop and no one seems to be wanting to get out of the loop which is plain lie and very clear... but these poor children has nothing to do as they under the custody of these parents...
That young man who ate with publicans and sinners in first century Palestine would probably feel very uncomfortable in such a church (in spite of the fact that his name is prominently displayed).
I feel very uncomfortable when people blame problems on immigrants, especially as almost everyone in the UK has foreign ancestors with the possible exception...
I would have felt very uncomfortable inviting any of my non-Christian friends to such a meeting.
Actor and fellow co-host Whoopi Goldberg denied claims that the organisation was intolerant but co-host Meghan McCain, daughter of 2008 presidential nominee and US Senator John McCain admitted she felt very uncomfortable when Behar's comments were made.
It made me feel very uncomfortable... All I could think of was 9/11.
It used to make me feel very uncomfortable to be around her, as all my family is Christian but then I began to pray for her.
i feel very uncomfortable around them and never know how to talk to them or how to act.
I dabbled a little in coconut flour, but I really didn't like it and I felt very uncomfortable with the amount of fiber that coconut flour contains (if you've ever read Fiber Menace you will understand why too much fiber can be bad for you).
i for one feel very uncomfortable with the prospect of per against the man united bandwagon of attackers
Feel free to remind me at any time, but I think we are about to face some very uncomfortable months.
For Vidmar, who helped a low - budget, no - nonsense Adelaide become the first Australian team to make the final of the AFC Asian Champions League in 2008, this must have felt very uncomfortable.
At the same time, Joe Gomez very rarely moved high up the pitch, perhaps wary of the threat possessed by Walters but also because of perhaps feeling uncomfortable on his left foot; each time he received the ball, he shifted onto his right foot, often shutting off the option of playing down the left.
While I suspect that many people know that these types of marriages exist and that marriages change, many people feel very uncomfortable about it.
after being in this kind of relationship for all this years you start to question everything about yourself you think you must be too fat or too ugly for a few years I thought what was the point in leaving him if my own husband doesn't want who else is going to want me I must of had the conversation about how our situation was affecting me over 1000 times when he did bother to come near me like once every 5 - 8 months he'd say it wasn't enjoyable for him because I was very awkward but he never understood the reason I was uncomfortable how are you supposed to feel good about yourself when you know your husband would rather look at other women online
I hold no social media accounts, & would feel very uncomfortable posting numerous pics of my kids and home online.
Water may feel very uncomfortable if applied to the breast, you may suffer from breast pain and your baby may feed less.
It's an uncomfortable place to be, and it's VERY easy to become defensive or feel attacked.
It can take longer to recover from an assisted delivery than a natural birth; to begin with you may feel very sore and uncomfortable but this should soon wear off and your midwife or doctor should be able to prescribe you some pain relief.
I had no shame about my breasts, so imagine my surprise when breastfeeding in public ended up making me feel very uncomfortable.
So there is a young mom, 18 actually, very young mom, Darcy Pennington, and she was visiting her grandmother at Royal Liverpool Hospital, and she needed to feed her baby Vincent, and she was approached by a female nurse, and she was told to go to a private room, so that other hospital visitors didn't feel quote on quote «uncomfortable».
She had her own little cheering squad too, I think that makes the big difference, as well as, like you were saying with your mother in law asking you, «Why are you breastfeeding 16 times in a 24 hours period», if you don't have someone else in the room who is going to get your back, you can feel very very isolated and uncomfortable.
It made the mom feel very uncomfortable and she eventually ended up leaving and she posted some stuff to Facebook to say: hey, I really don't think this is right; this is what happened to me.
You may be feeling increased pressure from the baby sitting low and the increased weight can make you very uncomfortable during these last few weeks.
If you have never worn compression socks before, they may at first feel very uncomfortable.
So it should be very easy on you to stop breastfeeding... otherwise your breast may feel full and uncomfortable for a short time.
Week 31 This week, your baby isn't growing at such a rapid rate, although you may still be feeling very uncomfortable...
If they are too tight they are very hard to put on and running in them will feel very uncomfortable.
If you have a room that is filled with inharmonious items, that room will likely feel very uncomfortable.
And fathers are beginning to grumble, too: «A lot of the friction I've experienced in my relationship with my husband since our daughter was born relates to the enormous pressure he has felt being shoe - horned into a traditional breadwinner role» says a contributor to the lively discussion boards on «we had a really equal relationship before our baby came along and it has been very uncomfortable being in the «traditional» roles.
Being on the cusp of a life - changing event can put a person on pins and needles, and if they're uncomfortable on top of that stress it can make for very long weeks and months.Here, we take a look at five pregnancy woes many women suffer, plus remedies for how to feel better fast... 1.
How would I feel if I was suddenly thrust from my safe, familiar world into a startlingly new and uncomfortable world where I couldn't function on my own, where my very survival depended entirely on beings who I didn't know, didn't understand, and who didn't understand me?
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