Sentences with phrase «very voice»

In the end, almost very voice signature company will give a final decision by the end of the call.
But a new tech initiative could help restore ALS patients» most personal attributes: Their very voices.
Just in these last few months, I have spoken with many parents who, even though they believed the voice telling them to sever their relationships with their children was the very voice of God, chose to put the knife down instead.
That starting point is the recognition of dependence on the Creator on the part of everything which is the universe and of which we human beings are the very voice.
Instead, listen to what they have to say, for their words may in fact be the very voice of God to you and to me.
The chant of the Roman Rite represents the very voice of the Faith
Through the course of the movie, he grows to a point of communion with them, where he can meet them and, in the end, become their very voice.
In fact, one of the dirty secrets in education is that those very voices are the ones that are often marginalized within cultures of mediocrity and failure that are often the norm in districts and schools, thanks to policies that fail to reward and recognize good - and - great teaching, place bureaucratic obstacles to fostering this work among colleagues, and protect laggards from losing their jobs.
As only great history can, Egan's book captures the very voice of the times: its grit, pathos, and abiding courage.
Movements can and should feature the very voices of those who can power the spreading of ideas.
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