Sentences with phrase «very weak teachers»

These are very weak teachers whose names their students may want to forget, but can't.

Not exact matches

In fact, while you give what amounts to a weak nod to a few «Jesus» things, the overall message is clear: you don't know what you believe yet you profess to be a Christian teacher / author, a teacher of the very Bible you claim to not grasp.
But, the second thing we found was that the correlation between a teacher's submitted lesson and their unsubmitted lessons was very high - about.75, which is just saying that the best lessons from the best teachers are that much better than the best lessons from the weakest teachers.
The Jacob - Lefgren study also shows that school principals are good at identifying the very best teachers as well as the weakest ones, exactly the capability needed to reward the topflyers while weeding out those who belong in another profession.
«Teachers love the idea of teaming, but it is very important to remember that any team is only as strong as its weakest link,» warned Dr. Layne Hunt, principal at Monroe (Michigan) High School.
While these are also noted as statistically significant, using the table below one can determine that statistical significance does not necessarily mean that such «very weak» to «weak» correlations are of much practical significance, especially if and when high - stakes decisions about teachers and their effects are to be attached to such evidence.
In my position as Head Teacher, I was very excited about this project, but felt a certain amount of trepidation over, in what some may see, as handing the reins for school improvement over to the teachers, with what could be seen as quite a weak system of accountability.
But to suggest that because these observational indicators (artificially) correlate with teachers» value - added scores at «weak» and «very weak» levels (see Notes 1 and 2 below), that this means that these observational systems might «add» more «value» to the summative sides of teacher evaluations (i.e., their predictive value) is premature, not to mention a bit absurd.
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