Sentences with phrase «vessel type used»

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''... that all Member States shall immediately take the necessary measures to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, from or through their territories or by their nationals, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, and technical assistance, training, financial or other assistance, related to military activities or the provision, maintenance or use of any arms and related materiel, including the provision of armed mercenary personnel whether or not originating in their territories...»
Using a computer trained with a type of machine learning, the team then identified more than 70,000 fishing vessels and tracked their activity.
That, in turn, allowed them to estimate the size of the vessel — a freighter between 32 and 40 meters long — offering some of the first evidence of the type of transport ships used in this era.
In addition, they can be easily used in kilometer - long tube reactors and other innovative reactor types as well as in classic small cultivation vessels, such as the shake flask.
The Canada - Taiwan research team, led by Reisz, used the synchrotron at the Taiwanese National Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre to find the substance in place, known as collagen type I, preserved within the tiny vascular canals of the rib where blood vessels and blood would be in the living dinosaur.
The longer you ferment the vegetable and the type of vessel used changes your result — different flavors, textures and apparently optimized growth of probiotics.
We offer 4 different types of Kombucha brewing vessels ranging from 2.2 — 5 gallons in capacity (Barrel only), all of which we use ourselves, including:
Benazepril is an ACE inhibitor used to dilate blood vessels in the treatment of high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and some types of kidney disease in dogs and cats.
Pet laser therapy uses a different type of of laser than the surgical tool used to create incisions and seal off blood vessels.
General Description: Benazepril is an ACE inhibitor used to dilate blood vessels in the treatment of high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and some types of kidney disease in dogs and cats.
The best name that I have heard is Harrier, after the type of aircraft used by the RAF to target the vessel, and hereafter in this book it is called Harrier Wreck.
New gameplay features for the Windows Edition include the ability to explore the waterway between Cape Caem and Altissia using the Royal Vessel boat, a new quest to obtain and strengthen the Regalia Type - D, and a new accessory that allows players to activate powerful attacks while the Armiger is summoned.
C - type print, Collaged image using found photograph of beer brewing vessel from Tetley Brewery archive.
I can't imagine a merchant vessel using high - quality scientific types.
In addition to proving out the sail technology in a range of sizes and on vessels of various type and weight, this year has been critical to developing training programs for the captains of ships which will use the Sky Sails hybrid power technology.
Cardiac Catheterization is a procedure that is both a diagnostic tool, used to obtain information about the heart and its blood vessels, and a therapeutic procedure employed to treat certain types of heart conditions.
The name «Zzz Shanty» is a play on the term, sea shanty, a type of work song commonly used to accompany labor on merchant sailing vessels, and zzz, an onomatopoeia used to imply snoring or sleeping.
If anyone has any ideas or inspiration for that, I could certainly use it... the bathroom is going to be mostly stone and glass, with a wood vanity and vessel sink, either just square white or some type of glass bowl from O. I can kind of picture the door, but not really.
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