Sentences with phrase «very useful compound»

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«I'm very happy that the active compounds may be useful in the future for treating cancer and inflammation.»
This is, in part, because of the very characteristics that make it so interesting: Typically, the constituents of a chemical compound can be determined through spectroscopy, among other tools, but in the case of eumelanin the spectrographs don't show the sharp peaks that are ordinarily useful in identification.
The big compound exercises are extremely useful and very powerful when used consistently, but even they don't have the power to turn you into a physique like in the magazines when you train drug - free.
Basically, a luxury product whose very name (agave) means «noble» in Greek, and is fairly expensive, has no useful compounds for acne whatsoever.
Certain compounds found in cauliflower, such as sulforaphane, glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin, and gluconasturtiian, are very useful for helping the body to detox due to how they support liver function.
Lemons are high in C Vitamin, but many other very useful components, for example, anti-cancer compounds.
As Robin Perutz of the University of York explains in the latest issue of Science, fluorocarbons are very difficult to get rid of and can't easily be recycled into other useful compounds.
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