Sentences with phrase «very widespread support»

The governor has very widespread support in my district and all across the state.

Not exact matches

«When we were waging the fight to pass a living wage bill, Bill de Blasio didn't show up to a single rally, didn't testify once, didn't send a letter of support and our pleas for his support fell on deaf ears until the very last moment when he saw a poll that showed it had widespread support,» Appelbaum said in a statement.
Polls consistently show Canadians to be overwhelmingly in support of Kyoto, but the paradigm is that this support is widespread but very shallow at the same time.
In terms of practical applications we nourish the most in RULER program, which has the support of Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and is widespread around the world with very good results.
So proponents claiming the mantle of «education reform» have been quick to jump on the one - sided election results as proof - positive of widespread voter support for their ideas, which include competitive charter schools, vouchers to transfer public education money into private hands, and harsh accountability measures to punish schools and teachers for the circumstances they have very little control over.
I thought it very important to share with you all, as he does a great job deconstructing one of the most widespread claims being made, and most lacking research support, about using the data derived via value - added models (VAMs) to inform and improve what teachers do in their classrooms.
Possibly, but despite widespread support for Kyoto, that same support is very shallow among Canadians.
While we work very hard to move our own country in a fairer, more just and more ecologically - sound direction, we would ask that you not discourage other countries from supporting this tax as one equitable solution to address the climate crisis, cuts to public services, and widespread job loss faced by their populations.
[/ note] In fact, the pattern of academic publishing rather better supports the contrary view, that perhaps, very widespread academic discussion of adaptation may have supported and enabled climate deniers and vested interests to resist effective mitigation policy in the US and many other countries.
Apple Pay is also going to be supported; it only just launched today, but if it gets the kind of widespread retail support Apple claims it will, it could very well become the first mobile payments system to capitalize on the tech's potential.
From the New Jersey Home Visiting Initiatives that serve over 5,000 families from pregnancy to age three using evidence - based models, to Early Head Start programs, a network of Family Success Centers, and widespread implementation of the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework, efforts are underway at the community and state levels to support families with very young children.
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